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25 stacks of might every where


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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"Nightmare.1234" said:

> > it be easier to nerf boons and condi's effects than go through every skill and trait and gut stuff. if boons where less effective people wouldn't focus their build design around gaining them on a perma basis.

> >

> > put might to 10 points a stack

> > protection to 10 points a stack (25 stacks) toughness and healing power (skill and trait changes need)

> > fury to 10%

> > quickness to 25% skill speed

> > vigor to 25% regen

> > resistance made so it only effects Damaging conditions (burning, poison, bleed, torment and confusion) (also spread out more to other professions)

> >

> >


> No thanks. As broken and unbalanced as the current system is it is far better than what you have put here.


> Sometimes solutions are easy and might not take too long. Sometimes the solution is tedious, boring and takes a long time.


> This is one of the times where they need to have the stones to admit when they were wrong, remove concentration and expertise and keep them only on runes and in certain traits to keep a handle on them. Then they need to systematically go through all the traits and skills and reduce how much they do, how many boons they give and how much conditions are being spat out.


> Edit:


> I’ll nip this in the bud.

> Vigor being 15% would regenerate 0.75 endurance a second which means you gain back 1 extra dodge would take over 60s, that’s not a boon, that’s fluff.

> Quickness becoming 25% would likewise make it almost meaningless, quickness is not a 50% damage increase it is closer to half that.

> Might being at 10 power is hilarious and almost requires stacking 10-20 to be worth anything at all, even almost any %damage mod would be better.

> I’d go on but it’s basically a huge nerf to every single boon where boons are useless unless at almost max at all times.


I agree with you. The boon system is significantly more fun, and well designed, if boons are powerful, but limited in supply. If boon spam weren't so damn prevalent, it would be quite rewarding to build up high might on yourself in preparation for a burst, and it would feel rewarding to the other player if they stripped/corrupted it when you had actually worked to get that might. But the current amount of boon spam renders that meaningless. Much healthier to restrict access to boons, but keep them powerful

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apparently Anet thinks that the boon spam and boon removal balance things out. It does not. It just destroys the game balance. Many classes/builds cannot spam boons or remove boons. They are left out in the dust.

Remember when protection was a useful boon?


There needs to be some serious roll backs on boon spam and boon corrupt/rip spam.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"Nightmare.1234" said:

> > it be easier to nerf boons and condi's effects than go through every skill and trait and gut stuff. if boons where less effective people wouldn't focus their build design around gaining them on a perma basis.

> >

> > put might to 10 points a stack

> > protection to 10 points a stack (25 stacks) toughness and healing power (skill and trait changes need)

> > fury to 10%

> > quickness to 25% skill speed

> > vigor to 25% regen

> > resistance made so it only effects Damaging conditions (burning, poison, bleed, torment and confusion) (also spread out more to other professions)

> >

> >


> No thanks. As broken and unbalanced as the current system is it is far better than what you have put here.


> Sometimes solutions are easy and might not take too long. Sometimes the solution is tedious, boring and takes a long time.


> This is one of the times where they need to have the stones to admit when they were wrong, remove concentration and expertise and keep them only on runes and in certain traits to keep a handle on them. Then they need to systematically go through all the traits and skills and reduce how much they do, how many boons they give and how much conditions are being spat out.


> Edit:


> I’ll nip this in the bud.

> Vigor being 15% would regenerate 0.75 endurance a second which means you gain back 1 extra dodge would take over 60s, that’s not a boon, that’s fluff.

> Quickness becoming 25% would likewise make it almost meaningless, quickness is not a 50% damage increase it is closer to half that.

> Might being at 10 power is hilarious and almost requires stacking 10-20 to be worth anything at all, even almost any %damage mod would be better.

> I’d go on but it’s basically a huge nerf to every single boon where boons are useless unless at almost max at all times.


don't worry even I wouldn't want them do this to boons, I was just saying it easier than going through every skill in game. but as long as boons provide better bonuses than raw stats people will always want to stack lots of them up and pick traits and stats that provide that. at moment boon strip and converts are anet answer to fixing a problem they caused and create the meta issue we have now.

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Boons were great at release and up until the specialization rework. Boons were very powerful, but also they were proportionally scarce for their power. The strongest boon builds, like d/d ele, could generate maybe 9-12 might on its own (until they buffed things too much), it had protection for like 30% of the time, and fury for short stretches. This required very tactical play, where you timed swapping to earth to get protection to defend against a big incoming burst. You swapped to a new element just prior to using a big hit in order to get some extra fury damage. You spent some time playing defensively and building up might, then you went in for some big damage abilities because they did more than "wet noodle" damage only with the right setup. You would often see players coordinating to blast each other's fire fields, or blasting their own in close proximity to their team to give them some might.


Likewise, guardians had to be smart about when to apply protection (it wasn't 100% available) to their team to resist an enemy teams push, when to apply stab in order to go in for a res, when to share might in order to tip the scales in their team's favor, etc.


Nowadays, people just have all boons all the time, so there isn't any real skill in the system. Without some kind of mana resource, cooldowns and limited access to effects like boons are the only way to balance. Instead, as with conditions, ANet got into an arms race of boons vs corruption (or condis vs. cleanse) that has destroyed strategy...and thus fun.

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