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Remove the Evade from Death Blossom


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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > > @"Namless.4028" said:

> > > maybe a 1s cooldown on all weaon skills would be good to destroy builds that only spam one skill without harming other thief builds too much

> >

> > Eh. I would rather see thief weapon skills get a pseudo-cooldown. If you use it again before this pseudo-cooldown is up, the initiative cost increases by 1, up to a set maximum per skill. It allows thieves to keep spamming their weapon skills if they want to, but also does more to discourage it and would give Anet room to make some of their weapon skills better.


> Initiative is a pseudo cd since every Initiaive used has a CD...... and locks others skill from use depending on how much Initiative is used, oh and the CD carries across weapon sets, next suggestion...


No, it is not a pseudo cooldown. It is an actual cooldown, but instead of skill specific its a global cooldown mechanic on all of your skills. Its a very big distinction in terms of class design.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > > > @"Namless.4028" said:

> > > > maybe a 1s cooldown on all weaon skills would be good to destroy builds that only spam one skill without harming other thief builds too much

> > >

> > > Eh. I would rather see thief weapon skills get a pseudo-cooldown. If you use it again before this pseudo-cooldown is up, the initiative cost increases by 1, up to a set maximum per skill. It allows thieves to keep spamming their weapon skills if they want to, but also does more to discourage it and would give Anet room to make some of their weapon skills better.

> >

> > Initiative is a pseudo cd since every Initiaive used has a CD...... and locks others skill from use depending on how much Initiative is used, oh and the CD carries across weapon sets, next suggestion...


> No, it is not a pseudo cooldown. It is an actual cooldown, but instead of skill specific its a global cooldown mechanic on all of your skills. Its a very big distinction in terms of class design.


So then it’s established that since Thieve Weapon skills have a cool down they do not need a pointless Pseufo CD, got it, again next suggestion.

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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > >

> > > > And your whole problem is them spamming the skill so if they are spamming the skill which has both a Pre and after cast that means there is a pretty beefy window to disable them, and again I just looked through the Skills and there are a lot of interrupts that are instant and 1/4 sec in length cast times and with the pre and After casts 1/2 sec cast interrupts can be used effectively, also preemptively casting skills while they are in their DB animation(I know, skillful play oh no!!!) is a valid way to ensure skills landing on top of the large amount of denial skills that shut down Evades. Again the issue is extremely clear, and there is a very real reason you don’t see DB spammers in droves in Gold or above.

> > >

> > > Latency.

> > >

> > > And you don't see them because there is no reason to play one since thief has p/p and other builds that out class it.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Latency isn’t that bad I play with on average 130-240 and have no problems and don’t start blaming things on latency, just seems like a whole ton of excuses going on.

> >

> > And P/P isn’t seen above Gold in droves either, and the reason they aren’t seen is because skillful players know how to deal with them, again the issue is extremely clear, and it’s not DB.


> Don't turn this into a personal issue.


> So....guild wars 2 is magically exempt from latency? Ok man sure thing.


I'm australian, play with 320-400 ping and about 15 FPS and don't have an issue timing the daze/stun on the evade frame window.

I think that's what he's tryin to get at.


Death Blossom isn't even a skill I'd say is worth dodging either, doesn't do jack except extend the thief's life a little longer, I personally only ever use it to spam my way out of shades or other AoE bombs or if I know the mesmer is about to shatter.

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Strong or not, doesnt matter. I believe gw2 should try to reduce the amount of offensive defensive attacks and passive damage. iframe cycles and invul cycles on most classes are getting very out of hand with half the attacks in the game also being evades.

Its simply retarded. Even if condi D/D did 3 dps fully buffed, it would still be absolute retardation to look at it and its retarded animations and iframe cycles. Just looking at some random idiot doing that in pvp already makes me want to close the game regardless of his performance.

I wouldnt mind the D/D 3 doing double damage if it ment that gw2 as a whole loses 1 offensive/defensive ability out of its incredibly large pool of utter retardation.

Excuse my french.

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