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suggestion: 3rd specialisation for mesmer


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Name: Quantumancer


F5 skill: Parallel Universe : Allows the quantumancer to be in two places at once... so whatever you do on your toon, the clone will copy and does the same damage, downside: you take 50% more damage.


Theme: Quantum physics



Elite: Black Hole: Duration: 3 seconds : Once the enemies have crossed the event horizon, their skills cooldown increase for the duration they are in the black hole, even stability cannot help them escape the black hole, they take damage over time. Cooldown: 60 seconds


Trade shatter skills for space time continuum destroying skills:

F1: Antimatter: deals tons of damage at the sacrifice of one's own atoms, taking damage while dealing a lot more damage to the enemies

F2: Dark Matter: Make the enemies confused and slowed

F3: Neutrino Attack: Stun the enemies

F4: Nuclear fusion: Damage dealt to you reflect back to the enemies in double


Utility Skills:

Warp Drive: Allows the quantumancer to run faster than the speed of light for 3 seconds, stunning and dazing the targets in its path

Quasar: Blind the target periodically for 6 seconds

Supernova: Deal massive damage at the cost of own's health (if u do 1000 damage u take 1000 damage)

Absolute Zero: The enemies become encased in ice for 2 seconds and loses health over time while also chilled


Weapon: hammer

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* the F5 sounds like a nightmare to program decently (especially with the current AI)

* the elite sounds obnoxious to play against in pvp/wvw (especially with the stability thing) and near useless in pve

* the f1 to 3 are justbetter versions the current f skills and f4 is just retaliation +

* warp drive is a variant of the old slick shoes (which was annoying to play against).

* quasar is a bit annoying to fight against.

* super nova kinda dull and needs some balancing

* absolute zero sounds like reaper shroud 5 with added damage

* hammer tells us nothing. does he use it like a warr or a rev or something unique to the mesmer


what is the feel your going for? (bruiser, tank, support, glass canon, hybrid?)

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> @"derd.6413" said:


> * the elite sounds obnoxious to play against in pvp/wvw (especially with the stability thing) and near useless in pve

why is it useless in pve? it works the same as a cc ie gravity well, moa etc. but in this case it increases the enemies' skill cooldown


> * the f1 to 3 are justbetter versions the current f skills and f4 is just retaliation +

the same thing can be said for guardian/dh :/


> * warp drive is a variant of the old slick shoes (which was annoying to play against)

except it's not, warp drive will be like a charging skills sort of like Blink, but it dazes foes in its path


> * hammer tells us nothing. does he use it like a warr or a rev or something unique to the mesmer

It's supposed to connect with the theme of physics, the mesmer uses the hammer to smash atoms like a particle accelerator and control fundamental particles i.e. quarks leptons etc.



> what is the feel your going for? (bruiser, tank, support, glass canon, hybrid?)


the Quantumancer will be like a controller of space-time and quantum particles... cc'ing enemies, destroying their own atoms to deal damage to the enemies.

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