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STOP ALLOWING , FREE Alt account to be made/played in RANK


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I think free to play in ranked is good for the game.


However, all ranked accounts need to be tied to a phone number. You can have as many alts tied to that number as you want, but the rating is shared among all of them. That way if someone wanted to just troll they could do it, but it would be very expensive.


Getting more players is good. Having people troll with alts is bad.

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> this crap needs to be stopped around it's getting way out of control, Don't even need to list the reasons why it's pretty OBV as to why. Stop making Core accounts that are freshly mate to play this game rank ques.


> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" Can you please explain why this is allowed?


I had no idea this crap was actually happening.... smfh

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First of all not allowing free accounts =/= not allowing core specs.


While as someone having paid for the game you are able to play whatever spec you want in ranked, you shouldn't be able to play ranked on free alt accounts. I guess people would be just a little bit more careful with hacking, wintrading, throwing games, insulting people and so forth. The pvp offer is big enough for free accounts already (unranked, hot join, wvw) and offers plenty of ways to try out the game before you decide to buy. Ranked should be reserved for pople caring about their account and being willed to pay some money for the full pvp experience.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> If you don't allow f2p accounts in spvp, there will be 17 people playing spvp.


F2p DOES NOT need to be In RANK. They can PLAY in UNRANk, AT's, MONTHLY and even fucking inhouses. KEEP them AWAY from RANK.


your argument about not having enough players is pointless, i'll rather have more quality games then one sides matches with whatever long the que timer is because RANK right now and the last 5+ seasons has been a JOKE. No one takes it serious because of the amount of abuse shit you can do to it.

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I agree F2P should not be allowed in ranked. That being said, i also support pvp league awards (pip system and chests) to be available (and shared) across both ranked and unranked. F2P can grind their ascended shards of glory and other mats for lege/ascended while rank oriented players can have their matches suffer much less manipulation.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Kathul.1280" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > I hate to say it, but I think it would be a good idea to have HoT & PoF exclusive PvP Arena's and maybe match sets.

> >

> > Not a bad idea actually. That way people don't have to play with certain profession they don't like AND may attract more to people to the scene who would possibly buy in to play all the game modes including the PvE.


> Also removes the issue of Elite Spec Balance, as only HoT is allowed in the HoT Arena's, only PoF elite in the PoF Arena's, and no Elites in the Core Arena's.


+1 this

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I don't think its a F2P issue necessarily, but rather multiple accounts on the same region. I have a f2p EU account, but that is my only EU account so I'm a very low risk for throwing games, manipulation, etc.


Instead of inhibiting f2p, what really should happen is a single account per person per region. Not sure on best way to implement that

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How exactly are F2P accounts really having a negative impact on any of you and how can you even tell in-game if it’s a F2P account? Yes, some people can use them in harmful ways but I don’t see that being anything but a very minor occurrence by a handful of players. Not something that warrants screwing over an entire subset of players for.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> How exactly are F2P accounts really having a negative impact on any of you and how can you even tell in-game if it’s a F2P account? Yes, some people can use them in harmful ways but I don’t see that being anything but a very minor occurrence by a handful of players. Not something that warrants screwing over an entire subset of players for.


How about throwing a game? Ever seen a really random build literally walking up to enemies and feeding them (without even fighting back)? I have and it makes it REALLY hard to think that player doesn't know somebody in the other team!


What about all of those **non-viable** core builds, that goofy people defend with "I'll play the game how I like" but ultimately sacrifice the team's win to play?

To give you a few examples: Ranger (looks and acts like a druid, until you realize they can't survive OR deal damage), Mesmer ( old wvw build, that sometimes wins 1v1s, but consistently loses points), Engi (completely useless) and my personal favorite: necro, that is everyone's target, without having any of the benefits people focus the necros for....


Don't get me wrong, there are a few good core builds, but allowing fresh people to play sh!tty builds ( which they will, because they have no access to better ones ) means the rest of us get an inexperienced players, with a bad build (that can possibly be okayish when played by an experienced player).


I say **increase the rank requirement to play ranked for core accounts** or implement a "give up" option, so the rest of us don't have to waste time in impossible matches.

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> @"Jitsuryoku.9038" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > How exactly are F2P accounts really having a negative impact on any of you and how can you even tell in-game if it’s a F2P account? Yes, some people can use them in harmful ways but I don’t see that being anything but a very minor occurrence by a handful of players. Not something that warrants screwing over an entire subset of players for.


> How about throwing a game? Ever seen a really random build literally walking up to enemies and feeding them (without even fighting back)? I have and it makes it REALLY hard to think that player doesn't know somebody in the other team!


How do you know that isn’t someone that is playing a paid version of the game? I see reports of players who AFK as well in order to farm pips. Throwing a game could be those same players who are trying to expedite the match ending.


> What about all of those **non-viable** core builds, that goofy people defend with "I'll play the game how I like" but ultimately sacrifice the team's win to play?

> To give you a few examples: Ranger (looks and acts like a druid, until you realize they can't survive OR deal damage), Mesmer ( old wvw build, that sometimes wins 1v1s, but consistently loses points), Engi (completely useless) and my personal favorite: necro, that is everyone's target, without having any of the benefits people focus the necros for....


There’s a difference between “non-viable” and “optimal”. Players are free to choose whichever build they wish to play. Those that have have both PoF and HoT can still play builds that do not use elite specs. There’s absolutely no way for you to determine that these are F2P players unless they say they are.


> Don't get me wrong, there are a few good core builds, but allowing fresh people to play sh!tty builds ( which they will, because they have no access to better ones ) means the rest of us get an inexperienced players, with a bad build (that can possibly be okayish when played by an experienced player).


As I said above, players will still play what you deem as terrible builds regardless as to whether they are F2P or not. Banning F2P players from ranked wouldn’t resolve this.


> I say **increase the rank requirement to play ranked for core accounts** or implement a "give up" option, so the rest of us don't have to waste time in impossible matches.


All increasing the rank requirement does is add more time it’ll take but it won’t stop F2P players from playing. You’ll still have the same issues and it’s discrimatory against this group of players as well. You’re just using them as a scapegoat when the issue is with the wider playerbase.

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> @"Chum Chum.7234" said:

> > @"guest.9472" said:

> > Lmao I bet you vets won't fight us for PvP privs. I nominate myself, New Player, to represent all F2P accounts and newcomers. Who will you choose as your champion?


> Guest, We want PvP to be paid play only because F2P accounts are consistently used to cheat in ranked PvP standings. We could care leas if a F2P player is the best in the world af GW2. It wouldn't change the fact that many F2P accounts playing ranked matches are being used to cheat.


Okay cheat but to what benefit? F2P accounts have no access to the TP, can't send gold, can't even whisper unless the other person adds them back and most importantly they can't send gold or materials. I don't think it happens as much as you think it does. There's just no incentive other than to be a dick.

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Seeing as this thread has already been necroed a time or two - the solution is: only let F2P players play in ranked matches against other F2P players. Keep them separate. Then again, we might see 30 minute queue times - that's the price we'd pay to get rid of win-trade and match-manip F2P Alt accounts.


And please, seriously... I doubt the number of REAL F2P new customers is as high as everyone likes to make it seem. I would be willing to bet the number of actual, real, new players is only about 10% of all F2P accounts made monthly - especially before or during a PvP season.

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