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Chrono isn't That OP, Anet Plz Don't Destroy it

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> Basically mesmer right now seems a pve spec used in pvp.


> What i mean is: they go on a node, 2 people comes and they start a skill rotation same as the ones in pve used for bosses. And pvp is based on using the skill on the right moment and when it's needed, it shouldn't be a monotone rotation like mesmer has.


> This means even bad players can achieve great result with it, spam clones, shatter, make more clones shatter again, invuln, dodge, evade and repeat while the enemy is surrounded by 10+ clones and all of his attacks fails to land because it is not that obvious when you can actually do your countermove to win the fight.


> The best bet is just ignore the fight and dont waste time on it, but the problem is with the crazy mobility mesmer can easily outrotate you and rekt you.


> At least firebrand has zero mobility, he just live on mid or camp a node, but doesn't rotate efficiently. Mesmer does it even better.


> It requires a serious rework and put some cap on clones or something else that can't be abused with traits like right now.


You basically just described gw2 pvp for at least 3 years. You win by knowing the other specs and by spamming your rotation on point. You change this rotation based on what spec you are against. No skill required. Just knowledge of the games meta and running an OP spec.

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> @"Lordrosicky.5813" said:

> The only way to nerf mesmer is to nerf f1-f4. Anything except this is worthless as their trait lines are so deep in power that any nerfed traits can easily be replaced by an equally OP trait.


Sufficient nerfs would be along the lines of reducing the damage of the utility phantasms and addressing overperforming traits and skills. Shatters do not belong to either of those categories, especially F2-4.

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> @"ButterPeanut.9746" said:

> IMO, one of the underlying issues that isn't talked about quite as much is the damage potential of the defensive/utility phantasms. I think the damage needs to be toned way down on Echo of memory, Disenchanter, and Defender. Give disenchanter the Break enchantments treatment. Make it useful as utility skill, but only does ~1k with demo amulet. These phantasms should be used defensively (or not at all pending on other changes). If they are used defensively the reward for doing should be that you avoided damage, ripped boons, etc...not doing 10k damage along side it


Well this just isn't true. The high damage on our utility and defensive phantasms has been pointed out and complained about plenty. It just sounds like you aren't looking in the right places. Pretty much everyone with any sense agrees that the damage on some of our phantasms is too high, _especially_ in conjunction with our ability to pump them out so quickly right now.

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> @"Enigmoid.1264" said:

> > @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > Threads like this do absolutely nothing to help mesmer get balanced, but they sure do seem to contribute to the growing kitten of people asking for the wrong nerfs to the class. Nerfs that don't fix any underlying issues at all.


> The simple answer is that Mesmer needs far more nerfs than anyone really thinks - especially the specific (not all) Mesmer mains who think that changing a few traits will somehow 'fix' the class. Their proposed nerfs generally do not fix the class and appear to be based on reducing Mesmer from Zeus God level to Heracles Demigod level - still incredibly OP. In the vast majority of cases these 'nerfs' include buffs as well and will not remove the class from its S+++ tier level - it will still be far stronger than its competition.


> Look at all the nerfs Scourge had since PoF launched, how many times people cried that due to nerfs it was dead and it still dominates hard in PvP and WvW (I realize that this is the PvP subforum but changes to mesmer are going to affect other gamemodes so I will briefly try to touch on them). Look at all the nerfs Holo had including the 25% damage reduction on photon at PoF launch. Still pretty strong. Spellbreaker is still a decent build. All of these took multiple waves of nerfs to bring them into line. Nobody wants this mesmer train to last the 6+ months it is taking Anet to fix scourge. Multiple classes and specializations still need buffs (Revenant and Elementalist) and don't have a meta build to their name. With this said, Anet should focus on balancing mesmer properly, not little by little nerfing it, cause it could take easily 6+ months to fix this class and the playerbase is going to revolt. Try to balance mesmer not gut it but a little overnerfing is better than undernerfing.


> The issue is not limited to Chronophantasma or Signet of the Ether. Mesmer is massively overperforming on all levels across the board (talking PvP, WvW, and PvE) and needs more than a couple trait and weapon changes to bring it in line. Mesmer pretty much requires a massive trait nerf to be anything close to reasonable - look at the absurdity that is chaos. There simply are not any significant weak points to current mesmer builds. High damage while running defensive traitlines. Able to dodge while channeling skills or stomping at basically 0 cost (other classes can do this but they have to take a tradeoff). Excessively tanky (lots of access to vigor and protection, distortion).


> Honestly the issue beyond CS, CP, and Ether phantasm spam is that traits simply don't have necessary cooldowns, are dependent on conditions that are far too spamable/general, or are uncapped such that while the average benefit from that trait is in line the maximal benefit is completely nuts. Here are a couple examples.


> Illusionary Defense: 5% damage reduction for 5 seconds when summoning an illusion. 5 stack max. Adept.

> First this condition is very easy to fufill. Mesmer is always summoning illusions and this trait basically operates as a passive. This is not a conditional trait in that it only works under a particular circumstance (i.e. Light Density Amplifier: reduced damage **while in photon forge**) - this trait always operates at effective 100% uptime (Geomancer's Defence: 10% damage reduction from foes within 360 range. Not always useful.) and does not require you to significantly modify your playstyle (Putrid Defense: take 10% less damage from poisoned foes. This requires you to poison your enemy.) to gain a benefit. This is not a trait that gives any negative effects (Light Density Amplifier: gain extra heat). This is a trait where the maximum benefit is significantly higher than almost every other damage reduction trait in the game (Resilience of Shadows is also 25% but in stealth). This trait is consistent, strong, has no negatives, and is easy to use. Yes it does require you to be summoning illusions but it will generally be active to some level almost constantly and more importantly you will have high stacks while executing a burst (can be up for a long time when using CS + Ether). This is one of the best DR traits in the game and it is **Adept**.


> Chaotic Persistance: 3% boon and condition duration for every boon you have on you.

> The issue here is how massive this can scale. With a significant number of boons this outscales any other concentration trait in the game but it also provides condition duration as well. With boonspam the way it it this trait is very overpowered. It also lies in a boon heavy traitline.


> Evasive Mirror: Gain mirror (2s) after a successful evasion. 1.5 s cd.

> On mirage this is really quite strong and can shut down ranged builds. Not always taken but with the vigor mirage gets and the longer doges (more likely to evade an attack) this is an awful lot of projectile hate off of a single trait.


> Mirage Mantle: Gain Protection (2s) when mirage cloak ends.

> Why does mirage with its innate class design need so much protection? This is a lot of protection as well coming off a single trait.


> Phantasmal Haste: Phantasms spawn with quickness (3s), gain quickness when you spawn a phantasm.

> The is no ICD on this trait making it very abusable in conjunction with CS and Ether. Huge issue dealing with huge numbers of phantasms with this trait. Lots of quickness uptime.


> Bountiful Disillusionment: Gain boons on shatter. Gain 5s stability on shatter. No ICD

> This is a lot of easy stability for a slippery class and one who can dodge while attacking. Also needs to be nerfed because of PvE due to the excessive boonshare (Chrono already has enough). The fact that stability is gained on any shatter and the mesmer doesn't need to have any clones out makes it a very strong get-out-of-jail free card.


> The strength and overpoweredness of mesmer is not just from CS + CP + Ether, its not just that the traits have a lot of synergy, its that the traits themselves are very strong especially when complementing class mechanics.


> Mesmer needs a significant across the board haircut. This is not just limited to PvP either. End game PvE revolves around the Mesmer.


This is a well thought out post, but you don't seem to quite grasp how much nerfing the synergy between CP and SotE will do in terms of reigning the class in. Are those the only things on mesmer that are overperforming? No, but they overshadow everything else by so much that they need to be the top priority to fix. That is why we are focusing on them. Besides, they nerf a whole lot of other things along with them. For example, imagine if just SotE active effect and CP were changed. No resetting phantasm CDs, and CP changed so that a phantasm attacks twice, instead of summoning a new phantasm after it attacks:


* Instantly, cut down on the number of possible phantasms summoned by more than half (closer to 3/4). Already this is a pretty solid nerf, but I agree that its not enough. However, still a solid nerf for mesmer and chronomancer, but most importantly, it carries a chain reaction

* Phantasmal haste procs nearly 3/4 less often than it did prior to this change, massively reducing our access to quickness via said trait. Can we still maintain high quickness uptime? Yes, especially as a chrono. However, we can no longer do that with just 1 trait, which means we have to increase our investment if we want quickness, which lowers the investment we can put in other places

* Compounding power gains a ramp up time. What I mean is that we can no longer get 4 stacks of compounding power from a single skill use. Significant nerf? Not really. But at least we would have to do something to reach max stacks, unlike now.

* Phantasmal force becomes 1/2 - 2/3 less effective as it is now. This makes it significantly harder for a mesmer or chrono to stack high might on themselves. Right now, with Avenger/Warlock/traited berserker and CP, a single skill use (technically 2 for avenger, but insignificant detail) will generate 12 personal might on ourselves in PvE, 8 personal might in PvP/WvW. With just the changes listed to SotE and CP, this will drop down to 6 might in PvE, and 4 in PvP/WvW from this single skill. When you take this into consideration of all of our phantasm generation, this is a huge nerf to this might generation trait, which in turn is a pretty large nerf to our damage output across the board.

* Sharper images - Not truly significant, but fewer phantasms out means fewer illusions scoring critical hits, means fewer bleeds stacked on you. Again, not significant, but it will be nerfed if SotE and CP are addressed

* Sympathetic Visage - Again, its proccing significantly less, so it will be cleansing fewer conditions from the mesmer. Significant nerf? I think its more than some people would give credit, makes it harder for us to run a build without a dedicated condi cleanse skill

* Mental Defense loses its reset from SotE. Cuts our ability to use this trait in half, which again just compounds the effects of the other effects

* PoM will proc significantly less often than it does now. Reduces our ability to keep perma boons up, by quite a bit, along with that note that, under the example change to CP given, PoM will never share quickness or aegis with us, as those would time out on the phantasms before they complete their second attack. So on top of proccing less often, it would also never give us aegis or quickness.


Now, on top of all of that, the change to SotE would also cut our clone generation from phantasm skills, leading to weaker shatters overall, which would, of course, also nerf the effect of every single shatter related trait in the game.


Are there other things that need nerfing with mesmer and our elites? Yes, absolutely. We aren't denying that. You rightfully pointed out illusionary defense, you also forgot shatter storm and a few other traits. But that doesn't change the fact that changing SotE and CP will have a massive cascading nerf effect on the rest of core mesmer, and hence also on chrono and mirage. You, and many many other people on the forum, don't seem to understand just how big of a nerf will come from just that 1 skill and 1 trait being changed. No, its not enough, its also much bigger of an effect than you give it credit though.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > > > > > > The damage is also a huge problem. As is the survivability and cc. Also the boon duration. On top of having portal.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > The CS suggestion is pretty awful as well.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > The damage isn’t a problem, the cool down manipulation is.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > If I could do a 16k attack every 20s you know to avoid that attack, you can look for it’s tells and win by avoiding the strongest attacks.

> > > > > > > > > If I could do a 10k attack, then repeat it if you dodged, followed by another if you dodged the second that’s where these things get out of control.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > It’s the same reason why coalescence of ruin is completely broken in WvW, the damage now is fine as it won’t oneshot you if you have a bit of health padding but at 4s cool down you just spam it to kill people.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Tell that to Gazelle's Charge. The skill could do 4k base damage every 20 seconds, or 20k with a lot of setup and a specific build and the damage got nerfed by 50% in less than a month.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Meanwhile Chronos can do equivalent damage repeatedly while ccing and maintaining permanent boon uptime while being tankier and more mobile than other classes, and they have portal.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Gazelles charge was a FGS type effect issue if I remember correctly where it would hit multiple times doing large amounts of damage.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Not sure why you bring it up to be honest other than you play ranger and possibly a little salty over losing the one shot as my entire point was about multiple high damage sources being on too short a cool down. The issue with Chrono being that it can reduce the cool downs on its skills and double up on them while having a baseline double up on skill use mechanic. If you have issue with the way Gazelle was nerfed or whatever then make your own thread and ask for attention to be brought to it and a fix you think is better.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Why is everyone on the internet so obsessed with getting people mad? It's a bit silly.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The multiple hits all landed at the same time. In your own words, doing 75-100% of someone's health in a single attack is perfectly fine as long as you can't spam it. Gazelle's Charge was a single attack that did: **"16k damage every 20s. You knew how to avoid the attack, because you could look for its tells and dodge it."**

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Yet Anet nerfed it heavily and quickly despite it being not able to be spammed. If this skill alone received a 50% damage nerf, and mesmer has access to skills that do just as much damage, multiple times. They should realistically ALL receive 70% damage nerfs MINIMUM to bring them down to a respectable level.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Disenchanter should only remove 2 boons. Defender shouldn't do damage at all.

> > > > >

> > > > > But I’m not complaining about Gazelles charge and this thread isn’t about Gazelles or ranger. If anything all you are doing is reinforcing what many mesmer players have been saying recently and that is that the real issues of these incredibly strong skills should be tackled rather than straight up damage nerfs.

> > > >

> > > > No, but the comparison is valid.

> > > >

> > > > You stated:

> > > >

> > > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > > > The damage isn’t a problem, the cool down manipulation is.

> > > >

> > > > Yet I contested that BOTH are an issue. The Gazelle damage nerf was just an example I gave of a similar situation in which a high damaging skill received an extremely heavy reduction. However, this applies even more so to mesmer because it can do MORE damage, whilst simultaneously retaining a higher effectiveness in nearly every other aspec

> > > >

> > >

> > > No singular mesmer skill is doing anything close to the damage of your gazelle example, it is a combination of multiple skills and traits causing this.

> > > A gazelle no matter what ranger build you use could have hit for 20k, whether it be core, druid or SB, **on a singular skill**.

> >

> > No you're wrong. If you use the forum search tool you can find numerous threads on the topic. The 20k from Charge was upfront.

> >

> > > Core mesmer will not have any singular phantasm skill come close.

> >

> > I've seen as high as 17k from a SINGLE Defender. Disenchanter and Defender routinely hit for 10k+. The best part is, its almost impossible to see when/where they are attacking from because there is too much visual clutter.

> >

> > > Mirage will not have any singular phantasm skill come close.

> >

> > Mirage can absolutely hit just as hard. Though it has its own problems.

> >

> > You're mistakenly believing that the damage is tied to Chrono. The phantasms alone hit extremely hard with Chaos and Illusions regardless of what elite spec you are/aren't using.

> >

> > > Therefore the problem is that these skills are being used more frequently than their cool downs balance them by so the targets should be what enables this.

> > > This is why I said what I said, the problem isn’t the damage, the problem is what enables the skills to be used more frequently.

> > >

> > > Two wrongs don’t make a right.

> >

> > Again you're wrong. One of the biggest problems and most frequent complaints is the damage. There's no reason why multiple AI on a class using PALADINS AMULET should hit for 10k while stripping all of your boons and ccing you.

> >

> > I mean honestly, you can take a look at the most recent patch. They increased the cooldowns of the phantasms but it doesn't matter because their damage is completely busted. By your logic, a skill that instantly kills someone is balanced if it has a long enough cooldown. That doesn't make sense.


> Those defender hits are if you keep attacking it, it has counterplay and won’t usually hit that hard. Disenchanter I’ve said plenty of time does maybe a bit too much damage but it isn’t so far out of whack it needs a huge nerf. The rest of your suggestions have been laughably made out of spite and it’s clear to anyone following.


> You’ve now strayed far away from my original point and now are starting to resort to logical fallacies. I have never said a one shot mechanic is fine. I have never said 20k was fine. If you look at my post I said 16k and that’s honestly the upper limit I would put to damage skills without having to go really glassy for essentially a one shot. I have also not said the Gazelle nerf was fine either.


[11k Disenchanter](https://imgur.com/a/8PhBv)

[11k Defender](https://imgur.com/a/7zCSp)


This is on PALADINS amulet. I don't see how you fail to recognize that 16k on a single damage skill WITHOUT going really glassy is completely ridiculous. Most classes barely hit for 3k on a crit with paladins, and you're saying 16k is alright. I'm literally losing brain cells responding right now.


See, you're wrong again. You're assuming that everyone is running a vitality amulet. 16k damage can range from 50%-100% of someone's health on the current meta builds.


The Gazelle nerf WAS fine. It was bad for the game and the fact that you said otherwise just proves you really don't know what you're talking about.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > The damage is also a huge problem. As is the survivability and cc. Also the boon duration. On top of having portal.

> > > >

> > > > The CS suggestion is pretty awful as well.

> > >

> > > The damage isn’t a problem, the cool down manipulation is.

> > >

> > > If I could do a 16k attack every 20s you know to avoid that attack, you can look for it’s tells and win by avoiding the strongest attacks.

> > > If I could do a 10k attack, then repeat it if you dodged, followed by another if you dodged the second that’s where these things get out of control.

> > >

> > > It’s the same reason why coalescence of ruin is completely broken in WvW, the damage now is fine as it won’t oneshot you if you have a bit of health padding but at 4s cool down you just spam it to kill people.

> >

> > Tell that to Gazelle's Charge. The skill could do 4k base damage every 20 seconds, or 20k with a lot of setup and a specific build and the damage got nerfed by 50% in less than a month.

> >

> > Meanwhile Chronos can do equivalent damage repeatedly while ccing and maintaining permanent boon uptime while being tankier and more mobile than other classes, and they have portal.


> Gazelle's charge was instant gibbing players for 45k damage on top of basically instantly cleaving their downstate. Like Chrono is ridiculous right now, [but let's not pretend that this](

"but let's not pretend that this") was okay either.


Look at the video more slowly. It didn't insta gib players for 45k damage THEN cleave their downstate. It hit for roughly 20k up front, then the rest of the damage came from the multi-hit bug in downstate, which did the rest of the damage.


Mantra mesmers can do just as much damage up front from stealth while stunning you. However, people had an issue when the damage came from AI. Mesmer has like 8 Gazelle's right now that do much more than just damage.

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> @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> > @"Lordrosicky.5813" said:

> > The only way to nerf mesmer is to nerf f1-f4. Anything except this is worthless as their trait lines are so deep in power that any nerfed traits can easily be replaced by an equally OP trait.


> Sufficient nerfs would be along the lines of reducing the damage of the utility phantasms and addressing overperforming traits and skills. Shatters do not belong to either of those categories, especially F2-4.


All those f1-f4 skills are extremely strong. Across the board nerfs to all of them would bring some balance. I would suggest cast times on all those skills to add some counter play. If this is not possible with the skill splits then probably just double the cooldowns of all these skills would be appropriate. Other changes would be needed alongside f1-f4 nerfs though. As these nerfs alone would still leave mesmer too strong.

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> @"Lordrosicky.5813" said:

> > @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> > > @"Lordrosicky.5813" said:

> > > The only way to nerf mesmer is to nerf f1-f4. Anything except this is worthless as their trait lines are so deep in power that any nerfed traits can easily be replaced by an equally OP trait.

> >

> > Sufficient nerfs would be along the lines of reducing the damage of the utility phantasms and addressing overperforming traits and skills. Shatters do not belong to either of those categories, especially F2-4.


> All those f1-f4 skills are extremely strong. Across the board nerfs to all of them would bring some balance. I would suggest cast times on all those skills to add some counter play. If this is not possible with the skill splits then probably just double the cooldowns of all these skills would be appropriate. Other changes would be needed alongside f1-f4 nerfs though. As these nerfs alone would still leave mesmer too strong.


Just for you to know the F1-F4 skill can't dmg you if the clones don't reach you so it's all ready on some type of delay only the dmg from your self is instant if in range . you probably didn't knew that so here you are learning new things, cos you clearly don't have a clue about Mesmer .No offence.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > The damage is also a huge problem. As is the survivability and cc. Also the boon duration. On top of having portal.

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > The CS suggestion is pretty awful as well.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > The damage isn’t a problem, the cool down manipulation is.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > If I could do a 16k attack every 20s you know to avoid that attack, you can look for it’s tells and win by avoiding the strongest attacks.

> > > > > > > > > > If I could do a 10k attack, then repeat it if you dodged, followed by another if you dodged the second that’s where these things get out of control.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > It’s the same reason why coalescence of ruin is completely broken in WvW, the damage now is fine as it won’t oneshot you if you have a bit of health padding but at 4s cool down you just spam it to kill people.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Tell that to Gazelle's Charge. The skill could do 4k base damage every 20 seconds, or 20k with a lot of setup and a specific build and the damage got nerfed by 50% in less than a month.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Meanwhile Chronos can do equivalent damage repeatedly while ccing and maintaining permanent boon uptime while being tankier and more mobile than other classes, and they have portal.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Gazelles charge was a FGS type effect issue if I remember correctly where it would hit multiple times doing large amounts of damage.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Not sure why you bring it up to be honest other than you play ranger and possibly a little salty over losing the one shot as my entire point was about multiple high damage sources being on too short a cool down. The issue with Chrono being that it can reduce the cool downs on its skills and double up on them while having a baseline double up on skill use mechanic. If you have issue with the way Gazelle was nerfed or whatever then make your own thread and ask for attention to be brought to it and a fix you think is better.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Why is everyone on the internet so obsessed with getting people mad? It's a bit silly.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > The multiple hits all landed at the same time. In your own words, doing 75-100% of someone's health in a single attack is perfectly fine as long as you can't spam it. Gazelle's Charge was a single attack that did: **"16k damage every 20s. You knew how to avoid the attack, because you could look for its tells and dodge it."**

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Yet Anet nerfed it heavily and quickly despite it being not able to be spammed. If this skill alone received a 50% damage nerf, and mesmer has access to skills that do just as much damage, multiple times. They should realistically ALL receive 70% damage nerfs MINIMUM to bring them down to a respectable level.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Disenchanter should only remove 2 boons. Defender shouldn't do damage at all.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > But I’m not complaining about Gazelles charge and this thread isn’t about Gazelles or ranger. If anything all you are doing is reinforcing what many mesmer players have been saying recently and that is that the real issues of these incredibly strong skills should be tackled rather than straight up damage nerfs.

> > > > >

> > > > > No, but the comparison is valid.

> > > > >

> > > > > You stated:

> > > > >

> > > > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > > > > The damage isn’t a problem, the cool down manipulation is.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yet I contested that BOTH are an issue. The Gazelle damage nerf was just an example I gave of a similar situation in which a high damaging skill received an extremely heavy reduction. However, this applies even more so to mesmer because it can do MORE damage, whilst simultaneously retaining a higher effectiveness in nearly every other aspec

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > No singular mesmer skill is doing anything close to the damage of your gazelle example, it is a combination of multiple skills and traits causing this.

> > > > A gazelle no matter what ranger build you use could have hit for 20k, whether it be core, druid or SB, **on a singular skill**.

> > >

> > > No you're wrong. If you use the forum search tool you can find numerous threads on the topic. The 20k from Charge was upfront.

> > >

> > > > Core mesmer will not have any singular phantasm skill come close.

> > >

> > > I've seen as high as 17k from a SINGLE Defender. Disenchanter and Defender routinely hit for 10k+. The best part is, its almost impossible to see when/where they are attacking from because there is too much visual clutter.

> > >

> > > > Mirage will not have any singular phantasm skill come close.

> > >

> > > Mirage can absolutely hit just as hard. Though it has its own problems.

> > >

> > > You're mistakenly believing that the damage is tied to Chrono. The phantasms alone hit extremely hard with Chaos and Illusions regardless of what elite spec you are/aren't using.

> > >

> > > > Therefore the problem is that these skills are being used more frequently than their cool downs balance them by so the targets should be what enables this.

> > > > This is why I said what I said, the problem isn’t the damage, the problem is what enables the skills to be used more frequently.

> > > >

> > > > Two wrongs don’t make a right.

> > >

> > > Again you're wrong. One of the biggest problems and most frequent complaints is the damage. There's no reason why multiple AI on a class using PALADINS AMULET should hit for 10k while stripping all of your boons and ccing you.

> > >

> > > I mean honestly, you can take a look at the most recent patch. They increased the cooldowns of the phantasms but it doesn't matter because their damage is completely busted. By your logic, a skill that instantly kills someone is balanced if it has a long enough cooldown. That doesn't make sense.

> >

> > Those defender hits are if you keep attacking it, it has counterplay and won’t usually hit that hard. Disenchanter I’ve said plenty of time does maybe a bit too much damage but it isn’t so far out of whack it needs a huge nerf. The rest of your suggestions have been laughably made out of spite and it’s clear to anyone following.

> >

> > You’ve now strayed far away from my original point and now are starting to resort to logical fallacies. I have never said a one shot mechanic is fine. I have never said 20k was fine. If you look at my post I said 16k and that’s honestly the upper limit I would put to damage skills without having to go really glassy for essentially a one shot. I have also not said the Gazelle nerf was fine either.


> [11k Disenchanter](https://imgur.com/a/8PhBv)

> [11k Defender](https://imgur.com/a/7zCSp)


> This is on PALADINS amulet. I don't see how you fail to recognize that 16k on a single damage skill WITHOUT going really glassy is completely ridiculous. Most classes barely hit for 3k on a crit with paladins, and you're saying 16k is alright. I'm literally losing brain cells responding right now.


> See, you're wrong again. You're assuming that everyone is running a vitality amulet. 16k damage can range from 50%-100% of someone's health on the current meta builds.


> The Gazelle nerf WAS fine. It was bad for the game and the fact that you said otherwise just proves you really don't know what you're talking about.


If i get hit by the defender i only blame my self its probably the most easy phantasm to avoid unless you are a bot of course, advice for you when you see taunt don't hit the defender cos it will charge up for extra dmg, and even if you hit him, stay out of range so you don't get the explosion dmg . most power mesmers don't us it because it's not that practical with high cooldown, however it's used in the current bunker meta because you can spam it more often to force you out of the point .


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> @"Wolfric.9380" said:

> I would rework signet of eather. While i like a minion style play being availabe pushing out more then 5 (clones and phantasms together at once) is just too much. alone the visual noise.


Any change to the healing signet will make it useless , and that's isn't what anet went .however a simple q to phantasms will be enough

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> [11k Disenchanter](https://imgur.com/a/8PhBv)

> [11k Defender](https://imgur.com/a/7zCSp)


> This is on PALADINS amulet. I don't see how you fail to recognize that 16k on a single damage skill WITHOUT going really glassy is completely ridiculous. Most classes barely hit for 3k on a crit with paladins, and you're saying 16k is alright. I'm literally losing brain cells responding right now.


> See, you're wrong again. You're assuming that everyone is running a vitality amulet. 16k damage can range from 50%-100% of someone's health on the current meta builds.


> The Gazelle nerf WAS fine. It was bad for the game and the fact that you said otherwise just proves you really don't know what you're talking about.




> @"apharma.3741" said:

> The damage isn’t a problem, the cool down manipulation is.



Defender is easy to avoid as said above and has a 1s cast time, disenchanter has a 1s cast time. If you cannot dodge something with a 1s cast time it is 100% your problem. The problem is the cool down manipulation both for the damage they do and the visual noise.


Here's what you put earlier:


> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> Yet Anet nerfed it heavily and quickly despite it being not able to be spammed. If this skill alone received a 50% damage nerf, and mesmer has access to skills that do just as much damage, multiple times, they should realistically ALL receive 70% damage nerfs MINIMUM to bring them down to a respectable level.


At this point it is very clear you are just being salty over the gazelle and responding with a hilariously over the top suggestion. Stop bringing up the Gazelle, mortrialus.3062 has already shown you're full of it.

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> @"Lordrosicky.5813" said:

> > @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> > > @"Lordrosicky.5813" said:

> > > The only way to nerf mesmer is to nerf f1-f4. Anything except this is worthless as their trait lines are so deep in power that any nerfed traits can easily be replaced by an equally OP trait.

> >

> > Sufficient nerfs would be along the lines of reducing the damage of the utility phantasms and addressing overperforming traits and skills. Shatters do not belong to either of those categories, especially F2-4.


> All those f1-f4 skills are extremely strong. Across the board nerfs to all of them would bring some balance. I would suggest cast times on all those skills to add some counter play. If this is not possible with the skill splits then probably just double the cooldowns of all these skills would be appropriate. Other changes would be needed alongside f1-f4 nerfs though. As these nerfs alone would still leave mesmer too strong.


Are you joking? Like actually are you joking?


So not only do you want to nerf their effect into irrelevance, you want to add cast times to them and/or completely DOUBLE the cooldown. Of course they'd leave mesmer too strong as those nerfs don't target the actual issues whatsoever.


What profession mechanics would you like to nerf next? Give revenants a cast time on switching legends? Give all Engi Toolbelt skills a cast time? Double the cooldown of Guardian F2 and F3?

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > [11k Disenchanter](https://imgur.com/a/8PhBv)

> > [11k Defender](https://imgur.com/a/7zCSp)

> >

> > This is on PALADINS amulet. I don't see how you fail to recognize that 16k on a single damage skill WITHOUT going really glassy is completely ridiculous. Most classes barely hit for 3k on a crit with paladins, and you're saying 16k is alright. I'm literally losing brain cells responding right now.

> >

> > See, you're wrong again. You're assuming that everyone is running a vitality amulet. 16k damage can range from 50%-100% of someone's health on the current meta builds.

> >

> > The Gazelle nerf WAS fine. It was bad for the game and the fact that you said otherwise just proves you really don't know what you're talking about.



> >> @"apharma.3741" said:

> >> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> >> > The damage is also a huge problem. As is the survivability and cc. Also the boon duration. On top of having portal.

> >> >

> >> > The CS suggestion is pretty awful as well.

> >>

> >> The damage isn’t a problem, the cool down manipulation is.

> >>


> Defender is easy to avoid as said above and has a 1s cast time, disenchanter has a 1s cast time. If you cannot dodge something with a 1s cast time it is 100% your problem. The problem is the cool down manipulation both for the damage they do and the visual noise.


Sorry I'm too busy trying to pay attention to the other 8 illusions on my screen.



> Here's what you put earlier:


> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > Yet Anet nerfed it heavily and quickly despite it being not able to be spammed. If this skill alone received a 50% damage nerf, and mesmer has access to skills that do just as much damage, multiple times, they should realistically ALL receive 70% damage nerfs MINIMUM to bring them down to a respectable level.


> At this point it is very clear you are just being salty over the gazelle and responding with a hilariously over the top suggestion. Stop bringing up the Gazelle, mortrialus.3062 has already shown you're full of it.


It's very clear you don't know how to read.


> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> The Gazelle nerf WAS fine. It was bad for the game.


Think about it a little.


- **1 attack every 20 seconds that did 20k damage**

... _RECEIVED a 50% damage nerf_

- **Multiple, spammable attacks that do 10-16k damage and clutter the screen while ccing you and stripping all of your boons whilst being unblockable.**

... _SHOULD receive 70% damage nerfs_

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > [11k Disenchanter](https://imgur.com/a/8PhBv)

> > > [11k Defender](https://imgur.com/a/7zCSp)

> > >

> > > This is on PALADINS amulet. I don't see how you fail to recognize that 16k on a single damage skill WITHOUT going really glassy is completely ridiculous. Most classes barely hit for 3k on a crit with paladins, and you're saying 16k is alright. I'm literally losing brain cells responding right now.

> > >

> > > See, you're wrong again. You're assuming that everyone is running a vitality amulet. 16k damage can range from 50%-100% of someone's health on the current meta builds.

> > >

> > > The Gazelle nerf WAS fine. It was bad for the game and the fact that you said otherwise just proves you really don't know what you're talking about.

> >

> >

> > >> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > >> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > >> > The damage is also a huge problem. As is the survivability and cc. Also the boon duration. On top of having portal.

> > >> >

> > >> > The CS suggestion is pretty awful as well.

> > >>

> > >> The damage isn’t a problem, the cool down manipulation is.

> > >>

> >

> > Defender is easy to avoid as said above and has a 1s cast time, disenchanter has a 1s cast time. If you cannot dodge something with a 1s cast time it is 100% your problem. The problem is the cool down manipulation both for the damage they do and the visual noise.


> Sorry I'm too busy trying to pay attention to the other 8 illusions on my screen.


> >

> > Here's what you put earlier:

> >

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > Yet Anet nerfed it heavily and quickly despite it being not able to be spammed. If this skill alone received a 50% damage nerf, and mesmer has access to skills that do just as much damage, multiple times, they should realistically ALL receive 70% damage nerfs MINIMUM to bring them down to a respectable level.

> >

> > At this point it is very clear you are just being salty over the gazelle and responding with a hilariously over the top suggestion. Stop bringing up the Gazelle, mortrialus.3062 has already shown you're full of it.


> It's very clear you don't know how to read.


> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > The Gazelle nerf WAS fine. It was bad for the game.


> Think about it a little.


> - **1 attack every 20 seconds that did 20k damage**

> ... _RECEIVED a 50% damage nerf_

> - **Multiple, spammable** attacks that do 10-16k damage and clutter the screen while ccing you and stripping all of your boons whilst being unblockable.

> ... _SHOULD receive 70% damage nerfs_


I don't know how to read?


I just edited your post to move the bold part to show that you know I'm right you just can't swallow that stubborn pride and accept that the issue is the multiple and spammable part. The gazelle wasn't doing 20k, watch the video, it was instantly downing someone for 40k+ where they had so little health left they died a few seconds later.


You're paying attention to the 8 billion other things because:


> @"apharma.3741" said:

> The damage isn’t a problem, the cool down manipulation is.



Without the constant summoning, no more 8 billion things, it's more like 4 things to pay attention to.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > [11k Disenchanter](https://imgur.com/a/8PhBv)

> > > > [11k Defender](https://imgur.com/a/7zCSp)

> > > >

> > > > This is on PALADINS amulet. I don't see how you fail to recognize that 16k on a single damage skill WITHOUT going really glassy is completely ridiculous. Most classes barely hit for 3k on a crit with paladins, and you're saying 16k is alright. I'm literally losing brain cells responding right now.

> > > >

> > > > See, you're wrong again. You're assuming that everyone is running a vitality amulet. 16k damage can range from 50%-100% of someone's health on the current meta builds.

> > > >

> > > > The Gazelle nerf WAS fine. It was bad for the game and the fact that you said otherwise just proves you really don't know what you're talking about.

> > >

> > >

> > > >> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > >> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > >> > The damage is also a huge problem. As is the survivability and cc. Also the boon duration. On top of having portal.

> > > >> >

> > > >> > The CS suggestion is pretty awful as well.

> > > >>

> > > >> The damage isn’t a problem, the cool down manipulation is.

> > > >>

> > >

> > > Defender is easy to avoid as said above and has a 1s cast time, disenchanter has a 1s cast time. If you cannot dodge something with a 1s cast time it is 100% your problem. The problem is the cool down manipulation both for the damage they do and the visual noise.

> >

> > Sorry I'm too busy trying to pay attention to the other 8 illusions on my screen.

> >

> > >

> > > Here's what you put earlier:

> > >

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > Yet Anet nerfed it heavily and quickly despite it being not able to be spammed. If this skill alone received a 50% damage nerf, and mesmer has access to skills that do just as much damage, multiple times, they should realistically ALL receive 70% damage nerfs MINIMUM to bring them down to a respectable level.

> > >

> > > At this point it is very clear you are just being salty over the gazelle and responding with a hilariously over the top suggestion. Stop bringing up the Gazelle, mortrialus.3062 has already shown you're full of it.

> >

> > It's very clear you don't know how to read.

> >

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > The Gazelle nerf WAS fine. It was bad for the game.

> >

> > Think about it a little.

> >

> > - **1 attack every 20 seconds that did 20k damage**

> > ... _RECEIVED a 50% damage nerf_

> > - **Multiple, spammable** attacks that do 10-16k damage and clutter the screen while ccing you and stripping all of your boons whilst being unblockable.

> > ... _SHOULD receive 70% damage nerfs_


> I don't know how to read?


> I just edited your post to move the bold part to show that you know I'm right you just can't swallow that stubborn pride and accept that the issue is the multiple and spammable part. The gazelle wasn't doing 20k, watch the video, it was instantly downing someone for 40k+ where they had so little health left they died a few seconds later.


> You're paying attention to the 8 billion other things because:


Yes, you don't know how to read. I will not explain it again. If you can't understand basic reasoning that's on you.


Just fyi, moving the bolded parts doesn't change anything. But again, it seems like you don't understand that as you're more concerned with what emotions I'm feeling instead of actually comprehending what I wrote.


Also, you're 100% wrong about Gazelle. Do your research a little bit more before you make yourself look stupid. Literally just read the wiki on [Charge](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Charge_(gazelle)).


- The Official Guild Wars 2 Wiki clearly states: _"Fixed a bug in which this pet hit downed enemies multiple times with its Charge attack."_



> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > The damage isn’t a problem, the cool down manipulation is.

> >


> Without the constant summoning, no more 8 billion things, it's more like 4 things to pay attention to.


Both the damage and visual clutter are only SOME of the issues with mesmer at the moment. The damage is completely overkill even without the spam.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > [11k Disenchanter](https://imgur.com/a/8PhBv)

> > > > > [11k Defender](https://imgur.com/a/7zCSp)

> > > > >

> > > > > This is on PALADINS amulet. I don't see how you fail to recognize that 16k on a single damage skill WITHOUT going really glassy is completely ridiculous. Most classes barely hit for 3k on a crit with paladins, and you're saying 16k is alright. I'm literally losing brain cells responding right now.

> > > > >

> > > > > See, you're wrong again. You're assuming that everyone is running a vitality amulet. 16k damage can range from 50%-100% of someone's health on the current meta builds.

> > > > >

> > > > > The Gazelle nerf WAS fine. It was bad for the game and the fact that you said otherwise just proves you really don't know what you're talking about.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > >> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > > >> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > >> > The damage is also a huge problem. As is the survivability and cc. Also the boon duration. On top of having portal.

> > > > >> >

> > > > >> > The CS suggestion is pretty awful as well.

> > > > >>

> > > > >> The damage isn’t a problem, the cool down manipulation is.

> > > > >>

> > > >

> > > > Defender is easy to avoid as said above and has a 1s cast time, disenchanter has a 1s cast time. If you cannot dodge something with a 1s cast time it is 100% your problem. The problem is the cool down manipulation both for the damage they do and the visual noise.

> > >

> > > Sorry I'm too busy trying to pay attention to the other 8 illusions on my screen.

> > >

> > > >

> > > > Here's what you put earlier:

> > > >

> > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > Yet Anet nerfed it heavily and quickly despite it being not able to be spammed. If this skill alone received a 50% damage nerf, and mesmer has access to skills that do just as much damage, multiple times, they should realistically ALL receive 70% damage nerfs MINIMUM to bring them down to a respectable level.

> > > >

> > > > At this point it is very clear you are just being salty over the gazelle and responding with a hilariously over the top suggestion. Stop bringing up the Gazelle, mortrialus.3062 has already shown you're full of it.

> > >

> > > It's very clear you don't know how to read.

> > >

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > The Gazelle nerf WAS fine. It was bad for the game.

> > >

> > > Think about it a little.

> > >

> > > - **1 attack every 20 seconds that did 20k damage**

> > > ... _RECEIVED a 50% damage nerf_

> > > - **Multiple, spammable** attacks that do 10-16k damage and clutter the screen while ccing you and stripping all of your boons whilst being unblockable.

> > > ... _SHOULD receive 70% damage nerfs_

> >

> > I don't know how to read?

> >

> > I just edited your post to move the bold part to show that you know I'm right you just can't swallow that stubborn pride and accept that the issue is the multiple and spammable part. The gazelle wasn't doing 20k, watch the video, it was instantly downing someone for 40k+ where they had so little health left they died a few seconds later.

> >

> > You're paying attention to the 8 billion other things because:


> Yes, you don't know how to read. I will not explain it again. If you can't understand basic reasoning that's on you.


> Just fyi, moving the bolded parts doesn't change anything. But again, it seems like you don't understand that as you're more concerned with what emotions I'm feeling instead of actually comprehending what I wrote.


> Also, you're 100% wrong about Gazelle. Do your research a little bit more before you make yourself look stupid. Literally just read the wiki on [Charge](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Charge_(gazelle)).


> - The Official Guild Wars 2 Wiki clearly states: _"Fixed a bug in which this pet hit downed enemies multiple times with its Charge attack."_


> >

> > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > The damage isn’t a problem, the cool down manipulation is.

> > >

> >

> > Without the constant summoning, no more 8 billion things, it's more like 4 things to pay attention to.


> Both the damage and visual clutter are only SOME of the issues with mesmer at the moment. The damage is completely overkill even without the spam.


What was it you said about not reading? Go back one page and you see this.


> @"apharma.3741" said:


> Gazelles charge was a FGS type effect issue if I remember correctly where it would hit multiple times doing large amounts of damage.



I am saying your reasoning is coming from you being vindictive over a change to one of your pets, no-one would recommend a 70% unilateral damage reduction unless out of spite. It is this that is clouding your reasoning otherwise you would see the real issues are what enables these skills to be spammed.


This is the last response you will get from me here, you will inevitably respond because people like you need to have the last word. Just go back and read one of my other responses, I have answered it already.

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > @"Derm.4932" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > @"Derm.4932" said:

> > > > > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > > > > > @"Derm.4932" said:

> > > > > > Nah, nerf the hell out of it. The last time we had a spec as broken as current chrono was...minstrel chrono. Nobody wants the class to be useless but it's current state requires significant nerfs, and it's far better to over-nerf and force Mesmer players to move builds than under-nerf such that Mesmer still remains in the same position until the next balance patch. If the latter happens PvP will see a big die off just as it did during the bunker chrono days. Even if Mesmer is moved out of meta due to nerfs(hugely unlikely) it's far better than the current scenario. Mesmer has been meta FOREVER while most other classes have to wait their turn. It's ridiculous how a class can persist in the meta for this long. While we're at it don't forget Mirage because it's almost as broken for different reasons.

> > > > >

> > > > > I will tell you why Mesmer is Meta Forever, because it Got diversity Builds its a success from Anet you can see in sPVP more than 5 Mesmer builds around 3 of them Are meta and that's Amazing it's like 3 more viable classes extra in the game .so don't expect Anet to destroy there masterpiece .

> > > >

> > > > So you don't think it's a problem that Mesmer has multiple Meta builds (and I say meta but let's be real here, current chrono AND mirage are far superior to other meta builds) while other classes are lucky if they have just one? Or are you just memeing? I honestly can't tell anymore given the kitten I've read from Mesmers defending their class.

> > >

> > > Mesmer having multiple META builds is a good thing.

> > >

> > > Instead of destroying that, why not make it the benchmark for all classes?

> > > I would love the privilege to use any trait line for Elementalist and a selection of viable builds available at my fingertips.

> > > The possibilities if they invested the same rework into Revenant too.

> >

> > Because it's far easier to tone down chrono and Mirage than boost everything else up, and because powercreep is a real problem. You think Mesmer having many meta specs is a good thing but their specs are literally pushing every other side node spec out. We just had an entire patch toning everything down and it was considered good except for the relative buff to mesmers. If everything was boosted to the level of current chrono this game would be a massive meme.


> That's the stupidest argument ever, no offence .


That is coming from someone who wrote


>I will tell you why Mesmer is Meta Forever, because it Got diversity Builds its a success from Anet you can see in sPVP more than 5 Mesmer builds around 3 of them Are meta and that's Amazing it's like 3 more viable classes extra in the game .so don't expect Anet to destroy there masterpiece .


omegalul. You mesmer mains are literally a meme now. No other profession mains go this out of their way to defend a blatantly broken class. Yet you wonder why people are calling for it to be gutted.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > You’ve now strayed far away from my original point and now are starting to resort to logical fallacies. I have never said a one shot mechanic is fine. I have never said 20k was fine. If you look at my post I said 16k and that’s honestly the upper limit I would put to damage skills without having to go really glassy for essentially a one shot. I have also not said the Gazelle nerf was fine either.


> [11k Disenchanter](https://imgur.com/a/8PhBv)

> [11k Defender](https://imgur.com/a/7zCSp)


> This is on PALADINS amulet. I don't see how you fail to recognize that 16k on a single damage skill WITHOUT going really glassy is completely ridiculous. Most classes barely hit for 3k on a crit with paladins, and you're saying 16k is alright. I'm literally losing brain cells responding right now.


> See, you're wrong again. You're assuming that everyone is running a vitality amulet. 16k damage can range from 50%-100% of someone's health on the current meta builds.


> The Gazelle nerf WAS fine. It was bad for the game and the fact that you said otherwise just proves you really don't know what you're talking about.


You start your old song again... No need to lie now again , you took this screenshots long time ago (26days ago) and put them everywhere and now claim its been from paladin when everyone played demolisher/marauder ? RIP braincells if there were existing..

What about vitality amulets? Either they running vitality amulet or demolisher/toughness amulet which reduce damage. You also took this screens before compouding power nerf (also downedstates takes more damage , bugs bugs bugs)

What you are arguing even? Gazzile was braindead thing that with sick-em hit you for like 20k and if you were downed by that instakilled you right after.Thats happened with frostball on stream while he played bunker firebrand if i remember right.

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As a mesmer main I totally agree that the current chaos chrono is absurdly powerful in it's current state. After the update, I thought I'd give my chrono a go in pvp. In my very first 2 matches with the build, I could literally tank 2, sometimes 3 people at a point while dishing out huge damage via disenchanter/defender/warlock+Chronophantasma+ CS. An endless spam of high damaging phantasms with massive survivability and condi cleansing.

I did not find that fun at all, I felt like a little kid who was given the biggest water gun in the pool, while everyone else used spray bottles.

And people were complaing about the mirage. When mirage got very slightly nerfed, chrono is at the top of the pecking order now.

I believe that the chronophantasma is the main issue why this build is so overpowered at the moment, it needs a serious balancing.


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> @"Derm.4932" said:

> > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > > @"Derm.4932" said:

> > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > > @"Derm.4932" said:

> > > > > > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > > > > > > @"Derm.4932" said:

> > > > > > > Nah, nerf the hell out of it. The last time we had a spec as broken as current chrono was...minstrel chrono. Nobody wants the class to be useless but it's current state requires significant nerfs, and it's far better to over-nerf and force Mesmer players to move builds than under-nerf such that Mesmer still remains in the same position until the next balance patch. If the latter happens PvP will see a big die off just as it did during the bunker chrono days. Even if Mesmer is moved out of meta due to nerfs(hugely unlikely) it's far better than the current scenario. Mesmer has been meta FOREVER while most other classes have to wait their turn. It's ridiculous how a class can persist in the meta for this long. While we're at it don't forget Mirage because it's almost as broken for different reasons.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I will tell you why Mesmer is Meta Forever, because it Got diversity Builds its a success from Anet you can see in sPVP more than 5 Mesmer builds around 3 of them Are meta and that's Amazing it's like 3 more viable classes extra in the game .so don't expect Anet to destroy there masterpiece .

> > > > >

> > > > > So you don't think it's a problem that Mesmer has multiple Meta builds (and I say meta but let's be real here, current chrono AND mirage are far superior to other meta builds) while other classes are lucky if they have just one? Or are you just memeing? I honestly can't tell anymore given the kitten I've read from Mesmers defending their class.

> > > >

> > > > Mesmer having multiple META builds is a good thing.

> > > >

> > > > Instead of destroying that, why not make it the benchmark for all classes?

> > > > I would love the privilege to use any trait line for Elementalist and a selection of viable builds available at my fingertips.

> > > > The possibilities if they invested the same rework into Revenant too.

> > >

> > > Because it's far easier to tone down chrono and Mirage than boost everything else up, and because powercreep is a real problem. You think Mesmer having many meta specs is a good thing but their specs are literally pushing every other side node spec out. We just had an entire patch toning everything down and it was considered good except for the relative buff to mesmers. If everything was boosted to the level of current chrono this game would be a massive meme.

> >

> > That's the stupidest argument ever, no offence .


> That is coming from someone who wrote


> >I will tell you why Mesmer is Meta Forever, because it Got diversity Builds its a success from Anet you can see in sPVP more than 5 Mesmer builds around 3 of them Are meta and that's Amazing it's like 3 more viable classes extra in the game .so don't expect Anet to destroy there masterpiece .


> omegalul. You mesmer mains are literally a meme now. No other profession mains go this out of their way to defend a blatantly broken class. Yet you wonder why people are calling for it to be gutted.


you know what's a meme? asking Anet to give us more viable builds but then telling them when they deliver that they should destroy it.

Mesmer mains make insightful suggestions on what to nerf due to their experience and knowledge rather than saying it's blatantly broken too.


My favorite is Tempest followed up closely by Weaver but on both those specs I always feel like I have to take water or take Air/Arcane synergy... It would be great if Elementalist got the same love as Mesmer, Air and Earth could be fun ya know?... I think it would be great if all classes got the mesmer rework.




**A question for you: What would you rather?**


- Anet pushes out another 9 new elite specs with the expansion and spends another year balancing them. (our current cycle going since HoT drop)


- Anet works on the current specs, providing small to large reworks depending on the class to give them all better build diversity and more defining roles?


Don't forget we're 5 years into the game now.

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > You’ve now strayed far away from my original point and now are starting to resort to logical fallacies. I have never said a one shot mechanic is fine. I have never said 20k was fine. If you look at my post I said 16k and that’s honestly the upper limit I would put to damage skills without having to go really glassy for essentially a one shot. I have also not said the Gazelle nerf was fine either.

> >

> > [11k Disenchanter](https://imgur.com/a/8PhBv)

> > [11k Defender](https://imgur.com/a/7zCSp)

> >

> > This is on PALADINS amulet. I don't see how you fail to recognize that 16k on a single damage skill WITHOUT going really glassy is completely ridiculous. Most classes barely hit for 3k on a crit with paladins, and you're saying 16k is alright. I'm literally losing brain cells responding right now.

> >

> > See, you're wrong again. You're assuming that everyone is running a vitality amulet. 16k damage can range from 50%-100% of someone's health on the current meta builds.

> >

> > The Gazelle nerf WAS fine. It was bad for the game and the fact that you said otherwise just proves you really don't know what you're talking about.


> You start your old song again... No need to lie now again , you took this screenshots long time ago (26days ago) and put them everywhere and now claim its been from paladin when everyone played demolisher/marauder ? RIP braincells if there were existing..


NA meta is paladins. If the EU meta is demo/mara, _great_.


I think there's a disconnect here. The metas in NA/EU are not the same, so just because one is different than the other doesn't mean that someone is lying. Like seriously... just look at the mesmer builds from the most recent monthly.


> What about vitality amulets? Either they running vitality amulet or demolisher/toughness amulet which reduce damage. You also took this screens before compouding power nerf (also downedstates takes more damage , bugs bugs bugs)


You can still get hit just as hard regardless of toughness. They do too much damage. In the AT today, I took 8k from a random defender on demolisher's amulet.


> What you are arguing even? Gazzile was braindead thing that with sick-em hit you for like 20k and if you were downed by that instakilled you right after.Thats happened with frostball on stream while he played bunker firebrand if i remember right.


I'm arguing that phantasms are do more than and are just as braindead as Gazelle pre-nerf.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:


> NA meta is paladins. If the EU meta is demo/mara, _great_.


> I think there's a disconnect here. The metas in NA/EU are not the same, so just because one is different than the other doesn't mean that someone is lying. Like seriously... just look at the mesmer builds from the most recent monthly.


> > What about vitality amulets? Either they running vitality amulet or demolisher/toughness amulet which reduce damage. You also took this screens before compouding power nerf (also downedstates takes more damage , bugs bugs bugs)


> You can still get hit just as hard regardless of toughness. They do too much damage. In the AT today, I took 8k from a random defender on demolisher's amulet.


> > What you are arguing even? Gazzile was braindead thing that with sick-em hit you for like 20k and if you were downed by that instakilled you right after.Thats happened with frostball on stream while he played bunker firebrand if i remember right.


> I'm arguing that phantasms are do more than and are just as braindead as Gazelle pre-nerf.

Its not about 'my meta is paladin thus EVERYONE running that'. You were in simple ranked game where people play whatever they want and according to numbers it wasnt paladin amulet.

Disenchnanter hit boonless targets in such boon spam is such a rare thing .Everything this skill needed its just reduce damage on no boon targets(.Here biggest question Why nerf same thing twice if u can do it once?). Compouding power nerfed and hit now a bit less, its hard to get 25 might if you are not chrono. (8100 25 might on indestructable golem with ~16 vulnerability)7600 22 might on light golem.For example : taking hit from 25 might Mesmer on 25 second cooldown for 5000 max (demolisher amulet,boonless) would be okay ,isnt it? (without CP/signets)

Defender is stationary phantasm that AFK after first taunt,doesnt explode right after taunt, need to be charged with hits on it , ridiculously small aoe (honestly never got hit by this). You can just walk away after taunt and you dont have to tank all phantasms that surround you .(2.500 damage with 20 might.Even with 500% bonus you wont reach 20k) Anyway only rework can save his identity as defending phantasm.

Point of that :

Without CP/signet this could be fine (defender wouldnt be taken even) because you would need to dodge/walk away once per 30/50 seconds.

> I'm arguing that phantasms are do more than and are just as braindead as Gazelle pre-nerf.

And they dont crit people for 20k regardless of build/amulet (followed by instant death march on respawn) . Instead we have army that hit for less damage which is true with chrono.

Problem with Gazelle was not only damage , it was coded in weird way , its created AOE damaging effect with very short interval around Gazelle for a while, if u dodge it once this still continue to hit after dodging attack. So as Mirage who dodged i was getting spam of 'EVADED' and when mirage cloak was over, you still get hit.

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