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Please Overhaul Raids.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> > > > What killed Sab was players drama about difficulty.

> > > > Now you doing the same with raids, making lots of drama complaining its too hard, trying to kill raids or something.

> > > > But raids are not a side project like Sab, so ofc they won't stop coming just because 5 people in the forum made 1000 posts asking for easy ways to do them.

> > > >

> > >

> > > so me asking for an eaiser way to group = wanting raids easier? I said that was 1 possible solution not the only solution.

> >

> > What raid classes have you geared mate?

> > If its only power necro and condi thief im sorry they arent wanted in most fights.

> > Maybe gear and learn something thats wanted like chrono or druid.

> > the easiest is probabely druid hence why i play it you could always go the hard rute and learn piano elementalist.


> zerk dh/firebrand, viper berserker, zerk staff ele, zerk revenant, viper scourge, support druid, that enough fully ascended classes for raid?


Yes definately good enough to start but the journey to get fc under average time spent will take time. Raids is ten men. We all gone through that horrible but can also be amazing and satisfying journey and achievements in raid. My advice is just don't give up trying. There's a lot to learn in all aspect at the early stage. Like you I hate to talk n chat . I like to get in and play. You don't hv to talk too much... As far as how pug raid works in EU.. you can jump in and play. Block the bastards and evil commander.. there will be days that's fun .. in my exp, I find pug raid are easier to get my fc raid done...Less talking less chatting.. just jump in and play

If anet can come up with better party tool it's great.. if not.. it shouldn't be stoping you to try raid unless it really affect you too much then maybe take it easy and slower

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By the way, there's one major reason why LFR wouldn't work for raids as is in GW2: support imbalance. If raids used 3 condi-DPS/3 power-DPS/2 boon support/2 healers/tank system for matchmaking, people would just kick boon supports and healers 'til they'd get 2 chronos and 2 druids. Due to general druid incompetence (currently it's awfully rare for 2 average druids to provide the same boons as one good druid does), people won't give a chance to other healers as long as Gotl is 10-man boon. (if it was changed to 5-man, plenty of other heal-supports would finally get a chance outside statics)

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See lot of raiders taking point like " Its all ok"

% of ppl raiding will be interesting statistics.

As a normal person which have some hours per day for game i dont find raids viable. I can do T4 fracts with no problem, party done fast and then you go. Raid is painful process for pug, i have done all for achieves and just to see mechanic, but repeating is annoying with this process ..

And not all ppl are just that raid dedicated to be in raiding guild... also time to time you met that one heavy toxic person, that you dont want go again.

Deticated raiders are mine most horrible experience in 5 y of game.

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> @"intox.6347" said:

> See lot of raiders taking point like " Its all ok"

> % of ppl raiding will be interesting statistics.

> As a normal person which have some hours per day for game i dont find raids viable. I can do T4 fracts with no problem, party done fast and then you go. Raid is painful process for pug, i have done all for achieves and just to see mechanic, but repeating is annoying with this process ..

> And not all ppl are just that raid dedicated to be in raiding guild... also time to time you met that one heavy toxic person, that you dont want go again.

> Deticated raiders are mine most horrible experience in 5 y of game.


Dude i as well only have 4 hours after work, yet here i am with ~750 li. The avaible time is not the problem, but rather how you use it. And if you let yourself stop playing a mode just cause of one toxic person then get some thicker skin.... there is a blocktool for a reason, block him and go on.


About the difficulty i read here to get into raids, first of: we all started at zero. We all had to wipe multiple hours for our first vg-kill when raids where released. They are meant to be hard, so if they are to hard for you/ the ppl you met in there have a different mindset then maybe the mode is not sth for you. I dont like wvw or pvp, yet i dont ask to chance those just cause i cant play them since i die against most players. Also i wouldnt like open world pvp just cause some small number of people want it to fuck up pve.

Not everything is meant for everyone, so either adapt to the game mode or move on.

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> @"Xantaria.8726" said:

>Dude i as well only have 4 hours after work, yet here i am with ~750 li.


And you having 750li does not mean anything whatsoever to players that feel left out by the current system. What worked for you may not work for them. I'm happy that you're happy, but you should be sad that they are sad.


>About the difficulty i read here to get into raids, first of: we all started at zero. We all had to wipe multiple hours for our first vg-kill when raids where released.


It sounds like you're fine with that. A lot of players are not fine with that. There need to be solutions for those who are not fine with that, so that they can enjoy the mode as much as you do.


>I dont like wvw or pvp, yet i dont ask to chance those just cause i cant play them since i die against most players. Also i wouldnt like open world pvp just cause some small number of people want it to kitten up pve.


If there were ways to improve those modes that would not harm the experience for those that enjoy how they currently function, then it would be an idea worth pursuing. "Whataboutism" is no reason not to continue trying to improve the game.


>Not everything is meant for everyone, so either adapt to the game mode or move on.


OR work to make it better. Adapt the game mode.

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> @"Xantaria.8726" said:

> > @"intox.6347" said:

> > See lot of raiders taking point like " Its all ok"

> > % of ppl raiding will be interesting statistics.

> > As a normal person which have some hours per day for game i dont find raids viable. I can do T4 fracts with no problem, party done fast and then you go. Raid is painful process for pug, i have done all for achieves and just to see mechanic, but repeating is annoying with this process ..

> > And not all ppl are just that raid dedicated to be in raiding guild... also time to time you met that one heavy toxic person, that you dont want go again.

> > Deticated raiders are mine most horrible experience in 5 y of game.


> Dude i as well only have 4 hours after work, yet here i am with ~750 li. The avaible time is not the problem, but rather how you use it. And if you let yourself stop playing a mode just cause of one toxic person then get some thicker skin.... there is a blocktool for a reason, block him and go on.


> About the difficulty i read here to get into raids, first of: we all started at zero. We all had to wipe multiple hours for our first vg-kill when raids where released. They are meant to be hard, so if they are to hard for you/ the ppl you met in there have a different mindset then maybe the mode is not sth for you. I dont like wvw or pvp, yet i dont ask to chance those just cause i cant play them since i die against most players. Also i wouldnt like open world pvp just cause some small number of people want it to kitten up pve.

> Not everything is meant for everyone, so either adapt to the game mode or move on.

I dont find it that hard as a solo player.... but for group. If i can clone myself and make it 10ppl, it will be cakewalk. But you need another ppl and there is why i strugle (and other ppl). I finished all encounters but didnt farm it much, so i have 65 LI and in eyes of raiders im looking like a noob who was just going escort. It takes too long to gather other ppl, getting frustrated and dont do it again, its nice that they do something for highend pve, but this ppl live in another dimension that this is accessible for all, its not.


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> @"intox.6347" said:

> > @"Xantaria.8726" said:

> > > @"intox.6347" said:

> > > See lot of raiders taking point like " Its all ok"

> > > % of ppl raiding will be interesting statistics.

> > > As a normal person which have some hours per day for game i dont find raids viable. I can do T4 fracts with no problem, party done fast and then you go. Raid is painful process for pug, i have done all for achieves and just to see mechanic, but repeating is annoying with this process ..

> > > And not all ppl are just that raid dedicated to be in raiding guild... also time to time you met that one heavy toxic person, that you dont want go again.

> > > Deticated raiders are mine most horrible experience in 5 y of game.

> >

> > Dude i as well only have 4 hours after work, yet here i am with ~750 li. The avaible time is not the problem, but rather how you use it. And if you let yourself stop playing a mode just cause of one toxic person then get some thicker skin.... there is a blocktool for a reason, block him and go on.

> >

> > About the difficulty i read here to get into raids, first of: we all started at zero. We all had to wipe multiple hours for our first vg-kill when raids where released. They are meant to be hard, so if they are to hard for you/ the ppl you met in there have a different mindset then maybe the mode is not sth for you. I dont like wvw or pvp, yet i dont ask to chance those just cause i cant play them since i die against most players. Also i wouldnt like open world pvp just cause some small number of people want it to kitten up pve.

> > Not everything is meant for everyone, so either adapt to the game mode or move on.

> I dont find it that hard as a solo player.... but for group. If i can clone myself and make it 10ppl, it will be cakewalk. But you need another ppl and there is why i strugle (and other ppl). I finished all encounters but didnt farm it much, so i have 65 LI and in eyes of raiders im looking like a noob who was just going escort. It takes too long to gather other ppl, getting frustrated and dont do it again, its nice that they do something for highend pve, but this ppl live in another dimension that this is accessible for all, its not.


I dont denie the difficulty here, i am just saying that you can never make everyone happy and that goes for all game modes. I have no problem with adding an extra tier for those still who still struggle, but i said why i dont think it will come.



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> @"Xantaria.8726" said:

> > @"intox.6347" said:

> > > @"Xantaria.8726" said:

> > > > @"intox.6347" said:

> > > > See lot of raiders taking point like " Its all ok"

> > > > % of ppl raiding will be interesting statistics.

> > > > As a normal person which have some hours per day for game i dont find raids viable. I can do T4 fracts with no problem, party done fast and then you go. Raid is painful process for pug, i have done all for achieves and just to see mechanic, but repeating is annoying with this process ..

> > > > And not all ppl are just that raid dedicated to be in raiding guild... also time to time you met that one heavy toxic person, that you dont want go again.

> > > > Deticated raiders are mine most horrible experience in 5 y of game.

> > >

> > > Dude i as well only have 4 hours after work, yet here i am with ~750 li. The avaible time is not the problem, but rather how you use it. And if you let yourself stop playing a mode just cause of one toxic person then get some thicker skin.... there is a blocktool for a reason, block him and go on.

> > >

> > > About the difficulty i read here to get into raids, first of: we all started at zero. We all had to wipe multiple hours for our first vg-kill when raids where released. They are meant to be hard, so if they are to hard for you/ the ppl you met in there have a different mindset then maybe the mode is not sth for you. I dont like wvw or pvp, yet i dont ask to chance those just cause i cant play them since i die against most players. Also i wouldnt like open world pvp just cause some small number of people want it to kitten up pve.

> > > Not everything is meant for everyone, so either adapt to the game mode or move on.

> > I dont find it that hard as a solo player.... but for group. If i can clone myself and make it 10ppl, it will be cakewalk. But you need another ppl and there is why i strugle (and other ppl). I finished all encounters but didnt farm it much, so i have 65 LI and in eyes of raiders im looking like a noob who was just going escort. It takes too long to gather other ppl, getting frustrated and dont do it again, its nice that they do something for highend pve, but this ppl live in another dimension that this is accessible for all, its not.

> >

> I dont denie the difficulty here, i am just saying that you can never make everyone happy and that goes for all game modes. I have no problem with adding an extra tier for those still who still struggle, but i said why i dont think it will come.




Yeah, im not naive about changes, i just send out my thought about it... and prolly how other ppl feels and reason why ppl arent happy about current situation..

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @"Draco.9480" said:

> > stop begging for easier raids. what's so hard in organize people with basic brain?????????????????????????????????????? just stop with this, it's just shows how the people in this game just don't want to improve and never will with this attitude. you just want to play whatever build you want and clear the raids without any effort. too hard? go play others games. instead requesting for harder bosses with CM option you just want to nerf so all people can enjoy end game without any effort. what's the point. all the point is to work hard for end game content. if everyone can do that easily without effort then it's not end game and has no point. what's the point farming rewards and gold for then???


> No the raids are easy as I've stated before, I don't care about the difficulty of the raid, it's the grouping I have a problem with.


Why exactly did you decide to play an MMORPG if you have a problem with grouping? The last thing I want to see is some 'auto matching' system for raids. Don't take away last incentive for people to communicate.

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> @"Xantaria.8726" said:

>I dont denie the difficulty here, i am just saying that you can never make everyone happy and that goes for all game modes. I have no problem with adding an extra tier for those still who still struggle, but i said why i dont think it will come.


"You can't make everyone happy" is **NEVER** and excuse to not try to improve things.


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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > @"Draco.9480" said:

> > > stop begging for easier raids. what's so hard in organize people with basic brain?????????????????????????????????????? just stop with this, it's just shows how the people in this game just don't want to improve and never will with this attitude. you just want to play whatever build you want and clear the raids without any effort. too hard? go play others games. instead requesting for harder bosses with CM option you just want to nerf so all people can enjoy end game without any effort. what's the point. all the point is to work hard for end game content. if everyone can do that easily without effort then it's not end game and has no point. what's the point farming rewards and gold for then???

> >

> > No the raids are easy as I've stated before, I don't care about the difficulty of the raid, it's the grouping I have a problem with.


> Why exactly did you decide to play an MMORPG if you have a problem with grouping? The last thing I want to see is some 'auto matching' system for raids. Don't take away last incentive for people to communicate.


This argument is out of touch with Guild Wars 2.


Guild Wars 2 was the REFUGE for MMO players who don't like to group, who have been wandering from MMO to MMO, sometimes for decades, in the hope of finding one that would accommodate the MMO player who enjoys playing *around* others but not *linked* to them. If you want to play the typical MMO forum response of "if you don't like grouping up, don't play MMOs," then find another game to spread that nonsense, we *found* our game here. At least pre-HoT.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > @"Henry.5713" said:

> > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > @"Draco.9480" said:

> > > > stop begging for easier raids. what's so hard in organize people with basic brain?????????????????????????????????????? just stop with this, it's just shows how the people in this game just don't want to improve and never will with this attitude. you just want to play whatever build you want and clear the raids without any effort. too hard? go play others games. instead requesting for harder bosses with CM option you just want to nerf so all people can enjoy end game without any effort. what's the point. all the point is to work hard for end game content. if everyone can do that easily without effort then it's not end game and has no point. what's the point farming rewards and gold for then???

> > >

> > > No the raids are easy as I've stated before, I don't care about the difficulty of the raid, it's the grouping I have a problem with.

> >

> > Why exactly did you decide to play an MMORPG if you have a problem with grouping? The last thing I want to see is some 'auto matching' system for raids. Don't take away last incentive for people to communicate.


> This argument is out of touch with Guild Wars 2.


> Guild Wars 2 was the REFUGE for MMO players who don't like to group, who have been wandering from MMO to MMO, sometimes for decades, in the hope of finding one that would accommodate the MMO player who enjoys playing *around* others but not *linked* to them. If you want to play the typical MMO forum response of "if you don't like grouping up, don't play MMOs," then find another game to spread that nonsense, we *found* our game here. At least pre-HoT.


Then join one of the raid trainings groups (they also do clears). There are at least 1 for each NA and EU or pug with a group that has not mic...or make your own group. The core game still exists so if that game existed for you pre-hot, then it exists now.

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> @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > Guild Wars 2 was the REFUGE for MMO players who don't like to group, who have been wandering from MMO to MMO, sometimes for decades, in the hope of finding one that would accommodate the MMO player who enjoys playing *around* others but not *linked* to them. If you want to play the typical MMO forum response of "if you don't like grouping up, don't play MMOs," then find another game to spread that nonsense, we *found* our game here. At least pre-HoT.


> Then join one of the raid trainings groups (they also do clears).


That. . . is probably the most disconnected response that could possibly be made to what I just said. It's like someone says they have a peanut allergy and you say "well, why don't you eat a PB&J?" How do you ever get to there?



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I am sorry but for me raids are hard(er) content that require dedication and teamwork. I just dont understand players that want to raid and dont want to do either of those. This is what raids are about and if you dont enjoy it simply dont play them. I dont play wvw and pvp because i dont want to play that way even when i paid for them when i bought the game.


And for those that are saying that raids are hard to start with i will tell you my story how i started.


Once in tuesday i was waiting for dentist and i decided that i want to try raiding. Typed raid training gw to google and soon i found eu training discord server. Downloaded discord to my phone, joined and that evening i killed kc and sloth. Training there last 2-3 hours and i never ever get less then one boss kill per training.


And last thing. You can IGNORE raids and enjoy your solo gameplay. Raids never took that away from you.

You are asking for changes to lfg and easier raids. Well i want more raids and harder too. From my perspective they could stop doing pvp/wvw balance and instead do more raids/fractals. You have to understand that there are players that enjoy how it is now and if it is too easy or too littlr content they would leave (like qt did)

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Variant to another similar OP. Might or might not be merged.


> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > > > > @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > > > > > > > Would be nice if we had other options for raids, like auto join or different difficulty levels. It's too hard to connect with people and organize a group. In lieu of that I feel like they should just make raids much more casual, in order to lower player scrutiny so we can actually do them. I love hard content but organizing the group and jumping through the hoops is too much work and it's tedious. Please consider making raids more palatable for everyone.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > "I love hard content, but I don't really want to put any effort so please make it casual instead. Thx".

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I'm willing to put in maximum effort when it comes to player skill and game mechanics. But maximum effort to psychologically impress strangers into working together, and dealing with all of their problems or shortcomings, that's just a ton of unfun work.

> > > > > > > So if you are unwilling to put in the effort to get people to work together why do you want to raid? Raiding is group content with all that is involved in forming a group. There is also if you are unwilling or unable to join or make a static pug raiding.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Yah I'm trying to find a way to make the grouping process less tedious, painful, and scrutinizing. I don't care if they lower the raid difficulty or not, I'm simply looking for ways to reduce the problems and chunkiness and tedium that is organizing a group. Yes I'd be OK if they nerfed raids into the ground if it made grouping easier.

> > > > >

> > > > > don't pug, get a guild

> > > > > problem solved

> > > >

> > > > That's not really problem solved as all the scrutinizing I mentioned above takes place still. Trying to mitigate that.

> > >

> > > that's not a problem with raids that's a problem with the ppl you raid with.

> > > you can change raids all you want ppl will stay jerks.

> >

> > Probably true but the effort to find new people is equally tedious, so tedious that I've refused to do content that i excel at, simply because getting in with a good group requires too much time and effort.

> >

> > I've talked to other players who echo the same sentiments and wish there was a no hassle way to raid with minimal talking or effort put in to find good players. Also finding good players or getting into a raid group isn't even playing the game. If your doing that you're just standing around, it's boring and feels like work.


> Since you talked to other players then keep talking to other players and when you found 9 others that think the same as you form a raid squad.

> Im waiting here eagerly how you did.

> I mean with 10 people that cant work together only know how to keep them selfs alive as a single player.


There are ways to enter raid but just like Anet with raids, they are not heavily advertising on it. The only constructive post in forum to look for raid, was a post made to gather players to start on Dhuum sometime ago. Which I think it went well and going progressively by now since that post was not revived.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > @"Henry.5713" said:

> > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > @"Draco.9480" said:

> > > > stop begging for easier raids. what's so hard in organize people with basic brain?????????????????????????????????????? just stop with this, it's just shows how the people in this game just don't want to improve and never will with this attitude. you just want to play whatever build you want and clear the raids without any effort. too hard? go play others games. instead requesting for harder bosses with CM option you just want to nerf so all people can enjoy end game without any effort. what's the point. all the point is to work hard for end game content. if everyone can do that easily without effort then it's not end game and has no point. what's the point farming rewards and gold for then???

> > >

> > > No the raids are easy as I've stated before, I don't care about the difficulty of the raid, it's the grouping I have a problem with.

> >

> > Why exactly did you decide to play an MMORPG if you have a problem with grouping? The last thing I want to see is some 'auto matching' system for raids. Don't take away last incentive for people to communicate.


> This argument is out of touch with Guild Wars 2.


> Guild Wars 2 was the REFUGE for MMO players who don't like to group, who have been wandering from MMO to MMO, sometimes for decades, in the hope of finding one that would accommodate the MMO player who enjoys playing *around* others but not *linked* to them. If you want to play the typical MMO forum response of "if you don't like grouping up, don't play MMOs," then find another game to spread that nonsense, we *found* our game here. At least pre-HoT.


"So if you love MMORPGs, you should check out Guild Wars 2. But if you hate traditional MMORPGs, then you should really check out Guild Wars 2. Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs. It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill; it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun rather than just having fun; and of course, it doesn’t have a monthly fee."


Can't believe I am actually quoting the manifesto to prove my point. Which part of it says that the game is specifically designed for those who refuse to group with others?

It was designed for both sides. Those who love the core aspects of MMORPGs (including the grouping) and those who have gotten of the grind and waiting to have fun.

Just because it was your refuge from having to socialize doesn't mean that everyone feels the same way. They included Open World content as well dungeons from the very start for this very reason.

But of course, you can't handle a tiny part of the game that is not specifically designed to fit your own narrow minded point of view. Any other opinions must be complete nonsense based on nothing more than the fact that you disgree with them for subjective reasons.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > > Guild Wars 2 was the REFUGE for MMO players who don't like to group, who have been wandering from MMO to MMO, sometimes for decades, in the hope of finding one that would accommodate the MMO player who enjoys playing *around* others but not *linked* to them. If you want to play the typical MMO forum response of "if you don't like grouping up, don't play MMOs," then find another game to spread that nonsense, we *found* our game here. At least pre-HoT.

> >

> > Then join one of the raid trainings groups (they also do clears).


> That. . . is probably the most disconnected response that could possibly be made to what I just said. It's like someone says they have a peanut allergy and you say "well, why don't you eat a PB&J?" How do you ever get to there?




If you wish to join raiding but do not want to really interact with people they are a good way to do so while increasing your LI. This allows you to "play around other people" but not "linked to other people" while raiding since you can join a group when you want and are not on any set schedule, nor with any need for speaking and they tend to not ask for your LI level. So no it is not like responding with why don't you eat PB&J.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> I am sorry but for me raids are hard(er) content that require dedication and teamwork.


And that is *great!*


Just so long as you don't assume that what they mean to you is what they must *also* mean to everyone else.


>I just dont understand players that want to raid and dont want to do either of those.


And that is *great!*


Just so long as you don't use that lack of understanding as a reason to deny them their own happiness.


> This is what raids are about and if you dont enjoy it simply dont play them. I dont play wvw and pvp because i dont want to play that way even when i paid for them when i bought the game.


Unfortunately, that's not an option, as the developers have locked certain content and rewards behind raid participation. Hopefully, that will change in the future though.


>And last thing. You can IGNORE raids and enjoy your solo gameplay. Raids never took that away from you.


They didn't, although they did remove access to Legendary armor, and gated off participation in various parts of Tyria's lore.


>You are asking for changes to lfg and easier raids. Well i want more raids and harder too.


That's fine too.


> @"Henry.5713" said:

>Can't believe I am actually quoting the manifesto to prove my point. Which part of it says that the game is specifically designed for those who refuse to group with others?


None of it. Now, which part of that *contradicts* what I just said? The "manifesto" is not the point, the point is the game they *delivered* and maintained up through the launch of HoT.


> @"Neutra.6857" said:

> If you wish to join raiding but do not want to really interact with people they are a good way to do so while increasing your LI. This allows you to "play around other people" but not "linked to other people" while raiding since you can join a group when you want and are not on any set schedule, nor with any need for speaking and they tend to not ask for your LI level. So no it is not like responding with why don't you eat PB&J.


With the current raid balance, any group that does not involve credentials likely also does not involve successful runs. Every training group I've been a part of has spent several hours and accomplished nothing. I do not want to "train" for raids, I want to *clear* raids.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > @"Henry.5713" said:

> >Can't believe I am actually quoting the manifesto to prove my point. Which part of it says that the game is specifically designed for those who refuse to group with others?


> None of it. Now, which part of that *contradicts* what I just said? The "manifesto" is not the point, the point is the game they *delivered* and maintained up through the launch of HoT.


Your personal perception of the game they delivered and which supposedly ended when HoT launched.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > I am sorry but for me raids are hard(er) content that require dedication and teamwork.


> And that is *great!*


> Just so long as you don't assume that what they mean to you is what they must *also* mean to everyone else.


> >I just dont understand players that want to raid and dont want to do either of those.


> And that is *great!*


> Just so long as you don't use that lack of understanding as a reason to deny them their own happiness.


> > This is what raids are about and if you dont enjoy it simply dont play them. I dont play wvw and pvp because i dont want to play that way even when i paid for them when i bought the game.


> Unfortunately, that's not an option, as the developers have locked certain content and rewards behind raid participation. Hopefully, that will change in the future though.


> >And last thing. You can IGNORE raids and enjoy your solo gameplay. Raids never took that away from you.


> They didn't, although they did remove access to Legendary armor, and gated off participation in various parts of Tyria's lore.


> >You are asking for changes to lfg and easier raids. Well i want more raids and harder too.


> That's fine too.


> > @"Henry.5713" said:

> >Can't believe I am actually quoting the manifesto to prove my point. Which part of it says that the game is specifically designed for those who refuse to group with others?


> None of it. Now, which part of that *contradicts* what I just said? The "manifesto" is not the point, the point is the game they *delivered* and maintained up through the launch of HoT.


> > @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > If you wish to join raiding but do not want to really interact with people they are a good way to do so while increasing your LI. This allows you to "play around other people" but not "linked to other people" while raiding since you can join a group when you want and are not on any set schedule, nor with any need for speaking and they tend to not ask for your LI level. So no it is not like responding with why don't you eat PB&J.


> With the current raid balance, any group that does not involve credentials likely also does not involve successful runs. Every training group I've been a part of has spent several hours and accomplished nothing. I do not want to "train" for raids, I want to *clear* raids.


They didnt remove acces to legendary armor. It was added after raids were in game. There are many skins locked behind open world achievments too.


I dont judge players. Friends that get me to this game are much more casual then me. They have fun their own way. Sometimes we run dungeons together, sometime i play t3 fractals with them, sometimes i take them to t4 fractals and sometimes they watch me fail JPs. They have fun and me too and thats what is important. If someone needs legendary armor so badly then he has to commit. If everyone had it it wouldnt be that special

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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > > @"Henry.5713" said:

> > >Can't believe I am actually quoting the manifesto to prove my point. Which part of it says that the game is specifically designed for those who refuse to group with others?

> >

> > None of it. Now, which part of that *contradicts* what I just said? The "manifesto" is not the point, the point is the game they *delivered* and maintained up through the launch of HoT.


> Your personal perception of the game they delivered and which supposedly ended when HoT launched.




> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> They didnt remove acces to legendary armor. It was added after raids were in game. There are many skins locked behind open world achievments too.


That's neither here nor there. The point remains that if raids had not existed, Legendary armor would have been made available some other way, so it IS gated behind raid content.


>I dont judge players. Friends that get me to this game are much more casual then me. They have fun their own way. Sometimes we run dungeons together, sometime i play t3 fractals with them, sometimes i take them to t4 fractals and sometimes they watch me fail JPs. They have fun and me too and thats what is important.


That's fine too, but if they want something different, then they should have it.


>If someone needs legendary armor so badly then he has to commit. If everyone had it it wouldnt be that special


No. It's only special in that it has a unique skin to it. It would be equally special even if everyone had it. It should be something to work towards, but the *method* of working towards it should be far more flexible than it currently is.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > @"Henry.5713" said:

> > > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > > > @"Henry.5713" said:

> > > >Can't believe I am actually quoting the manifesto to prove my point. Which part of it says that the game is specifically designed for those who refuse to group with others?

> > >

> > > None of it. Now, which part of that *contradicts* what I just said? The "manifesto" is not the point, the point is the game they *delivered* and maintained up through the launch of HoT.

> >

> > Your personal perception of the game they delivered and which supposedly ended when HoT launched.


> And?


> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > They didnt remove acces to legendary armor. It was added after raids were in game. There are many skins locked behind open world achievments too.


> That's neither here nor there. The point remains that if raids had not existed, Legendary armor would have been made available some other way, so it IS gated behind raid content.


> >I dont judge players. Friends that get me to this game are much more casual then me. They have fun their own way. Sometimes we run dungeons together, sometime i play t3 fractals with them, sometimes i take them to t4 fractals and sometimes they watch me fail JPs. They have fun and me too and thats what is important.


> That's fine too, but if they want something different, then they should have it.


> >If someone needs legendary armor so badly then he has to commit. If everyone had it it wouldnt be that special


> No. It's only special in that it has a unique skin to it. It would be equally special even if everyone had it. It should be something to work towards, but the *method* of working towards it should be far more flexible than it currently is.


Well lefendary weapons gave the same problem. They also have only one method of creating them.


If players want something diferent to do then they can. But you cannot be master at iron node farming and expect that you can go with these skills in pvp and dominate. If you want to play pvp play pvp and dont complain that tgere is no combat reward for farming iron.


I am not saying that raids are easy. They are easier then non-raiders think but if you want to try then it is doable.


Again I apologise but to me these comments (most of them but not all) sound like a 5yo in front of candy store. He needs the candy now.


I like to help people. I frequently jump to t1 fractals titeled progresion or noobs or something like that and just run with them, explain mechanics and so on. I love players that are willing to try and improve.


When i meet someone who doesnt want to improve and just rage or cry I leave him be or ignore him. He wont get a help from me. I said here how to get to raids easier. Wise playerd will take it and rest will not. When i think about it i am happy because i will meet only the wise ones in raids.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> Well lefendary weapons gave the same problem. They also have only one method of creating them.


And again, "whataboutism" never really benefits anyone. I 100% support opening up new methods of acquiring those as well, but even short of that, acquiring them is a lot less of a hassle than acquiring the armor.


>Again I apologise but to me these comments (most of them but not all) sound like a 5yo in front of candy store. He needs the candy now.


I can understand why you want to marginalize and belittle viewpoints that you disagree with. I feel much the same way when I hear raiders talking about how people should just "do it anyway," but I do try to set that aside and consider their viewpoints in this as if they are actual people with actual feelings, even if they *do* conflict with my own.


>I like to help people. I frequently jump to t1 fractals titeled progresion or noobs or something like that and just run with them, explain mechanics and so on. I love players that are willing to try and improve.


That's nice. Now try to expand that good will to players who don't *care* to improve, because they are content with their own current play level. Try and improve, I have faith in you.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> With the current raid balance, any group that does not involve credentials likely also does not involve successful runs. Every training group I've been a part of has spent several hours and accomplished nothing. I do not want to "train" for raids, I want to *clear* raids.

If you notice I mentioned that the groups also do clears... there is a reason I mentioned it. Also the groups I have joined have tended to do at least partial clears. Are you in NA or EU


If you are in NA join the raiders in discord, they do both training runs and clears. If you are on EU try The Crossroads Inn discord.

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> @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > With the current raid balance, any group that does not involve credentials likely also does not involve successful runs. Every training group I've been a part of has spent several hours and accomplished nothing. I do not want to "train" for raids, I want to *clear* raids.

> If you notice I mentioned that the groups also do clears... there is a reason I mentioned it. Also the groups I have joined have tended to do at least partial clears. Are you in NA or EU



NA, but again, your experience has not been my experience.

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