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Servers down?

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36 and counting. That's the number of times in the first 24 hours I've been dumped with "unable to connect to game servers" while in the middle of playing. I've lost count of the number of times the servers refused to let me log back in.


Then there's the issue with patches. Well past double digits, with something like 5 or 6 in a two hour rush on Friday.


Launched on a Friday too. Brilliant. Either they have everyone working the weekend, or nobody. In either case it's a long weekend for every one.


I've been here since game launch, and this is by far the most bumpy launch that I can remember.

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Indeed it is f..... rediculous that they cant even keep the system running more than one day after the addone release. I do not now how they perform thats stress tests that everthing crashes down whan the real release is comming up. I realy do understand a crash on release day but I realy don't understand a crash like this one day later again...

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Why am I posting here? Because I don't have anything better to do. I'm sitting here, having taken the time to enjoy the game, but I cannot. I think the team has done a very good job with the content so far, I would love to run and jump over mobs in the game or solve that puzzle right now.


I am disappointed about the team that was in charge of stress tests and data intelligence, or whatever that team is called at ArenaNet. I work for a company that builds an AI for predictions and we feed it with data from other companies. This data often is a mess and we have to convert it to make it useful. And yet, our predictions are pretty good. They can be improved, but they are good. You guys at ArenaNet have all data one can imagine about your game, in a way you designed. You don't have to deal with crappy data to make predictions, you know pretty well how many players log in at any time, you know much much more. You can exactly tell how many elder wood logs have been farmed at the Melandru statue on 20/09/2017 from 10:34:45 pm till 10:48:12 (at least you should be able to). You should also be able to tell exactly how often forum users dismiss the "Draft saved" pop up in these forums because they cannot see their text anymore when it pops up.


Something went terribly wrong with the launch of the expansion. The servers cannot handle the load. I don't know who fucked this up, the team that made the prediction, the manager who acted up this, no idea. I just hope you have a transparent process to find out what happened, why it happened, who's responsible and what actions need to be done to make sure this does not happen again in the future. And I would be happy if you shared the latter part of this process with the community.

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> @StinVec.3621 said:

> This is what I use to check server status. It may be a useful website for others to quickly load and see if the GW2 servers are down or experiencing issues.

> * http://www.mmoserverstatus.com/guild_wars_2


Actually I dont care if the game server is down or any other issue causes these problems... as we are paying customer we can expect that it will work and not have total crashes like this even after the crash yesterday where nothing worked even in the beginning. I dont talk about issues at all. I do understand there will be issues after a release. But I'm not sure how that addon has been tested that this buggy shit can even find a way on a productiv system. Don't get me wrong I work for a software company and if we release buggy shit like this we woundnt have customers anymore...


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> @Belgarion.8523 said:

> > @StinVec.3621 said:

> > This is what I use to check server status. It may be a useful website for others to quickly load and see if the GW2 servers are down or experiencing issues.

> > * http://www.mmoserverstatus.com/guild_wars_2

> >

> Actually I dont care if the game server is down or any other issue causes these problems... as we are paying customer we can expect that it will work and not have total crashes like this even after the crash yesterday where nothing worked even in the beginning. I dont talk about issues at all. I do understand there will be issues after a release. But I'm not sure how that addon has been tested that this buggy kitten can even find a way on a productiv system. Don't get me wrong I work for a software company and if we release buggy kitten like this we woundnt have customers anymore...



I do not particularly disagree with your statements. However, I'm not sure why you are directing them at me and in response to my offering a helpful link where one could see if servers are down so one would know if it was pointless to continue attempting to log in. Might've been better to just make your statement on its own, unless you have an issue with that particular site I provided.

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> @StinVec.3621 said:

> > @Belgarion.8523 said:

> > > @StinVec.3621 said:

> > > This is what I use to check server status. It may be a useful website for others to quickly load and see if the GW2 servers are down or experiencing issues.

> > > * http://www.mmoserverstatus.com/guild_wars_2

> > >

> > Actually I dont care if the game server is down or any other issue causes these problems... as we are paying customer we can expect that it will work and not have total crashes like this even after the crash yesterday where nothing worked even in the beginning. I dont talk about issues at all. I do understand there will be issues after a release. But I'm not sure how that addon has been tested that this buggy kitten can even find a way on a productiv system. Don't get me wrong I work for a software company and if we release buggy kitten like this we woundnt have customers anymore...

> >


> I do not particularly disagree with your statements. However, I'm not sure why you are directing them at me and in response to my offering a helpful link where one could see if servers are down so one would know if it was pointless to continue attempting to log in. Might've been better to just make your statement on its own, unless you have an issue with that particular site I provided.


Sorry ... I don't want to blame you. I just got realy angry about the situation. :)

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