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Please fix: underpopulated unlinked closed Server


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Saying they are underpopulated is bogus. All of the mentioned German servers dominate in terms of population. They always have huge blobs on all maps, which is why they not only do not need links, but should not get any either. And about them being in T5 despite their numbers... well....

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> @"Blackarps.1974" said:

> Didn't Anet already say they don't like linking servers that have their own language? If they are all German, they should just be linked together but apparently that would make them too strong or else Anet would have done it by now.


Don't make Ze Germans too strong plz. They still have to return my grandpas bicycle from the last time they were overpowered.

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> @"Inoki.6048" said:

> Saying they are underpopulated is bogus. All of the mentioned German servers dominate in terms of population. They always have huge blobs on all maps, which is why they not only do not need links, but should not get any either. And about them being in T5 despite their numbers... well....


bruh, sometimes we are lucky to get more than 2 Commanders on reset, 1hr after reset all queues are gone, we certainly dont have huge blobs on all maps

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > There's no need to fix that since they'll end up fixing it with the new intended system.


> That's clearly a matter of timing. We have no clue when the new alliance system goes live.

> This summer? This winter? Next year? Even later? Never (as it fails, would not be the first WvW-update that fails) Only ANet knows.


> On the other side, the situation on the unlinked closed server become worser and worser, and my 2 fix proposals take minimal effort.

> And there is no way to adequately resolve the problem in the current link-constellation.


> It only disappears, if many Germans and some others (such that the 7 D-Server can be linked into 4 Links instead of 5 and EU-T5 is closed) stop playing WvW. But is the further reduction of the player base the best resolution of the problem?


The issue is, why would they spend resources fixing this system now (to end up fixing it in a just as obscure time table as the predicted system) if they already have the plans for a solution to fix the problem anyway.

It's like buying a new motherboard for your old PC when you've already ordered the parts for a new build.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> It's like buying a new motherboard for your old PC when you've already ordered the parts for a new build.

Is it really buying a new motherboard? it more like puting a bit oil on the fen as is makes noise.


Originally when Linking was introduced, unlinked server limit was 125% of linked server limit (then sometimes they changed it to 100%). Baruch get opened with a few days after protest. So it's probably less then 15min per server to fix it. And do you know when your new motherboard will be delivered (we get the alliance system)?

I don't, but I don't expect is before winter this year.


1h fix effort for several month development ahead, I would consider it worth doing it.


Concerning the strength of german solo server: they are all already at the bottom of the ranking (T5). What is the sense of shrinking them even further by keeping them closed?

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They're not going to create 3 brand new servers when they have a bigger solution in the pipeline already.

Language seems to be the biggest problem for linking of the eu servers. But... their upcoming solution is going to have player populations randomly mixed anyways (I'm sure language will still be a big factor for the eu world creations), so why let that continue to be the excuse not to link servers properly right now?


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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> They're not going to create 3 brand new servers when they have a bigger solution in the pipeline already.

> Language seems to be the biggest problem for linking of the eu servers. But... their upcoming solution is going to have player populations randomly mixed anyways (I'm sure language will still be a big factor for the eu world creations), so why let that continue to be the excuse not to link servers properly right now?



They will make worlds with language in mind for the upcoming solution. It's one of the determining factors for where you get placed, along with guild/alliance.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:


> Besides can you imagine Riverside, Elona or Kodash with links? They would completely dominate but not the fun, lots of fights kind, it’d be the lame spike T3 with a Zerg, run if spotted and only fight with AC kind....except maybe Kodash, those guys are actually pretty fun mostly.


lol. Just look at Riversides KD during the latest matchups. Not every german server is like Drakkar Lake.

Besides that, you just can't keep unlinked servers full for months when they're obviously not overstacked. How are we supposed to get new players? It wouldn't be such a problem if population on other servers weren't that fluctuating.

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