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[Suggestion] [GUI] Better strategic placement of boons and conditions icons

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**[suggestion] [GUI] Better strategic placement of boons and conditions icons**


Boons and conditions icons flash in and out, and pushing each other, it's hard to tell what you (the player) gained or lost. So various icons should be placed at more strategic locations.


Vigor icon should be placed above the endurance bar. It should come with a visible timer to signify the seconds left on the boon, without having to move the mouse over the icon to tell how much time is left.


Regeneration and conditions icons could be placed inside the health bubble. So you can tell right away if you're gaining or losing health.


Moreover, boon icons need a different color combination, to easier see the emblem. White on orange is hard to tell the boons apart. So too the timer digits should not have the same color as the boon's emblem or background.


Different background color for different categories of boons. e.g. offensive red, defensive green, other orange.

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I think instead of this, we should have an overhaul of the UI. (Doubtful it's going to happen.) That would allow us to place and scale any/all specific parts of the UI. Not Just flip the party menu with the chat tab, etc. I understand your point, however splitting up where the boons are listed to many locations would be less efficient. I understand your intention to assign them locations based on what they affect, but it would remove the ability to do "quick glances" to see what you have on you. If you're experienced enough to understand what boons do what (And care enough to.), you really do not need to have them placed in any location but where they're all listed.



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When your class depends on vigor, and don't care for other boons, you really want it to stand out. Most of the time, boons list is pointless anyway; it's basically just random icons flashing in and out. How is searching through a random list for a specific icon going to help for any class? Problem is further exacerbated by the poor choice of color combinations, it very difficult to tell boons apart.

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The amount if icons should be generally reduced..


instead of Vigor being an icon, it should just change the color of the endurance bar and its fill up animation to visually give you the impression, that it fills up faster, by moving >>>> symbols that move from left to right to indicate, that the fill up speed is now increased, changing the color of orange to a more bright yellow gold meanwhile.


Instead of Regeneration being an icon, it could change the color of our Health bouuble being surrounded now by a bluish twinkling Aura, showing that our health is regeneration, whiel its a purple aura, if we are poisoned. a orange redish one, if we are burning.


Not all conditions must be icons, they could be done just alone via Character animations, be moving differently, when we are crippled, by receivign differently looking damage numbers, whole we are vulnerable or confused with "?"s behind damage that comes from confusion.

Protection can become just a differently looking Shield Aura which swirls around us, no need for it to be an Icon.


It would be a great Qol help, ifthe amoutn if icons coudl be reduced. However, the very best option to reduce icon spam is in fact to reduce the obnoxious amount of effect spam by better balancing the whole boon and condition system and reduce their total amount on both sides down to 8.


14 boons/conditions are WAY TOO MUCH for this game !! Its no miracle that peopel complain about effect span, too many icons ect,. when you have to constantly watch upon maximum 28 icons on your character screen in combat, **when the UI isn't even able to show you all of them at the same time !!!** when you use skils7traits, which can quickly give you all boons, whikle enemies bombard you with skilsl that can give you quickly all conditzions, not to mention all the other icons on the bar from buff food, map buffs, cc effects ect pp on top of that


Its somethign that is long overdue to get overworked and better balanced

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I agree that some boons need better visual tells (do not remove them from the bar though). Vigor affecting the endurance bar somehow, regeneration doing something with the health bubble would help. But what I really want is fixed rows for boons/condis/effects. The bouncing up and down when I get a new effect/my effect wears off/I get a boon etc... is very jarring to me, and thats the biggest component of what makes it hard to keep track of what boons/condis I currently have

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> The amount if icons should be generally reduced..


> instead of Vigor being an icon, it should just change the color of the endurance bar and its fill up animation to visually give you the impression, that it fills up faster, by moving >>>> symbols that move from left to right to indicate, that the fill up speed is now increased, changing the color of orange to a more bright yellow gold meanwhile.


> Instead of Regeneration being an icon, it could change the color of our Health bouuble being surrounded now by a bluish twinkling Aura, showing that our health is regeneration, whiel its a purple aura, if we are poisoned. a orange redish one, if we are burning.


> Not all conditions must be icons, they could be done just alone via Character animations, be moving differently, when we are crippled, by receivign differently looking damage numbers, whole we are vulnerable or confused with "?"s behind damage that comes from confusion.

> Protection can become just a differently looking Shield Aura which swirls around us, no need for it to be an Icon.


> It would be a great Qol help, ifthe amoutn if icons coudl be reduced. However, the very best option to reduce icon spam is in fact to reduce the obnoxious amount of effect spam by better balancing the whole boon and condition system and reduce their total amount on both sides down to 8.


> 14 boons/conditions are WAY TOO MUCH for this game !! Its no miracle that peopel complain about effect span, too many icons ect,. when you have to constantly watch upon maximum 28 icons on your character screen in combat, **when the UI isn't even able to show you all of them at the same time !!!** when you use skils7traits, which can quickly give you all boons, whikle enemies bombard you with skilsl that can give you quickly all conditzions, not to mention all the other icons on the bar from buff food, map buffs, cc effects ect pp on top of that


> Its somethign that is long overdue to get overworked and better balanced


How does this work for enemies trying to steal/remove/corrupt boons, though?


It's still a bar that needs to be heavily paid attention to by someone. If checking one's own boons is such a big deal, I assure you that having them in one location is a big benefit for simplicity's sake for quickly getting information but also keeping consistency and making the game/boon easier to understand.


You're not wrong that booncreep is a problem, but ANet has made this problem without a solution thanks to boon duration gear. Even just dialing back boon access makes them either too weak without boon duration or too strong with thanks to how variable in duration/potency they can be.


There's absolutely far too much boon/effect spam happening, and it is killing the game slowly by making PvP/WvW a nightmare. Just fixing this is a tall order. So far ANet's answer has just been more corruption and denial, but all this really does is move the problem around and make some other classes/builds OP based on matchups.

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> @"Alimar.8760" said:

> I think instead of this, we should have an overhaul of the UI.




This is one of the very few things I miss about moving from WoW to this game. I loved that in WoW you could have as many UI addons as you wanted and make the game present itself in a way that suited your playstyle and role, etc. Seems with GW2 all we can really get is TACO, which is neat but limited.

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> @"chrisjfinlay.5614" said:

> > @"Alimar.8760" said:

> > I think instead of this, we should have an overhaul of the UI.

> >

> >


> This is one of the very few things I miss about moving from WoW to this game. I loved that in WoW you could have as many UI addons as you wanted and make the game present itself in a way that suited your playstyle and role, etc. Seems with GW2 all we can really get is TACO, which is neat but limited.


The saddest part is that GW1 let you modify the entire UI straight out of the box, and GW2 is using a modified and upgraded version of that engine. And we're not allowed to change a single thing. :( Can't remember a game with more or better UI customization than GW1.

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