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Sword good for solo roaming wvw?


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Hey guys, using spellbreaker and core warrior and tired of the dagger and axe, with the recent buffs is sword a good alternative?


Now the autoattack I would say it's decent, sword2 good as always for mobility and gap close to the enemy, and sword3 if used correctly can crit more than axe burst, sword burst is okish I guess.


Maybe I would be on disadvantage against dagger and axe users, but the mobility plus the "skill" to use sword3 on the perfect moment really payoff in my opinion, what do you guys think?

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I run Sword/Shield - Dagger/Dagger on my Spellbreaker for roaming.


Sword is good, but with the clunky F1 (it still is) it can feel a bit frustrating at times. The buffs have been welcome though, I tend to use Savage Leap the most with some AA, and well timed Final Thrusts.


I like having my biggest burst skills as non-f1 abilities. Sword 3 and Dagger 4 are great to have. I find I can put those abilities at different points in my rotation and its harder for enemies to avoid this way. Eviscerate by comparison is like a big neon sign that says "dodge me you goof!"


I like Sword and I use it on multiple Warrior builds I run.




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I am assuming you would be running Sword/Shield-Gs by your comments. I personally did not want to loose the boonrip/mobility that dagger provides, So I kept dagger.


If you are intent on keeping GS, then no I would not use sword over dagger. Its too valuable bursting out of a dagger f1 when you strip stab or swiftness.


Coming across another good Warrior while roaming and him having dagger and you not having dagger could be a really tough fight. You would have to play perfectly and he would have a free burst when he chooses and more leeway via dagger 3.


That's why I dropped GS, so I could keep sword and dagger.





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> @"sneakytails.5629" said:

> I run Sword/Shield - Dagger/Dagger on my Spellbreaker for roaming.


> Sword is good, but with the clunky F1 (it still is) it can feel a bit frustrating at times. The buffs have been welcome though, I tend to use Savage Leap the most with some AA, and well timed Final Thrusts.


> I like having my biggest burst skills as non-f1 abilities. Sword 3 and Dagger 4 are great to have. I find I can put those abilities at different points in my rotation and its harder for enemies to avoid this way. Eviscerate by comparison is like a big neon sign that says "dodge me you goof!"


> I like Sword and I use it on multiple Warrior builds I run.





Currently running sword shield/gs and the mobility is great.


With dagger nerf cd on dagger2 it became odd weapon swap and gap using dagger2.


I tend to use swordf1 burst after shield 4 landed, many people stunbreak, so with a quick f1 you immobilize them and they can't dodge you can burst with gs in that window.


It's definitely more fun and requires more skill than dagger, and i can disengage from a fight very easily.> @"sneakytails.5629" said:

> I am assuming you would be running Sword/Shield-Gs by your comments. I personally did not want to loose the boonrip/mobility that dagger provides, So I kept dagger.


> If you are intent on keeping GS, then no I would not use sword over dagger. Its too valuable bursting out of a dagger f1 when you strip stab or swiftness.


> Coming across another good Warrior while roaming and him having dagger and you not having dagger could be a really tough fight. You would have to play perfectly and he would have a free burst when he chooses and more leeway via dagger 3.


> That's why I dropped GS, so I could keep sword and dagger.






I know dagger in a 1vs1 scenario is better, but I don't find that many good op spellbreakers around, and being not that pro either I can have a chance to fight them even if using dagger.


Not to mentions 1vs1 are pretty rare nowadays, I don't know if it's bad luck or something, but as soon I am about to kill someone 1vs1 and in great advantagd, it comes out of nowhere another enemy so it becomes 2vs1 and I end up dead.


Before the sword buff, sword was just a mobility and fun tool. Now in my opinion is still a mobility and fun too, but somehow viable and has potential, definitely now autoattack has something to say and it's not like caressing the enemy xD

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Sword is legit in a full offensive build where you sacrifice defense traitline for tactics,but otherwise pretty mediocre. Unparalleled mobility and sword 3 will definitely surprise a lot of people before they catch wind of your build. It's kinda gimmicky but good for some luls.

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i play core sword/shield +gs with rampage, when i find alot of enemies try to just gank me or there are more of smaller brawls with 3-5ppl involved on each side to get in and out of the action quickly, rampage being a very good tool for compensating some lack of dmg from axe and a big load of cc, also many dont expect that coming out suddenly

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