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Non-Glyph Harvesting Tool Properties

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Some tools have other effects than listed by glyphs, they are:


- Consortium sickle harvests faster than a regular sickle.

- Unbound sickle can hit the same plant 3 times in one swing. This is much faster at harvesting plant nodes like those found in the guild hall.

- Unbound axe and mining pick can hit 4 times in one animation, unlike the typical 3 swings for all other tools.


I get that you can put unbound harvesting glyphs on something like a molten axe. I realize that would allow you to get unbound magic from that axe skin. But here is the question:


Lets say I put an unbound magic glyph on a consortium harvesting sickle, does it get the increased speed and the ability to gather unbound magic? If I put a watchwork glyph on an unbound sickle does it get sprockets and hit 3 times in one animation? If so, does this depend on the current tool skin or the original skin? Thanks in advance!

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Those increases in speed and harvests/channel are actually tied to the skin itself, not the glyph.


You can purchase a limited-use sickle, throw on the consortium skin, and enjoy your high-speed harvests. Likewise, if you transmuted a pick to the Unbound mining beam, it would do the 4 hits in one animation, regardless of glyph.


Yes, I've already tested this.

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Don't feel like posting a whole thread since there are already like 30, so I'll ask here:

From a grinding-for-gold & materials perspective, how do the unbound tools compare to the leather & tailor glyphs per swing on average? How does the pupper sickle fit into this? The new sand pickaxe? Has anyone done the math on this?


~ Kovu

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Some research has been published on Reddit regarding speeds, including these details from [MarsEdge](https://www.reddit.com/user/MarsEdge) of Raiding Guild [KA]

> **Foraging**


> * Basic harvesting Sickle - 3930ms (2168ms skill + ~1762ms aftercast)

> * Unbound Magical Blast - 2750ms (2520ms skill + ~230ms aftercast)

> * Consortium Harvesting Sickle - 2000ms (1400ms skill + ~600ms aftercast)

> * Reap-r-Tron - 2000ms (2000ms skill + 0ms aftercast)


> **Logging:**


> * Basic Logging Axe - 6370ms - (4700ms skill + 1670 aftercast)

> * Log-r-Tron - 4750ms (4500ms skill + 250ms aftercast)

> * Unbound Magic Wave - 4250ms - (4250ms skill + 0ms aftercast)


> **Mining:**


> * Basic Mining Pick - 6350ms (4500ms skill + 1850ms aftercast)

> * Watchwork Mining Pick - 6350ms (4500ms skill + 1850ms aftercast, probably same animation as basic pick)

> * Unbound Mining Beam - 5050ms (3989ms skill + 1061ms aftercast)




##### Further Reading

* [[science] Exact Gathering tool speeds](https://redd.it/8bbwcm)

* [PSA: You can use the Consortium Sickle + Glyph of Industry for super-fast harvesting](https://redd.it/8bgoll)

* [Glyph of Bounty, how it seems to work, speed and tools](https://redd.it/8bj9k7)

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