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Always surprises me...


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How easily people forget what launch looks like. For any game EVER, literally. Like even if the first mmo you have ever done is gw2...... how is it after 3 games from A-NET where each and every launch day was bad log in problems, fps drop, lagg etc etc, people are still like "WAAAOW LAUNCH DAY IS SO MESSED UP". I dont know if people are new, forget easily or wtf, but always expect ANY launch for ANY online game to be bad.

I even challenge anyone to show me any game that did not have a horrific launch day, by horrific I mean bad log in problems, fps drop and all that, from WoW to even something as small as Maplestory...you wont find it


In short.....please stop being surprised that the first days of launch, will be bad.......like....how........it is just ridiculous to expect anything else

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> @Sylent.3165 said:

> Actually when gw2 first launched Ilogged in within second and played for several hours straight with 0 issues before going to bed :pensive:


> It did take them some time though to get trading post working the next day and that was down for over a week


A lot of people couldn't get in during HeadStart (available to prepurchasers) and there were many, many crashes the first week. Some servers couldn't get into certain maps, guesting was so broken that they replaced it with free server transfers. In addition, there was horrible lag for some players for weeks.


Nearly all of that persisted through the Season 1 stories: nearly every big event, there were reports of subsets of players who couldn't get in. And for some stories, the entire community experienced latency and/or DCs (notably: the Karka invasion).


Then, as now, these issues didn't affect everyone and they certainly didn't affect anyone all the time, with rare exceptions ... and there are rare exceptions after a software update of any sort.


On the other hand, it's the 21st Century and people are used to stuff just working, so

* Don't expect people not to be upset that they can't play.

* Don't expect everyone affected to be patient about it.


And likewise, the OP isn't entirely wrong: we _should_ be patient when software fails us; whining about it or yelling at the devs isn't going to fix the issue.

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