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The placement doesn't work


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I've been rated between 1400-1500 points basically ever since the rating system was introduced and even though I'm a very casual player who never actually learned in-depth how to play PvP well (I only read some guides), I managed to hold myself there using classes and builds that got some upwind through the balance changes at the time (e.g. the core hammer guard which doesn't require much skill at this tier).


Now this season I did my placement in matches of about gold niveau, winning 7 out of 10, and got placed at 1,606 rating. That's in the top 250. At one point I was number 180 or something.

Needless to say I suck pretty hard in my matches :D (Usually more deaths than kills, sometimes 0 kills) Of course that earns me a lot of flaming and toxic remarks. But I still drop very slowly thanks to the carrying of my team mates. How am I supposed to land in the correct tier, ArenaNet? Afk every placement match after my 5th win? :D

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Placement works, the population is what is wrong. There aren't enough people playing PvP anymore for the ratings system to work. You could maybe (and that is indeed just a maybe) develop a new rating system for the low population in PvP, but developing one that felt good, and then implementign it would not be trivial, and there are way better things for the devs to work on.


At this point, they need to get the population back up, quickly. And the best way to do that is to increase their balance patch cadence significantly.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> Don't worry it will put you in your correct place in a very few matches. Till then, ignore the toxic people. Like others said, the problem is population, not the system, you can't really do anything about it.


I still don’t think it’s anything to do with your personal skill. There are maybe a handful of times when I’ve managed to “carry” a game by killing a beast or capping a point at the last 3 minutes on a close match. But most of the time it really relies on your team because there’s nothing you can do to get a lead in a game that winds up 500 to 100.


Sometimes I play something I don’t know how to play and we beat them by a landslide. So not only is it essentially 4 versus 5 but the people were matched up against are just completely clueless. Matchmaking decided a head of time whether it wants a certain team to win and the gap in skill is sometimes far too large. Perhaps that’s the low population, but it just seems way too difficult or easy sometimes in matches.


Like 3 people starting off a match going after a bunker Druid for 5 minutes while we haven’t even capped home.



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