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[EU][DD] Drunken Dragons | returning and rebuilding | New/Returning Player Friendly |

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Well hello there, this is my 1st post ever on this forum and im lvl 80 berserker that is loooong time mmorpg veteran. I even played this game in closed alpha (did not play it anymore after that) . ATM im playing this game for a month and currently working on sunrise which ill prolly have soon (read 2 -3 weeks), once i like the game i play it and once i play it i really play it :D. I played lots of mmorpgs really hc and i would like to enjoy this game as much as i can so if you have place for me i would be grateful for a spot.

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> @"DragonHunter.7643" said:

> Interesting guild. Been playing the game for a few years now, never really been in a guild besides a grouping with some friends. Was thinking of joining one, never been in a raid so I'm looking for somewhere to start, if ya'all have me.



> @"stralicki.5160" said:

> Well hello there, this is my 1st post ever on this forum and im lvl 80 berserker that is loooong time mmorpg veteran. I even played this game in closed alpha (did not play it anymore after that) . ATM im playing this game for a month and currently working on sunrise which ill prolly have soon (read 2 -3 weeks), once i like the game i play it and once i play it i really play it :D. I played lots of mmorpgs really hc and i would like to enjoy this game as much as i can so if you have place for me i would be grateful for a spot.


You are both very welcomed !, ill send an invitation as soon as possible :)

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> @"Erika Ch.8796" said:

> Hi i'm leveling masteries in HoT and it's pretty difficult when i'm alone. I've also never been in guild and raid so i would like to join you if you're still recruiting. I have lvl 80 necromancer but i'm still kinda new and lost in the game :)


Hii Erika, we love helping new people getting familiar with the game and guide them! you are very welcome to join us :)


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I'm Interested in Joining, I generally run t4 fractals daily after work, I spend roughly 2 hours a day on gw2 during week days, Is that active enough? I'm trying to get into raiding but PUG raids seem to all require 150+LI. I have a healing druid and DPS DareDevil/Deadeye setup for t4 fractals/raid and pretty soon will have a support light armour class geared up, not sure which yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello there!


This is an application for two people who want to join. Both of us started playing the franchise in the days of Guild Wars 1 Nightfall.


Endrosz.3609 - Myself. I have been on-and-off active in the past 7 years, sometimes very active, sometimes not at all. Fractals and achievement hunting and exploring the maps. I have been a guild leader in GW1, but back then I didn't have a family. :)


Blade.2387 - My best friend. He didn't really like GW2 back in 2012, so he committed himself to another MMO. Now he regrets that decision, and enjoys the gorgeous graphics and non-P2W gameplay of this game. Note: He is located in China, and Discord is disabled there via the GFW (Great Firewall of China). He's working on a VPN solution.


We're mostly interested in getting into raiding, but would welcome any other group activity. We run daily fractals together, he's working on his first full ascended set. Since there is a 6 hour timezone difference between CET and his Hongkong time, we very much appreciate the 5 pm start for guild events! Most guilds start later.




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> @"Endrosz.3609" said:

> Hello there!


> This is an application for two people who want to join. Both of us started playing the franchise in the days of Guild Wars 1 Nightfall.


> Endrosz.3609 - Myself. I have been on-and-off active in the past 7 years, sometimes very active, sometimes not at all. Fractals and achievement hunting and exploring the maps. I have been a guild leader in GW1, but back then I didn't have a family. :)


> Blade.2387 - My best friend. He didn't really like GW2 back in 2012, so he committed himself to another MMO. Now he regrets that decision, and enjoys the gorgeous graphics and non-P2W gameplay of this game. Note: He is located in China, and Discord is disabled there via the GFW (Great Firewall of China). He's working on a VPN solution.


> We're mostly interested in getting into raiding, but would welcome any other group activity. We run daily fractals together, he's working on his first full ascended set. Since there is a 6 hour timezone difference between CET and his Hongkong time, we very much appreciate the 5 pm start for guild events! Most guilds start later.




Hello Endrosz, thanks for contacting me an invitation has been sent! Welcome to DD :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, fellow Tyrians!


Our guild is looking for new, returning and experienced players interested in all aspects of PvE! We are a dedicated and active community that seeks to bolster its ranks.

Here's what you can expect:


**Weekly raid trainings** organised by our veteran members. Trainings can be organised multiple times per week according to participant needs.

**Weekly guild missions**, every Sunday!

_**A monthly guild lottery with varying prizes!**_

**Contests of all kinds** including fashion show-offs!

Our very own Discord server which has something for everyone!

**A diverse and thorough knowledge pool** regarding everything PvE, no one is ever estranged.

If the above sound promising to you or you need more information about our guild, feel free to **contact me at Ashmine.3726 or Warpriestheo.9348**

for any further info. Drop us a message in-game or if we're not online you can send an in-game mail which will be answered within a day at most. There are no wrong questions - message freely!

For the sake of keeping things simple and short, thank you for reading and I hope you'll become an inebriated dragon. Cheers!



Discord is necessary to have

Age 20yo+


**Office Members :**







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I'd like to join if you'll have me. I've been playing GW2 since launch (and GW1 before that) and I'm mostly a casual PvE player, but I do some raid training with my other guild and would be open to joining casual/training raids. I sometimes do WvW too (on Desolation).


Mostly I'm looking for:

* A guild I can do guild missions with (my current guild does them just as I get home on Friday which means I usually miss them)

* People to chat to while playing (in-game prefered but I do use Discord for text chat, and can use voice chat for raids and things if I know in advance I'll be doing it)

* People to play with, to get me doing things I don't normally do on my own like more Fractals, dungeons, meta-events I haven't done in ages etc.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I'd like to join if you'll have me. I've been playing GW2 since launch (and GW1 before that) and I'm mostly a casual PvE player, but I do some raid training with my other guild and would be open to joining casual/training raids. I sometimes do WvW too (on Desolation).


> Mostly I'm looking for:

> * A guild I can do guild missions with (my current guild does them just as I get home on Friday which means I usually miss them)

> * People to chat to while playing (in-game prefered but I do use Discord for text chat, and can use voice chat for raids and things if I know in advance I'll be doing it)

> * People to play with, to get me doing things I don't normally do on my own like more Fractals, dungeons, meta-events I haven't done in ages etc.


Hello there sorry for the late response but i was abroad, hope that you mailed one of our officers and got invited already, if not i' ll send an invitation as soon as possible! Looking forward to drink with you!

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Returning player here ( I have characters but still waiting on game download so checking out the forum while it works in the back ground lol)

Question about discord, I have discord but no mic...it that going to be a problem (can listen but responses will be txt)

Looking for a new guild as my last one (5 yrs ago) has disappeared.


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> @"Aurrynthea.7581" said:

> Returning player here ( I have characters but still waiting on game download so checking out the forum while it works in the back ground lol)

> Question about discord, I have discord but no mic...it that going to be a problem (can listen but responses will be txt)

> Looking for a new guild as my last one (5 yrs ago) has disappeared.

> Cheers


Hello, having discord and being able to listen to us on voice chat is fine, cause it means we can still communicate, although it is a big advantage if you have a mic :)

You are very welcome to join us =)


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> @"Micro.3275" said:

> Returning player here, looking for nice social guild to do some group activities and finish collecting mats for legendary armor. Have a lot of experience in GW2 (Legendary Bolt, 250+ mastery level, few characters with ascended gear)


Hello there, thanks for applying

you are very welcome to join us =)


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Hey! returning player here looking to get into the endgame content such as raids and high fractals. currently managed to get full ascended gear on my guardian which i main currently. I'd like to be apart of the guild as it looks like it would fit me perfectly! thanks!

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> @"sam.4915" said:

> Hey! returning player here looking to get into the endgame content such as raids and high fractals. currently managed to get full ascended gear on my guardian which i main currently. I'd like to be apart of the guild as it looks like it would fit me perfectly! thanks!

Hello Thanks for applying! I will send an invitation as soon as possible :)


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  • 2 months later...

Hello, fellow Tyrians!


**[DD]** **Drunken Dragons** are recruiting once more for passionate , chatty, drunk and not * fellas to join our community !


**What we offer :**


1. **A guild that is made to run both Casual Friendly and Endgame content**

From Open World Metas, Dungeons, Achievements ,Guild Missions

To Fractals, Raids , soon we are planning to bring back raid training (running every week)


2. **A Well organized Discord Server**

A tool we all use everyday to socialize , share funny posts/screenies, `MEMES`

keep you update on what is happening, various Guides and a lot of people who are eager to answer and help you out .


3. **An Upgraded Guild Hall** from Path of Fire Expansion

It allows you to have max buffs - good for open world and WvW , extra daily gathering nodes, Guild trader with daily various goods to buy from


4. **Custom Guild Events**

We organize Guild Events and Competitions where you can win in-game prizes and have a good time <3




1. **Discord is essential**

2. Age Requirement : 20 years old +

3. We do not tolerate any form of racism or toxicity

4. You have to be online at least 1 day per month. If inactive for more than 30 days you will be removed. Good News ? you may always join us back :)

5. Representing is only Required when we are running content together as a guild


**How to join?**


1. You may leave a message below with your In-game nickname.number and we will invite you as soon as possible

2. You may send an in game mail to





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The other half and me just got into GW2 again after a loooooong time. Both played mmo's for years (mainly WoW) but we are (slowly) levelling a couple of characters each.

Don't want to rush through content but would like to join a guild as both would be interested in end game content and guild events etc

We are both online most days/nights, from the UK.


In game names are




Hopefully hear from you soon :)

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> @"Immapeach.8914" said:

> Hi,

> The other half and me just got into GW2 again after a loooooong time. Both played mmo's for years (mainly WoW) but we are (slowly) levelling a couple of characters each.

> Don't want to rush through content but would like to join a guild as both would be interested in end game content and guild events etc

> We are both online most days/nights, from the UK.


> In game names are

> Immapeach.8914

> Meshla.7281


> Hopefully hear from you soon :)


Hi guys you both so lovely! You are very welcome to join us and we will be happy to help you out and prepare you for endgame content if you are into that!

I ll send you an invitation as soon as possible! Cheers <3

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Hello! I just reach 80 my first 80 lvl. Looking friendly guilds for exploring / raiding / fractals / dungeons etc. My name is Markodius.4076

But I have one problem thing, my English is not good enough. I can understand other people, say simple phrases and scary to say something in micro (because of my eng level). I Will happy to join.


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> @"Karpolan Demesand.5437" said:

> Hi, level 20 returning player here. Looking to join a guild and just have fun exploring / raiding / whatever really. My in-game name is Karpolan Demesand.5437


> I like to just mess around doing PVE, exploring. But I'd like to get into some of the daily stuff and some raids etc. Would love to join!

Hi there Karpolan , Welcome Back to Guild Wars 2. Looks like you have missed a lot but we are here for you to cover things up and make it easier to progress in the game! You are very welcome to join us and i will send you an invitation as soon as possible! Cheers !


> @"Markodius.4076" said:

> Hello! I just reach 80 my first 80 lvl. Looking friendly guilds for exploring / raiding / fractals / dungeons etc. My name is Markodius.4076

> But I have one problem thing, my English is not good enough. I can understand other people, say simple phrases and scary to say something in micro (because of my eng level). I Will happy to join.


Hello there Markodius, you are also very welcome to join us and congratulations on your first lvl 80 character! It is absolutely fine if you don't feel like speaking on voice chats , but it is a very good thing if you can listen and understand! Hopefully this will help your speaking and social skills as well!

I will send an invitation as soon as possible!



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Hello! I'm close to: a- returning - trying to play more - trying to be helpful - player. After my first Guildmates and I were separated, I lost interest on groups and became a solo-PvE-Mercenary. Now that I'm on a new server, I’m looking to explore (again) all types of content (Including Guilds) and stop the mercenary profile.


I am a friendly person, and I will be happy to join a guild when I could learn and share experiences with others


Nick ( Jhackus.8150 ) (I think it will appear in the post btw)


English is not my mother tongue, but laughs are the same in any language !!


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