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Pvp Matchmaking Broken/Rigged


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Anet you need to fix your matchmaking algorithm, it is either intentionally broken which is beyond fucked up or you have some serious spaghetti code going on here. In the past week or so I have tanked from ~1610-1620 all the way down to something like 1350. I went on a 10-15 game losing streak (maybe more?). I believe in the past 30 games I have won maybe 5-7 total games.


I find it impossible to stay calm in this game, I have never been so infuriated when playing a game before. I hate to admit it but the way this game plays, makes me extremely toxic. I don't claim to be the best player at all, I try to play most roles so I can fill in what's needed, which means I'm not amazing at all of them but I can play them well enough to comfortably sit plat most seasons. I usually hover plat 1-2 until I tilt (because of broken matches) and then drop down to gold 2-3 then back up to plat 1-2. Same pattern every season. I go on win streaks..then massive loss streaks but this recent loss streak proves me your shit is beyond broken.


Whatever is going on behind the seasons your code is stacking matches and it's not fun at all. I don't know how you can think it's fathomable that someone should be able to endure a 15+ loss streak. Without fail almost every loss is a bigger loss than every win. Do you know how demoralizing it feels to sit in a match where your team is struggling to win and you barely pull off that win to get 10 points. Then the next match you queue up and get shat on all game and lose 17+. Then you win another and you get a +8 or a +9 or maybe if you are lucky a +13! Then you lose another and bam -15-18! There are matches where I can sit with/against top tier players (Top 10-25 each season) and have very competitive games. But then it seems something switches and the matters just end up being blowouts and no matter what you do, it's a loss. This carries on until you hit X rank and then you begin the slow climb back to whatever rank you can sit at, then later on sure enough...same pattern repeats.


This shit feels like a fucking slot machine in that every time you queue up you might get shit on or you might get the jackpot.


I don't care what kind of player you are, half of these matches are beyond unwinnable, players afk, matches putting 4v5 (because of a "d/c"), stacking top tier players against random low rated players, players not focusing anything, not rotating, going for beasts when we have no points, avoiding all objectives, players auto attacking, etc, etc, etc... There are people blatantly cheating, win trading, not only in ranked but in auto tournaments. And Anet does nothing but give them a slap on the wrist. How can you let people sell their accounts, or pay real money to have other people play their accounts to get them rewards they would never be able to earn on their own? And then instead of outright banning them you take away pvp rewards from pve players and stop pve players from playing in pvp. Then you stop the people getting paid to play others' accounts by giving them dishonor...but then you let them play on their alts and do the same shit over and over. People have been asking for changes forever and yet almost nothing happens. How can you be so blase about all this rampant cheating? How are you okay with it? Do you want to have a dead game mode?


These people cheat because you let them get away with it, it's really sad. This game's combat and overall gameplay is so much fun but you move at a snails pace to do anything and the little that you do is so much too late and often misdirected. I can't understand how you think this is acceptable. Please fix this shit, so your game doesn't die a slow death. It can be so much better than it is.


Finally I ask you this, if you have so much faith in your game why do you things like hide the players ranking? If you have nothing to hide why cant you show it? You've promised it, it's been a feature before unless I am crazy (I can't remember at this point). Why'd you take it away if so? And don't use the cop out excuse that it would breed toxicity because this game is already beyond toxic, if people knew what they were getting into from the start it might actually help. Plus it may give people peace of mind to know that what you say your algorithm is doing...is actually what it's doing because right now, that doesn't seem to be the case at all. Rather than dealing with "trust us, it's working correctly but we can't show you!!!!"

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Wow, just got my account suspended mid match because of language? So nice to see you boot me out of the game mid match but then you let people hack, bot, win trade, cheat, account share, commit RMT - your "PRO" players sell their accounts and it's public knowledge and yet they keep playing...season after season after season. I'm glad your priorities are in check.


Also thanks for the continued loss streak...pathetic excuse for a company.

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Seems like you may need to purchase my services. I've defeated plenty of the top ranked players in the past few weeks and solo ranked is quite the breeze for me. Aside from causing monumental mayhem amongst AT teams, I can assure you that I am more than qualified to carry you beyond your most ambitious projections.

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I mean, is the above post not a form of wintrading? Nobody is throwing a match or anything, but could activity like this lead to aforementioned imbalanced teams and such? I guess it's not all that different than buying a raid kill. But it might be discouraging to whoever is on the other team and doesn't feel they should be up against a random top 10 player "selling his services."


No offense to you, but even if nobody on the other team is throwing if it causes a severe match-imbalance in terms of skill it seems like it might be a bad idea to allow this sort of thing.


Honestly, I may have done something similar back when I was making Ascenscion and needed some wins or something. But other than just really wanting the title I don't know why someone would do this or wintrade.


I don't expect to hit legend or anything, and as I've already stated my opinion in another thread I won't share it here, but I don't feel like it should be as difficult to move up as it is sometimes solely based on the poor decisions of your team that seems to be substantially lower or "tilted" since that's apparently the new word, or just don't have any situational or map awareness.


What do you normally carry with anyway? I've been seeing your name up there but I don't think I've actually came across you in a match. Seem to always get Naru and Vallen. And uhhh.. Pzyras the Mesmer or whatever his name is.

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I've faced many and ended even more. I carry with versatility and the ability to adapt to enemy team comps. Selling my sword isn't win trading whatsoever. I'm exchanging allowable in-game services for in-game currency. That said, any game that has me involved will hold an imbalance. I play the game at a completely different plane of logic. My name is New Player. And I've made quite an entrance into this community.

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> @"guest.9472" said:

> I've faced many and ended even more. I carry with versatility and the ability to adapt to enemy team comps. Selling my sword isn't win trading whatsoever. I'm exchanging allowable in-game services for in-game currency. That said, any game that has me involved will hold an imbalance. I play the game at a completely different plane of logic. My name is New Player. And I've made quite an entrance into this community.


c’mon shadow you’re not fooling anyone ;)

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