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Bonus Weekend Event: Gathering Tool Information

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> I did a brief tour of Malchor's Leap and Cursed Shore, followed by sending many alts to the flax farm. The flax didn't feel spectacularly boosted to me (after one character with lots of boosts got over 20 flax seed, the next nine or so were on the order of 13 to 19 seeds each, at which point I gave up on cycling nine more alts in). But hoo boy did I see a difference in Orr. Many trees gave me either more than three wood in one channel or gave me a second shot at harvesting them, or both. Foraging nodes often gave two or three gathers, sometimes as many as four. I didn't check mining as much as I'm drowning in mithril but did check a rich node which only gave the normal gathers for one of those, and a couple of normal nodes that seemed to give me a smidge extra over normal.


That's exactly what I'm talking about... I was getting waaaaay more flax with just the glyth and a banner boost and is basically to do with the fact that i was getting two and every now and then three strikes on them.


Come this bonus, I have a gathering booster... the glyth of bounty, a banner buff, the guild rare gathering buff, and guess how much flax and strikes I got on the gathering spot? 22, I was getting 30+ per toon before that

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> @"Gambino.2109" said:

> > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > I did a brief tour of Malchor's Leap and Cursed Shore, followed by sending many alts to the flax farm. The flax didn't feel spectacularly boosted to me (after one character with lots of boosts got over 20 flax seed, the next nine or so were on the order of 13 to 19 seeds each, at which point I gave up on cycling nine more alts in). But hoo boy did I see a difference in Orr. Many trees gave me either more than three wood in one channel or gave me a second shot at harvesting them, or both. Foraging nodes often gave two or three gathers, sometimes as many as four. I didn't check mining as much as I'm drowning in mithril but did check a rich node which only gave the normal gathers for one of those, and a couple of normal nodes that seemed to give me a smidge extra over normal.


> That's exactly what I'm talking about... I was getting waaaaay more flax with just the glyth and a banner boost and is basically to do with the fact that i was getting two and every now and then three strikes on them.


> Come this bonus, I have a gathering booster... the glyth of bounty, a banner buff, the guild rare gathering buff, and guess how much flax and strikes I got on the gathering spot? 22, I was getting 30+ per toon before that


I have been testing flax drops and posted some of my initial results in one of my other threads. There is variance because you can get either one or two seeds each strike and when you throw in the extra strike bonus you can get even more spread between runs.


Hitting the Jaka spot, the 5 node spot in Bloodstone Fen and the 10 node spot in draconis before the buff went live (with guild and banner buffs, but with no glyph of bounty or item booster) gave 23 strikes each time and anywhere between 29 to 40 seeds, with an average of about 1.5 flax seed/strike over 1500 total gathers. When the buff went live those same 23 nodes yielded 28,31,35,33, and 32 strikes and 40, 49,49,49, and 50 seeds (avg. 1.49/strike). I had the same conditions, no bounty glyph, but guild and banner buffs, so the weekend buff is the only thing giving extra strikes.


*tl;dr It is definitely working for the flax.*


There is one place where I have seen no effect from the weekend bonus - rich metal nodes do not seem to give any extra strikes.

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