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I voted for it. I like the feature. I find it a very good way to check on own performances and to help learning when best to cast what skills, so really good for own improvement, especially when learning a specific rotation.


As already said in other threads about the same subject: My personal opinion is that the problem is not with the tool, but with some of the users who are "misusing" it for non intended purposes. There will always be players misusing tools, no matter how good the tools are. At the end, you can remove the tool, but those players are still there and will just find another way to be a bother to others. The root cause is not eliminated.


On a side note: I believe a good solution would be that Anet build up an integrated tool that they would have under control, like for example, one allowing to see own performances with, as an option, the possibility to share them in team (or not if we don't want to). Because for example, when a team is training for WvW and/or Raid, it is important to see how well the team work as one. In that specific case, to share performances, especially on the timing point of view, helps massively improving the team work.

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DPS Meters serve mostly as a tool for self improvement.


The only time it's going to get you kicked is if your are grossly underperforming in content you are clearly not ready for, trying to get carried, or when coming across very toxic players, who would have found another way to notice that or reason to kick you anyway without a DPS Meter.


When a group is wiping for hours on content, clearly not being able to do it in it's current state, I much rather see kicks on merit, rather than ending up booting someone who plays off meta, but was actually performing fine in their stead - just for the group to then still fail and disband because the problem was still present.


From someone who probably started less than 10 kicks in over 5 years of playing, if you get kicked from T4 Fractals or Raids for doing 5k DPS as DPS, it's not the DPS Meter's fault.

Get one yourself if you have to or go to the golem and improve until you are actually ready to play that content. Problem solved.

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