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Feedback: Official Forums

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Usability wise:

- no notifications when the thread / message you posted was responded to / quoted (even though they're ticked in the account)

- have received a notification about being promoted to a recruit, even though the badges one was disabled by default

- started receiving notifications only after updating the notification settings

- menu disappears in the inbox section

- breadcrumbs in My drafts, Signature settings, Quote settings is missing; in Moderation it says Notes

- some popups regarding performed actions have green tick box (regarding image change for example)

- confirmation box looks fugly and inconsistent with popups

- previewing and going back to edit the post extends the textarea drastically

- delete draft button is cut-off

- I've deleted a draft regarding this post, the popups regarding saving the draft keep appearing, save draft option tells me draft has been saved, yet no drafts appear in the account; after refreshing, the content of this message has been removed

- I've managed to create three drafts regarding the same post (this one)

- After posting, one of the drafts I've had was deleted; two other are still in my account with content I've been playing around with

- Links to comments within profile incorrectly point out to Discussion - for example: going to my profile: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/profile/comments/4503/eithedog.4678, clicking on "Comment by eithedog.4678" redirects me to a "This user has not made any discussions yet." page, rather than this thread


Sometimes I think my job affects how I look at websites :s

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Hey again,


Taking your feedback on board, we've disabled avatars related to reactions. The reaction system remains, and we appreciate your sharing thoughts on various posts, but we no longer will see the wave of images across the bottom of a post.


You know it's going to be a problem when a single post shows three **rows** of images in just 6 hours! =) And this is something that was not readily apparent in our testing, it only became noticeable when you guys dove in and reacted, reviewed, and shared your thoughts. So thanks for that feedback!


We'll continue to review and make decisions on other input and suggestions over time.

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Oh wonderful, AN jumped on the low-contrast train. Another website I cannot read without a reader-mode addon or else suffer fatigue after only a few minutes.

Guys, seriously, not everyone has perfect eye-sight. This low-contrast design doctrine is quite inconsiderate towards four-eyes...

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Thanks Gaile. Shame the reaction system has to exist at all, but this is at least fixes a major issue with the new forum. I think really the only issue that remains for me is the intense white background, but since I'll be avoiding the forums as much as poss during the initial weeks of PoF to avoid story spoilers (a lesson I learned the hard way from HoT), hopefully that will be fixed within that time.

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> @Kossage.9072 said:

> Thanks for the new forums! :)


> According to the announcement on the GW2 main page, the plan is to keep the current forums accessible in an archived, read-only mode until the end of October, and the team won’t be migrating normal content from the old forum’s database into the new one.


> I'm not sure if it's possible to do, but I'd like a way to at least preserve dev comments from the old forums in some readable form as many of those offered valuable insight into game mechanics, lore (such as clarifying some confusing plot elements like the great responses back in Season 1 about the motivations of Scarlet and Scarlet's Alliance, Dolyak Express threads) etc. that will be lost once the old forum content becomes inaccessible.


> Having this old developer information accessible far into the future would not only help with fleshing out GW2Wiki articles with references to said comments but also give us a means to show curious players where to find information us veterans may be referring to when talking about the more technical or lore-heavy stuff. :)


> EDIT: Oh, and having both the dev tracker and the arrow thingie to take the reader into the next post by a dev in the same thread would be useful features to port over from the old forums too! ;)


I agree, there definitely should be an effort in preserving the dev posts and the whole thread they posted in for context IMO.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Hey again,


> Taking your feedback on board, we've disabled avatars related to reactions. The reaction system remains, and we appreciate your sharing thoughts on various posts, but we no longer will see the wave of images across the bottom of a post.


> You know it's going to be a problem when a single post shows three **rows** of images in just 6 hours! =) And this is something that was not readily apparent in our testing, it only became noticeable when you guys dove in and reacted, reviewed, and shared your thoughts. So thanks for that feedback!


> We'll continue to review and make decisions on other input and suggestions over time.


That's already some improvement (yeah I can see how it couldn't be caught in internal testing), good to hear some suggestions are being listened. Thanks for that.

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> @Ampa.2749 said:

> I have expressed my skepticism elsewhere about the security rationale for the omission of images. Not buying it.


My thought as well. I simply fail to see how images can cause "security issue". I deal with software and web systems a lot so I understand about these things and I can't see why uploading images here can be "insecure". However, the only "threat" I can see about it is the use of inappropriate content.



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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Hey again,


> Taking your feedback on board, we've disabled avatars related to reactions. The reaction system remains, and we appreciate your sharing thoughts on various posts, but we no longer will see the wave of images across the bottom of a post.


> You know it's going to be a problem when a single post shows three **rows** of images in just 6 hours! =) And this is something that was not readily apparent in our testing, it only became noticeable when you guys dove in and reacted, reviewed, and shared your thoughts. So thanks for that feedback!


> We'll continue to review and make decisions on other input and suggestions over time.




Pretty please --- let us have signatures regardless of "rank", in fact, please, please eliminate the ranking system, entirely. Think of it from the point of view of a guild leader, or anyone making posts on behalf of a guild -- not having a signature is a disservice: we will just end up cutting and pasting that info (which is usually contact information) every single time we make a post; and when we need to update information in our recruiting posts, not being able to freely edit our own posts -- even months after they have been made -- is also going to be a disservice because those first few posts that introduce our guild can become out of date. Do we really need [expect] people to read through every single post in our recruiting threads and keep track of what's been superseded?

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* Signatures are disabled, just says I do'n't have permission, in which case why is it there at all. If there's a level for permission perhaps it could say so rather than be a mystery.

* The lines between posts isn't very distinct , I like classic forum looks with a box with the info and member information on the side perhaps, it just feels too spaced out.

* I +100 a dark/night mode.

* More avatars/emotes sometime in the future :)

* First/Last page buttons

*'New posts' page feature, this is there for Dev posts but not for all.

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The colour of this new forum is wrong. The old forum I could read and stare at for hours and hours at a time. Within 15 minutes of joining the new updated forum my eyes hurt and I am developing a headache. Please review the settings. Also saying we cant work on changes on the forum (like colours and avatars and the like) is a bit of an oxymoron seeing as you know you just made new ones.

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> @garrettx.3452 said:

> I like the new look but what I liked in the old forums was a way to see which threads had a dev answer in them and once inside devs were easily identifiable.. Any way of implementing this over here ?


It's kind of here, there's a dev tracker tab at the top of the page, just not as good as old one imo.

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* I don't like that forum features are locked behind badge/activity gates. Forum signatures, edit time, etc. New features would be easier to handle but things that we were able to have before are now locked to us. Having to grow rank to be able to have a longer edit window (which there should be none at all) will really put a damper on updating fanmade story posts, updates during lore discussions, and other similar threads.

* Need more avatar choices and perhaps smaller icons.

* The posts seem crowded within a thread. I'm not sure if there's too many lines (two per post, instead of just in between them) or what, but it does make it a little hard visually to have a nice clean flow of posts.

* I've wanted this from the last forum too: theme options even if it's just light and dark.

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> @shadow.6174 said:

> > @Ampa.2749 said:

> > I have expressed my skepticism elsewhere about the security rationale for the omission of images. Not buying it.


> My thought as well. I simply fail to see how images can cause "security issue". I deal with software and web systems a lot so I understand about these things and I can't see why uploading images here can be "insecure". However, the only "threat" I can see about it is the use of inappropriate content.




The most obvious threat would be the filenames themselves.


Beyond that, it's abusing underlying systems with file uploads or the request system period.


Such as this lovely little guy:



Or this guy:



Look, if you're not a security guy, please just don't even comment on security.


Their choice to block file uploads of images is entirely reasonable both for security & cost saving purposes.


imgur has worked just fine for years everywhere else anyway.

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