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[Suggestion/Request] Excess luck

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I know this has been brought up many times, but I'm going to post again. More and more players are maxing out on MF on accounts and have nothing to do with Excess Luck. Several suggestions have been made over the last few years, including conversion to other 'currencies' like Karma, Spirit Shards, etc etc. There have been minor additions (items for Guild halls) but these have been extremely limited.


I assume ArenaNet hasn't done more yet because it's not a problem that affects that large a percentage of the player base, and I can understand not wanting to put a lot of time into something that only affects a small portion of the player base, but the more time goes by, the more people will max out. Any form of sink has to be carefully considered for how it might impact the economy as well, and I completely understand the need to make such a decision with a great deal of thought.


In the interim (until it becomes enough of a problem or until ANet decides what course they want to take) I humbly request the addition of refinement from exotic to legendary, just to help on storage space? I have a mule full of stacks of luck and I just KNOW that the minute I finally delete them, a use will be added.


Even if you were to do it at a conversion rate of 3 Exotics to 1 Legendary, a loss of 100 luck, it would be a nice compromise for those players who are holding onto their luck in the hopes that some day a use will be created for it.

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tl;dr allow us to refine essences of luck into the most concentrated version available (legendary at the moment).


Good idea :)


Not including "doing nothing," it's the simplest sort of relief ANet can provide to those of us who want to hoard essences in the neurotic belief that someday, maybe, ANet will provide a use for excess luck.

* The legendary version already exists.

* The mechanic to refine essences already exists.

* All that's missing is the recipe.



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