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[Elite Suggestion] Plagued Conqueror

Regon Phoenix.8215

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Theme: "Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer." — Revelation 6:1-2


Main builds:

1) Range power build

2) Condition/boon control build

3) Zone control anti-burst build






> **Adept Minor Trait** (Spectral Ranger)

> Unlock **Shortbow** and allow you to use **Traps**.

> Replace your **Death Shroud** with **Crowned Shroud**. You can't access this shroud directly, but you can access it through F1, F2 and F3 (and Unholy Sanctuary).


> _Adept Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 1** (They Will Fall)

> Increase damage caused by your F1 by 25% and now it gets 500 bonus ferocity.

> **Major Trait 2** (Plague Spreads)

> Your F2 now inflict 1 stack of poison for 10 sec for every boon stolen.

> **Major Trait 3** (World at its End)

> Inflicting an enemy with cripple or weakness will now also inflict 1 sec of slow (cooldown: 2 sec). Slows you inflict will last 33% longer.




> **Master Minor Trait** (Master of Conquest)

> Performing a combo finisher will increase all damage you cause by 1% for 5 sec. Stack up to 5 times.


> _Master Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 4** (Blessed by Vile Gods)

> Your Shortbow abilities will now deal 5% more damage and +1% more damage for every boon on you.

> **Major Trait 5** (Deprived Charity)

> When you steal or corrupt a boon, then apply a copy of it to one closes ally (radius: 450). If no ally is present, then heal yourself for 200 (scales with healing power) instead.

> **Major Trait 6** (There Will be no Resistance)

> When you inflict slow or weakness on an enemy, then you will also corrupt protection, resistance and regeneration on that enemy. Cooldown: 5 sec.




> **Grandmaster Minor Trait** (Long Reach of the Pestilence)

> Gain +300 range for F1, F2 and F3 abilities for 10 sec whenever you corrupt or steal a boon.


> _Grandmaster Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 7** (Vampiric Rain)

> While in Crowned Shroud your Shroud 1 arrow rain will leech health with every hit dealing 100 (scales with power) damage and healing you for 80 (scales with healing power) health.

> **Major Trait 8** (Untouched by Plague)

> When you enter Crowned Shroud, then you grant 5 sec of resistance for yourself and 2 sec of resistance for all nearby allies. Radius: 450.

> **Major Trait 9** (Let Them Come)

> Your Traps become instant cast and their cooldown is reduced by 10%.






> **F1** (Fall with Pestilence)

> Deal damage yo your target and inflict cripple on it. After successfully using this ability 3 times it morphs into Crowned Shroud until this ability goes off cooldown or until you enter Crowned Shroud.

> * Casting time: 1/4

> * Cooldown: 10 sec

> * Range: 900

> * Life force cost: 2000

> * Damage: 700 (scales with power)

> * Cripple: 4 sec




> **F2** (Deprive the Blessings)

> Steal boons from your target. After you steal at least 6 boons from any enemy via this ability this ability morphs into Crowned Shroud until this ability goes off cooldown or until you enter Crowned Shroud.

> * Casting time: 1/2

> * Cooldown: 15 sec

> * Range: 900

> * Life force cost: 2500

> * Boons stolen: up to 2




> **F3** (Unholy Divider)

> Knock away nearby enemies and inflict slow on them. If this ability knocks back at least 3 enemies, then this ability morphs into Crowned Shroud until this ability goes off cooldown or until you enter Crowned Shroud.

> * Casting time: 1 (can't move while casting)

> * Cooldown: 35 sec

> * Radius: 300

> * Life force cost: 4500

> * Knock back distance: 300

> * Damage: 1000 (scales with power)

> * Slow: 2 sec

> * Blast combo finisher




> **Crowned Shroud**

> Enter into shroud for a duration. When you enter this shroud you gain short duration of invulnerability. While in shroud your life does not drain periodically and damage is not redirected to your life force, but you will take 50% less damage and heal yourself for 5% of all damage you do. While in shroud you can exit it by pushing F1, F2 or F3. While in this shroud you can use all of you healing, utility and elite abilities as you normally do.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 0 sec

> * Duration: 15 sec

> * Invulnerability: 1 and 1/2 sec






> **Shroud 1** (Plague Arrows)

> Strike your target with spectral arrow. If this ability hits, then cause spectral arrows to rain down at location of your target after short delay (this effect does not tract your target's location after initial hit). These raining arrows inflict poison every time they hit.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Range: 900

> * Damage: 400 (scales with power)

> * Delay: 1/2 sec

> * Radius of rain: 100

> * Damage of rain (2x): 400 (scales with power)

> * Duration of rain: 1 sec

> * Poison: 1 stack for 3 sec

> * Projectile combo finisher: 20% chance for initial hit, 10% chance for arrow rain




> **Shroud 2** (Dismount and Disengage)

> Stun nearby enemies and rush backwards. You can reactive this ability in a short time frame to rush back to the location where you used this ability (can't rush back if sight to your original location is blocked).

> * Casting time: 1/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 12 sec

> * Stun: 1 and 1/4 sec

> * Range: 600

> * Duration for reactivation: 5 sec

> * Perform blast combo finisher at your starting location when you active this ability




> **Shroud 3** (Visions of What's to Come)

> Corrupt boons on your target and inflict of fear on it.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 25 sec

> * Range: 900

> * Boons corrupted: up to 2

> * Fear: 2 sec




> **Shroud 4** (Call Down the White Horse)

> Summon spectral horse in targeted area to steal boons from nearby enemies with every pulse. This spectral horse is not a minion and it can't be attacked.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 30 sec

> * Range: 900

> * Radius: 200

> * Duration: 3 sec

> * Number of pulses: 3

> * Boons stolen per pulse: 1

> * Targets affected: up to 3




> **Shroud 5** (Arrow of the End)

> Shoot a special arrow at your target. If this ability hits, then immobilize and slows enemy hit. This ability deals more damage per stack of poison on your target.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 20 sec

> * Range: 900

> * Damage: 800 (scales with power)

> * Damage per stack of poison: 20%

> * Immobilize: 2 sec

> * Slow: 4 sec

> * Projectile combo finisher






> **Shortbow 1** (Disease Spreading Shot)

> Shoot an arrow at your target dealing damage. If your target is poisoned, then inflict poison as well.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Range: 900

> * Damage: 600 (scales with power)

> * Poison: 1 stack for 8 sec

> * Projectile combo finisher: 20% chance




> **Shortbow 2** (Necrotic Destroyer)

> Shoot very slow moving arrow at your target. When it reaches its target, then it will explode poisoning nearby enemies.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 10 sec

> * Range: 900

> * Damage: 250 (scales with power)

> * Poison: 2 stacks for 6 sec

> * Blast combo finisher

> * Projectile combo finisher




> **Shortbow 3** (Unholy Barrage)

> Rapidly fire at all enemies in front of you dealing damage and slowing them.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Channel time: 1 sec

> * Cooldown: 12 sec

> * Hits per sec per target: 4

> * Targets hit: up to 3

> * Range: 900

> * Damage per hit: 200 (scales with power)

> * Slow per hit: 1/2 sec




> **Shortbow 4** (Flesh Destroying Bolt)

> Shoot spectral arrow at your target dealing damage to it. If your target crippled, slowed or chilled, then hit enemy will also be immobilized.

> * Casting time: 1/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 15 sec

> * Range: 900

> * Damage: 450 (scales with power)

> * Immobilize: 3 sec

> * Projectile combo finisher




> **Shortbow 5** (Rider of the White Horse)

> Turn into spectral ghast gaining invulnerability and super speed while transformed. You can't attack while transformed. You can exit this transformation by reactivating this ability. Steal boons from nearby enemies when you exit this transformation.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 20 sec

> * Duration: 3 sec

> * Boons stolen per target: up to 3

> * Targets hit: up to 3

> * Radius: 450






> **Healing Trap** (In the Swamp)

> Heal yourself and place a trap. If an enemy triggers this trap, then it will spawn poison field and immobilize all enemies hit.

> * Casting time: 1/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 30 sec

> * Healing: 3800 (scales with healing power)

> * Duration of trap: 30 sec

> * Radius: 240

> * Duration of field: 5 sec

> * Immobilize: 3 sec




> **Utility Trap 1** (Unearth and Punish)

> Stun break yourself and place a trap. If an enemy triggers it, then this trap will damage nearby enemies and perform several blast combo finishers.

> * Casting time: 1/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 40 sec

> * Duration of trap: 30 sec

> * Duration after triggering: 2 sec

> * Radius: 200

> * Damage (3x): 800 (scales with power)

> * Number of blast finishers performed: 3




> **Utility Trap 2** (Gather Wild Toxins)

> Remove conditions from yourself and place a trap. If enemy triggers it, then it will apply those conditions to nearby enemies. If no conditions were removed, then it will inflict blindness and poison instead.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 25 sec

> * Conditions removed: 4

> * Duration of trap: 30 sec

> * Damage: 350 (scales with power)

> * Blindness: 5 sec

> * Poison: 2 stacks for 6 sec




> **Utility Trap 3** (Call of the Unholy One)

> Place a trap. If any enemy triggers it, then it will steal boons from nearby enemies and daze them.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 25 sec

> * Duration of trap: 30 sec

> * Boons stolen per target: 3 sec

> * Daze: 1 sec




> **Utility Trap 4** (Swamplands)

> Place a trap. If any enemy triggers it, then it will spawn a poison combo field and damage nearby enemies.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 20 sec

> * Duration of trap: 30 sec

> * Radius: 240

> * Duration of combo field: 8 sec

> * Damage: 750 (scales with power)




> **Elite Trap** (Conquest Through Pestilence)

> Place a trap. If any enemy triggers it, then inflict slow, poison and heavy damage to nearby enemies instantly, and after delay knock back all nearby enemies stealing boons from them.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 60 sec

> * Duration of trap: 30 sec

> * Radius: 240

> * Slow: 5 sec

> * Poison: 3 stacks for 10 sec

> * Damage: 1000 (scales with power)

> * Delay: 1 and 1/2 sec

> * Knockback distance: 400

> * Boons stolen per target: up to 3

> * Initial hit and knockback acts as blast combo finishers

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