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Core Radiant Hammer


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They all are strong. Hammer is probably the worst damage over time but it has the highest spike damage and thats really important in getting kills. Mighty Blow plus Glacial heart proc and you can hit for 8-10k and a focused target just goes splat. Greatsword is the highest damage over time. Sword and Scepter is less damage over time then Greatsword/Scepter or Sword but still more damge over time then Hammer/Scepter or Sword. As for the off hands I have come more and more over to shield over focus since they are so many loser pp thieves anymore the projectille block is very valuable in some situations plus the knock back plus the extra toughness. Lately I have been playing scepter/shield and sword/shield in spvp. Yes two shields. I know I lose out on the two focus abilities but I get +340 toughness all the time in return plus lower shield cooldowns since I drop strength in numbers for the shield trait. I do miss 6,000K shield of wrath explosions though.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > I use sword/shield and scepter/focus. Occasionally GS instead of sword/shield. I highly recommend not using hammer.


> Why not hammer? I remind you I am talking of sPvP conquest mode and not open world or pve stuffs...


It does the least damage.

It has the least mobility.

It is incredibly slow, highly predictable and can be easily countered.

The CC it offers is incredibly slow and easily counterable.



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> @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> There is very little counterplay to you banishing a downed body away from a res attempt.


> Hammer > GS by miles in pvp


unless its being ressed by sage scourge, which will fear you in the mid of banish casting xd

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