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[Suggestion] Reclassify "Gem Store exclusive dyes" as "Exotic" (instead of "Rare")

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I'd like to see all gem store exclusive dyes reclassified as "Exotic" instead of "Rare."

* This prevents anyone from accidentally salvaging using "salvage all rares."

* It make it possible to filter the TP for just exclusive dyes (currently, they can't be separated from the original rares).

* Prevents "accidental" forging of exclusives (although this probably happens rarely, if at all)

* It would have no direct impact on the change made today (since, by definition, "exclusive" = "exotic" for dyes, if this was implemented).




> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/37502/game-update-notes-april-24-2018

> An additional Exclusive Dyes sorting category has been added to By Set sorting for dyes in the Hero panel. All Gem Store exclusive dyes have been moved to this category to provide better clarity and easier sorting.


Today's update offers a useful and simple change to the dye panel: it's now easier to see what sorts of "fancy" dyes we might be missing (or to make it easier to apply the ones we have). However, it doesn't help us when looking to buy the dyes on the TP and it's still possible to accidentally salvage the dyes using "salvage all rares."


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Seconded. I've collected enough dyes now that it's really frustrating trying to search the trading post for the least expensive of the ones I don't have, and this would be pretty much the perfect solution. I do very much appreciate the change to the Hero panel.

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