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Eater of Souls fight is too difficult.


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For anybody out there that does not want tactics as it is a rather long mission and that boss is the icing of the cake as they say - just get the cage between him and you. He will jump inside the cage and get stuck allowing you to kill him from distance. He is programmed to go straight-forward and so there is a minimal chance once the cage is between you two he would go around it.


In any case here is a screenshot of where he got stuck for me - IT CONTAINS SPOILERS so for anybody that has not reached this part of story - you have been warned:


[https://i.imgur.com/uhYkGmu.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/uhYkGmu.jpg "https://i.imgur.com/uhYkGmu.jpg")


You have to be where he is in the screenshot and he has to be on the other side of the cage.

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So far finished this story on Dragonhunter, (zerk), Berserker (zerk), and Ranger (viper). To me it really feels like all you need to remember is to time your CC correct. Every class has CC's so that shouldn't be a problem. You definitely don't need to use some cheesy method to kill him. If it's any help I used:

DH: Trap build with GS, you have your F1, 5 on GS and elite trap for CC. Just dont piano your keyboard and be sure to keep atleast 1 CC of cooldown for the right moment.

Berserker: Haven't played it for ages so it was still using the old PS power build, with signet swapped for the banners. Fought him mainly with GS and occasionally swapped over to rifle for the CC (berseker F rifle skill, and skill 4 and 5 of rifle)

Ranger: The old condi trapper build. Mainly used shortbow (4 + 5_ for CC), when swapped over to axe / torch theres axe 3 you can use for CC (but its easier to do that with shortbow)

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Wow i didn't expect this. I played this part yesterday with my Mirage, and while i died the first time after 1 second as he pulled me into his mouth, i immeadiately killed him afterwards EASY. The second fight was barely one minute long and i just bursted him down really quick without getting dmg.


Used Sword/pistol + Staff, chaos/duelling/mirrage. cele Trinkets, sinister armor. one or two carrion pieces mixed into.

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> @HardRider.2980 said:

> Surprisingly I found it just fine as a scourge. (Though it wasn't easy) - it was a lot of dodging and button mashing.


Same here. Fortunately, I didn't read these threads until after I'd already done it. (I was burned by the no-restart-points and other poor engineering in this instance, but not this fight.)




1. Obviously, the basics: watch for his leaps, stay at range, keep moving, break his bar.

2. Don't use minions or pets. (I've heard he siphons health from them and they aren't as smart as you to avoid this.)

3. CLEANSE his debuffs. I noticed he stacked a lot of vulnerability on me, and my theory is this enhances his health siphon. A Scourge can fairly easily turn these debuffs into buffs, which might make the fight easier for us, but at a minimum you should cleanse, convert, or transfer all debuffs.

4. Corrupt his boons? Not sure about this one, since I didn't pay attention to his buffs and I stayed far enough away that I don't think Scourge skills corrupted him... But they might've.


Maybe not breakthrough tips, but it's what apparently worked for me. I spent a half hour wandering the zone looking for my stuff and other issues. I had to start over before I hit Eater of Souls because of a DC and the fact that there's no save points in this very long instance. Lots of issues, but the Eater of Souls was a solid fight that challenged me but didn't kick my butt -- and I'm not all that great, so I must've stumbled onto something that hopefully made it into my tips.

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> @dopinder.8613 said:

> For anybody out there that does not want tactics as it is a rather long mission and that boss is the icing of the cake as they say - just get the cage between him and you. He will jump inside the cage and get stuck allowing you to kill him from distance. He is programmed to go straight-forward and so there is a minimal chance once the cage is between you two he would go around it.


> In any case here is a screenshot of where he got stuck for me - IT CONTAINS SPOILERS so for anybody that has not reached this part of story - you have been warned:


> [https://i.imgur.com/uhYkGmu.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/uhYkGmu.jpg "https://i.imgur.com/uhYkGmu.jpg")


> You have to be where he is in the screenshot and he has to be on the other side of the cage.


Where do I send you a gigantic bottle of wine? After about an hour of trying, that was making me :( and you just solved it for me.



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> @Kogisa.6920 said:

> Had a HUUUUUge problem playing this boss on melee, all I see above is go ranged go ranged, well guess what? what if I wanna play the game the way I wanna play? when was a warrior too kitten to go melee? idk man, this guy seems impossible to do alone melee.


I did it alone melee, dagger dagger.




@1:35:30 mark I find out that you just need to CC him.

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So I figured out my illusions resets his health while being in aoe range. I also had to quit and redo it with no illusions and GS equipped so I can max range for a headstart running away from the heal. Luckily a blink helps and mirage superspeed helps. CC was bugged? for mine and did not do anything even if I time them right and try to interrupt his heals. He was also buggy running back and forth half invulnerable. But still, it was doable. Eventually running around I got him stuck on rocks and ranged him from a corner. The cage also works.


All in all, yes I had my fair share of trouble, yes it was difficult. I wanted to break my keyboard. But so are many other aspects of the game and stories. Why should we not have challenges where what we normally do isn't sufficient? It's having it spoon-fed to us if we just keep doing the same repetitive combat style, use the same builds, spam same keys. All classes have heals, condi cleanse, melee, ranged, defensive mechanisms and more for a reason, for all the options available so we can adapt to whatever situation. A good player will tell you they carry basically all the weapons with them.


You also can't exactly solo bounties or some champ hero points and so on without being good at your class and having a strong build that can help you survive and have tools available. I'm sure most players aren't using the same build for all game modes, wvw, pvp, fractals, raids, dungeons, open world, core tyria, HoT, PoF.


Why should it be catered to you so you can easily do it without trying to change or improve yourself?


There is obvious proof how most players managed to do it, even if it took some time. And even glitches like the cage or rocks you can exploit. Some are good at Cc and managed to land that.


There have always been complaints from imho a mindset and attitude problem when players just want to rush through content, get it done, get the rewards without reevaluating and figuring out a strategy that works. You are one paying customer out of millions, and even if you paid for the expansion, this is only a tiny part of it and you paid for a whole experience, not all the rewards and things given to you easily.


Don't nerf. Just fix the bugs, not the cage and so on though, anyone who researches or experiments would be able to figure that out and get it done with ease.


It is seriously satisfying when you adapt to an impossible situation and overcome it and look back and realize you could do it. You did it.


First time with Balth, I died like five six times, second times I died only once. That feels good. Can I do it perfectly without dying? That would be an achiecement..


Take it as a challenge

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> @Kogisa.6920 said:

> Had a HUUUUUge problem playing this boss on melee, all I see above is go ranged go ranged, well guess what? what if I wanna play the game the way I wanna play? when was a warrior too kitten to go melee? idk man, this guy seems impossible to do alone melee.


You can do it melee without breaking the bar, it just takes longer, though not as long as Balthazar's fight (at least for me). When you see that small circle for the leap, double dodge away and stay away until he does the leap after the attempted siphon. Then run in and continue.


I mostly ran in a circle around him as my Elementalist in mostly glass cannon gear, starting in Tempest but ending up in Weaver for the run I beat him on. I broke his bar accidentally a few times (I'm not good enough to try to break it every time).


The difficulty in this fight is figuring out the mechanics and that he does his big attacks in a set order, back to back, every time.

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People pointing out "I solo'd it", well, having others in your group actually seemed to make it more difficult as he would heal off those players who were just mostly useless wisps of light... Really dislike the story instances where if you're playing as a group, the others in the group become a waste of time. My wife and I play through the story together, and those missions make one person mostly useless and aren't enjoyable...


On Necro, axe/dagger I couldn't seem to damage him quickly enough, he'd eventually catch me with his heal... Staff for longest range is very very slow damage... Ended up jumping up on some rocks and the Eater wandered confused while minions slowly took him down. Didn't make for an enjoyable battle though.

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Battles don't have to be enjoyable tbh , I didn't enjoy it but I did enjoy how creeped out I was by the whole scenario and how emotional it got seeing the memories and all and how much I wanted to get out of the wretched place once I met eater of souls. That for me was why it was a great experience.


It was difficult but that's totally immersive given the circumstances and it made an even more haunting experience because it was such a kitten to kill and felt some how unnaturally strong unlike anything we are used to. I got somewhat terrified when it ran at superspeed to me, and panicked in the beginning. Had to recollect myself and understand its mechanics. I think it should be this way.


Can you imagine how it would be totally illogical if it was a walk in the park and we can just walk out of the domain like nothing? We are in such a place dealing with a strange enemy that works in a different way, it should make us have to reconsider our course of action.

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I had difficulty with Renegade, but if you apply yourself, you can do this with any single cc that resets quick enough. I hit him with arrows til he jumped, and at that point i hit the five button and stunned him. when i did this i was easily able to kite him and lost little health. (if your cc is off timed (know how long to cast, so you know when to start casting versus his move to jump) then double dodge away and heal yourself if you can. Trust me, I suck at coordination in game, and I did it. I am sure you can too.

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Lol, the obligatory "I can't faceroll and auto-attack this fight!" post had to happen. Like with every single major content release.

Maybe actually learn your class? (Swap traits and weapons from your copy pasted build, that is if you even dared to read what each skill does) Every single class has access to the tools needed here.

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I had problems at first but I found as long as I could fire off my Great Sword 5 ability as a Power Reaper when being sucked in I could keep his healthcare going in the right direction, this was a challenging encounter but still doable.


How ever to this day that kitten Chef Mastery Point keeps escaping my grasp!

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> @Spurnshadow.3678 said:

> This isn't the only thread, but I chose to post here as it was on top.


> I think there's a lot of baddies here as I killed it earlier on my first try in about 45 seconds. Maybe it was my build and I was lucky. That could be. I was running condi necro as reaper with about 2500 armor, rest in condi, precision with a little in power/expertise.


> Now, that being said, I can totally understand how this is a frustrating boss. Not because it's difficult, it really isn't, but because one can not access their inventory to swap gear, respec. Also, as other's have said, if someone needs to go to the bank for something, or whatever, cause they're just glass, then it is a long replay to get back to the point.


Hell I'm a baddie and even I killed it on a melee character, granted I know how break bars work.

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> @Kogisa.6920 said:

> Had a HUUUUUge problem playing this boss on melee, all I see above is go ranged go ranged, well guess what? what if I wanna play the game the way I wanna play? when was a warrior too kitten to go melee? idk man, this guy seems impossible to do alone melee.


I did it melee as a Power Reaper.

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> @Ashur.7648 said:

> At first I wondered if I would be able to kill this boss because of all his self-healing, then I figured out that I just had to use the infamous LB 4 skill on him when he performs his jump attack. That prevents his life-steal and then it's just a fairly standard fight, keep your distance, dodge, hit him and repeat.


Exactly this is what i was doing too. Just before he starts to leap the blue bar will pop up and if you just do 1 hard cc like Point Blank Shot he won't get to drain you at all.

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the fight becomes arbitrarily simple once you know what to do.

there are two options

1. Bring a power CC, just like the warrior's headbutt, and prevent the soul eater from sucking you in.

2. fight at a good ranged distance, so you can dodge out when starts his suck-in attack.


all in all, do either of these, and the boss is pretty much harmless.

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Worst fight for me.

I, instance owner, (tank-ish dps ranger) tried it with my wife (heal guardian) and nothing worked. We looked up some tips, but it still endet in an 2 hour fight we did not win.

In range he randomly reseted himself. As soon as the CC bar showed up, it was gone no time to press any button, disrupting his attack did not work. He would heal on my pet and on me, far more then I could damage him.

My wife changed her gear, pure condi still no luck. - In the end, we paid someone 10 gold to do it for us.

Wife and I always play togther, our builds worked well so far (and after the souleater - no probs with any bossfight - heck the final was easy compared to this one.)


I get that some People want a harder fight etc. But honestly I do not have time to get "gud" enough for a "mini-raid-boss." Or try a boos fight until it works. We tried it for 2 hourse because we had a free day - fortunately. (I would have rage quit the complete PoF story if I had wasted my preciouse GW-hour after work.)

The only thing we got out of it is utterly annoyance - which is sad because we were really invested in the story so far. After that it was only "fear" for the next fight, or relieve that this time we did not waste time.

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I did this solo last night as a Berserker with dual axes. I didn't realize that CC was my friend. What I did was to do damage to him until he leaped. I would move out of his circle and as soon as he did his draining attack I double roll away. Wait for him to do his follow up aoe and then run back in to dps again. I repeated this until he died. It took awhile but wasn't actually difficult.

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Equip a ranged weapon through the hero panel (which you can still open).


During the eater's jump animation, double dodge roll backwards, then range attack while walking backwards. this totally negates the damage you take and the healing he recieves from the drain attack.


Just keep repeating these steps, I have killed him now on every new HoT elite spec in a minute or two. The key thing to remember with the fight is it's not a simple "smash it until it's dead" fight, which is a good thing. You actually have to think about tactics, which is how I came up with my method of killing the eater (which I had since added to the wiki page regarding the story quest)

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