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Maximizing Quickness


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I don't know how it is in practice, but in theory, you can play full condi gear and runes, and get perma quickness with just a Sigil of Concentration. (You put your axe in your first weapon set and your torch in the second, so you can weapon swap without actually swapping.)


You use Mantra of Solace, Mantra of Potence, and Feel my Wrath. The trick is that you cast all charges of Potence and have to prepare it again, but that way, you get 8s of quickness every ~26s, instead of 2s every 12s.


This build us self-sufficient, so having alacrity will make things easier, but it's not required. Same for the Mist Potion.

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It's actually pretty easy, you only need like 30% boon duration as a minimum to get perma quickness. You need to take both Liberator's Vow and Stalwart Speed though, and run Mantra of Solace. Then run shield offhand, one utility that provides either Aegis or Stability (usually either Stand Your Ground or Retreat), and Feel My Wrath for the elite...Those may be a lot of requirements, but I found them pretty easy to fulfill.


Prepare Mantra of Solace, and use your first charge right away, while also using Feel My Wrath, and using one tome (probably justice). Stay in the tome for 5-6 seconds, then stow it, and at the same time use either shield 4, or your Aegis/Stab utility. Then wait until your first charge from Mantra of Solace has refreshed (it will take 12 seconds, which aligns exactly with Liberator's Vow trait), and use your next charge, and switch into another tome. Wait 5-6 seconds, stow the tome and again shield 4 or Aegis/Stab utility. Keep repeating this, and use Feel My Wrath when off cooldown.


Mantra of Solace gives you 2 quickness procs, one from Liberator's Vow from the heal, and a second from Stalwart Speed because it applies Aegis. But the ICD for Stalwart Speed is only 5 seconds, so you need another Stab/Aegis right in the middle of Solace recharge (6 seconds instead of the 5 second ICD...so not perfect rotation, but it's close enough to keep up perma quickness). This means you need 2 abilities that can provide stab/aegis every 12 seconds average. This is where shield 4 and the utility will come in. The average of the 2 will get you close to the 12 seconds needed.


Anyways...in PVP I have been doing this just by running leadership runes. This lines up well with Feel My Wrath as well, giving you a small condi clear when your elite is up. In PvE/WvW you have even more options. You may be able to get away with just Concentration Sigils as well. You could probably change the rotation to use a tome first, before the Solace charge so you can proc the Concentration sigil. But I don't know if when you equip a tome the Concentration proc will effect the quickness you get from the tome...

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> @Hellios.4108 said:

> Did someone find a perma quickness rotation or build? without going full concentration?


> Sigil of concentration procs when you use your tomes, it is really useful to spam big amounts of protection and regen.


Use a stack of Mantra of Solace on cooldown, use Feel my Wrath on cooldown, and use all charges of Mantra of Potence. You only need a Sigil of Concentration, the rest of your gear and food can be pure condi.

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