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Game Update Notes: April 24, 2018

Gaile Gray.6029

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  • ArenaNet Staff

# 04/24/2018—April 24 Release Notes


## Living World


Peacemakers report a greatly diminished presence of Awakened forces in asuran territories. The Arcane Council nonetheless urges travelers to exercise caution until any remaining malevolent undead are proven to be entirely eradicated.


## World Polish


- Fixed a bug in which the main level of the Divinity's Reach map appeared darker than it should be.

- Fixed a bug that prevented map-completion information from displaying when hovering over the Lion's Arch map name on the world map.

- The Dark Library: Fixed two Caches of Sunspear Wisdom that were blocked by the curtain wall.

- Divinity's Reach: Entering the Salma District will no longer scale the player's level down to 15.

- Dredgehaunt Cliffs: The woodpiles outside Travelen's Steading can now be used to feed the lodge's hearth.

- Caledon Forest: Turret safety protocols have been disabled in Spekk's Lab, allowing them to target and attack players that get too close. Go forth and build your Bolt!

- Lion's Arch: Removed an errant karka hatchling that wasn't part of the Lion's Arch Exterminator achievement.

- Timberline Falls: Fixed a possible stall in the Mighty Oouo event chain.

- Fixed a bug that prevented summoned Awakened mummies from disappearing when their summoner was defeated.

- Sarettokk in Lion's Arch will now sell questionably sourced Phasic Distortion Readers and Ley-Infused Lodestones to players who have completed the related events.


## General


- Homegrown Lentils now have a visible name when they're ready to be harvested.

- The weaponsmith recipe for the item Mordant Edge now creates an item with the correct name (instead of Mordant Sword).

- Items obtained from bounty targets in the Raise the Banners collections will now drop for any character using an account that needs the item for one of the collections.

- Players can once again make progress for the You've Got the Moves achievement in Belcher's Bluff.


## Fractals


- Fractal avengers and fractal vindicators will no longer spawn during the capture-point phase of the Ensolyss encounter in the Nightmare fractal.


## Raids


### Salvation Pass


- Narella's fire tornados will now be properly removed when the event completes.

- The cinematic will now only play when the players fail the bandit camp encounter.

- Zane will no longer attempt to teleport to players who are falling or gliding.

- Players will now be defeated when the bandit camp encounter fails in order to properly reset their cooldowns.


### Bastion of the Penitent


- Projectiles from demonic tears in the final encounter can no longer be blocked on normal mode to make them consistent with their behavior in the Challenge Mote.


## Personal Story


- Beast of War: Fixed a bug in which only instance owners received the rewards for defeating the Warbeast.

- Enemy of My Enemy: Players with no active story objective who find themselves stuck on the "Bringing Out the Archon" chapter can now reenter the Desolation to advance to the next chapter.


## Profession Skills


### Mesmer


- Underwater mesmer clones now wear aquatic headgear that match what their summoner is wearing.

- Signet of the Ether: This skill now reduces the recharge of phantasm skills by 50% rather than 100% in PvP and WvW.


## World vs. World


- Alpine Borderlands: Adjusted some of the out-of-bounds areas.




### New Items and Promotions


- A new Primeval Dervish Outfit is available in the Style category of the Gem Store for 700 gems.

- A new Suntouched Scythe Staff Skin is available in the Style category of the Gem Store for 600 gems.

- The Black Lion Garden Plot Deed has returned for a limited time in the Upgrades category of the Gem Store for 1,000 gems.

- The Black Lion Hunters Contract has returned for a limited time in the Upgrades category of the Gem Store for 1,200 gems.

- An additional Exclusive Dyes sorting category has been added to By Set sorting for dyes in the Hero panel. All Gem Store exclusive dyes have been moved to this category to provide better clarity and easier sorting.


### Bug Fixes


- Fixed a portrait issue that appeared on the Mini Silver Griffon Hatchling and Mini Gold Griffon Hatchling.

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