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ticket wait time...?????????

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so i have been waiting now for around 10 days to get a refund for something i didn't mean to buy from the gem store and i can't help but feel that it's pretty ridiculous of a wait time... i've played many many mmos in my lifetime and have had done several tickets for other games and never have i had one take this long, it's even more shocking they would have this long of a wait time when the game itself seems to be doing very well and is always populated .... anyone else having issues with the ticket time? also any tips or ideas to get a ticket response faster would be of much help...

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I just had the same thing happen-requested a refund for an accidental purchase. In the past, a similar request had taken only a couple days. This last request, opened the first week of April, took about 10 days. I got the initial auto response, then updated the original ticket with request for update at about 4 days, and again at 8 days. It did finally get resolved, just took some time. And no, there is no way to "fast-track" a support ticket.

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I'm currently waiting on a support ticket I submitted 11 days ago. I purchased a character slot that I did not receive in game. If they are overwhelmed with tickets, i'm ok with that, just as long as it gets answered eventually. My general experience with customer support on this game has been a good one outside this one issue. Maybe they are just overwhelmed at this time?

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > @"bigchunk.3875" said:

> > OH goodness me i'm a moron. I just looked through my emails and found an additional key code I had to enter in my account to get the character slot. I guess I resolved my own issue.


> please consider updating your ticket to let support know your issue was solved.


Yeah, I did that pretty much right before my last post.

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