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Need help/advice defeating Eater of Souls POF

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I'm a warrior main Axe/Axe with Longbow. On my second try defeating the Eater of Souls I got him down to 60 percent on accident by stunning him during his second AoE attack in the beginning of the fight. He healed back to 100% after a couple more failed attempts at DPS and I haven't been able to stay alive long enough to get to that point again.


Is there any way to dodge his siphon? I don't have fast enough reflexes to stun him during the 1st AoE siphon, which I think is how I managed to get him down to 60% that one time. His second siphon/AoE attack is easy to stun because it always comes after the 1st. I watched a youtube video of I think a mirage, but he had pistols so I'm not sure. It looked like the Eater didn't even get to siphon the guy in this clip:


Currently I have 2 knockbacks ready on my actionbar, but I have no idea how to do this with my level of skill. Any tips?

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I payed special attention to his rotation of skills, and when he places the small circle on the ground, I knew his follow up ability would be the syphon/pull in wombo combo. So I would get in, deal damage, then when the circle appeared I would get away from him and then when he was done, he would always rush me, so dodge, and then continue with my combo, repeated until he died.

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Yes, the small circle is the key. I double-dodged away as soon as I saw it, and just kept running away until I saw he was done with his big attack, then I came back in. Slower than breaking the bar, but it got the job done, and I didn't feel like taking risks. "Stand Your Ground!" and Shelter, which I tend to always have on my bar, helped me get out of the pulls until I figured that out. Though actually the first pull got me, downed me, and then I rallied somehow off something. That baffled me, but I sure didn't complain. :p Maybe my frantic downskill-hitting broke his bar and that did it? Guardian does have a knockback when downed.

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I guess Eaters of Souls ends my GW2 journey. I was so disappointed in the HOT expansion I was hesitant to buy POF. I play MY PERSONAL STORY solo. There is more than enough content to play with parties and mobs. Thanks ANET for thinking of us that actually play for fun, plus who has all day to play on one storyline and then have to face a self-healing, health sucking boss.

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> @Grand.9563 said:

> I guess Eaters of Souls ends my GW2 journey. I was so disappointed in the HOT expansion I was hesitant to buy POF. I play MY PERSONAL STORY solo. There is more than enough content to play with parties and mobs. Thanks ANET for thinking of us that actually play for fun, plus who has all day to play on one storyline and then have to face a self-healing, health sucking boss.


this. I'm gonna continue to play the game but probably try again my personal story next year or so. I have enough tedious thing in my life, play gw2 just to have fun but shame that i wont do the personal story of the expansion.

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I'm usually a pretty positive person lol - I try anyway. I certainly do not mind challenging story lines and I get why it usually is pretty lengthy; the Balthazar fight and finding all my weapons part was long enough and then this - this for me was THE worst fight I've encountered solo. Mesmer; tried switching up builds etc., to no avail. The only time I managed to get him down at all was maybe 10% and he always healed back up; esp after he killed me. So frustrated. :(

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I regularly solo champs and quite a few legendaries on my ranger main. THIS fellow was ridiculous. I rage quite for the first time ever in this game (1 hour and 45 minutes of trying to kill each other), after many years of playing it. Finally looked to the forums for help, and found this solution. Should work for ALL classes. Here's hoping the real issue gets fixed.


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> @Daisy.2178 said:

> I'm usually a pretty positive person lol - I try anyway. I certainly do not mind challenging story lines and I get why it usually is pretty lengthy; the Balthazar fight and finding all my weapons part was long enough and then this - this for me was THE worst fight I've encountered solo. Mesmer; tried switching up builds etc., to no avail. The only time I managed to get him down at all was maybe 10% and he always healed back up; esp after he killed me. So frustrated. :(


me too, I usually solo alot of champs and bosses and enjoy challenging content. Balthazar was fun. I play Mesmer and I was so angry with Eater of Souls. I found out that illusions near him will immediately reset him to 100 on his final aoe heal blast. Especially on Chrono or with clones on dodges, I always had illusions up. This should honestly be a bug because they don't have the health of a player and apparently pets or minions dont reset him. So I had to change my weapon set on second try run around kiting using just GS auto at max range.. eventually he got stuck somewhere and I could just range him. Some people were talking about CC him while he's got his break bar up and so on while jumping but I never got that, it didn't do anything to him. Also blocks and evades never actually did anything to the heal drain and so on while others report they could dodge or evade it. It did not work that way for me. I basically stayed max range and blinked and ran as far as I could when he did his healing beam and aoe heal. He was also very buggy and walked back and forth in one spot sometimes invulnerable half of it. Just a headache. But the whole story was emotional, powerful and phenomenal. eater of souls seems just buggy as heck. anyway suggestion for Mesmer is to GS or staff range and no illusions. Mirage might also be very helpful just evade, superspeed, axe 2, jaunt, mirrors, sword ambush leap away, etc. no illusion skills, or if there are use it for CC interrupts. Otherwise kite and try to get him stuck on rocks or jokos cage.


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> @takatsu.9416 said:

>Also blocks and evades never actually did anything to the heal drain and so on while others report they could dodge or evade it.


It's the tether attack that you can dodge. A simple dodge is all you need to negate it completely. It's the only attack he has that deals damage anyway so keeping your dodges only for that one attack isn't hard.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @takatsu.9416 said:

> >Also blocks and evades never actually did anything to the heal drain and so on while others report they could dodge or evade it.


> It's the tether attack that you can dodge. A simple dodge is all you need to negate it completely. It's the only attack he has that deals damage anyway so keeping your dodges only for that one attack isn't hard.


Interesting. I have a thief and can dodge 3 times in a row and use disabling shot to leap away and no mater what his siphon stays locked onto me till it's done. Guess I'll just leave this unfinished till I have another 2 hours to devote to it.

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  • 4 months later...

> @"LadySilverHand.6841" said:

> I regularly solo champs and quite a few legendaries on my ranger main. THIS fellow was ridiculous. I rage quite for the first time ever in this game (1 hour and 45 minutes of trying to kill each other), after many years of playing it. Finally looked to the forums for help, and found this solution. Should work for ALL classes. Here's hoping the real issue gets fixed.




How does this help every class ? I am a guardian and can't as far as I know wield a bow.


If I made another character who could how does that affect my guardian's accomplishment ? Do all characters on an account get credit?




Madanark the Mad

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> @"Eloquent.4139" said:

> Well pardon my Firebrand's ignorance. I need to develop the dragonhunter side now.

> Second query about whether all characters get credit applies still. Thank you.


Don't mock yourself by using that stupid "tactics". Just break his defiance bar when it shows up, Anet even made it show up longer after the noobs complained. That guy probably needed 20 minutes for that fight, he just cut most of it out of the video. If you break the bar, you'll be done in under 2 minutes.


Here's a reference of your class's crowd control skills: http://guildwarshub.com/hard-cc-skill-reference-guide/#Guardian


Bane Signet Utility 300

Hammer of Wisdom Utility 300


Banish Hammer #4 232


This is probably more than enough. Good luck

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> @"Eloquent.4139" said:

> > @"LadySilverHand.6841" said:

> > I regularly solo champs and quite a few legendaries on my ranger main. THIS fellow was ridiculous. I rage quite for the first time ever in this game (1 hour and 45 minutes of trying to kill each other), after many years of playing it. Finally looked to the forums for help, and found this solution. Should work for ALL classes. Here's hoping the real issue gets fixed.

> >

> >


> How does this help every class ? I am a guardian and can't as far as I know wield a bow.


> If I made another character who could how does that affect my guardian's accomplishment ? Do all characters on an account get credit?


> Thanks,


> Madanark the Mad


Nice thread necro. This was apparently an issue before it was nerfed a few months ago. If you still can’t break its breakbar you should practice abilities with cc.

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  • 11 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Like the comments above suggest, the Eater of Souls starts to siphon after the jumps indicated by the second circle in his rotation of moves. The best places for me to hit then double roll away were the bridge and mostly the place with trees on the right of the bridge. Hope this helps! :)

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  • 10 months later...

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