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Anyone else feel that we have stunning new environments but NOTHING to do in them?


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Personally I think that the maps are just for exploration. They are build around treasure chest and finding stuff in them. They are much more dynamic this wat I think. There isn't a single meta event that you work toward completing. You just complete whatever event you stumble upon and whatever bounty you like and then go for a treasure hunt.


And hey! HoT is still there for you!

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no new dungeons (instanced GROUP content) and no meta events... disappointing. I'm in Riverlands now and I decided to take a break. There's only so much exploring and scenery admiring I can do. I miss HoT launch, it was hectic, had a sense of urgency and most importantly BUSY. That said, with the amount of work Anet put in map design and mounts, I don't mind paying full price for a single player experience (which is what it is now, sadly) but, disappointed overall.

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> @Vayne.8563 said:

> People complained about HoT being on timers and needed groups. Anet made changes based on the very loud complaints of a percentage of the playerbase. I know after I get done with the expansion I'll be spending time in HoT again, because that offers a different experience.


> Both experiences are valid. Anet should have made 3 maps without metas and two with metas


Intended sarcasm? Because thats exactly the case if you may believe some posters.

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This is what I'm wondering. With the PoF maps I've gotten 100%, I don't feel like there's much reason to go back, besides one-and-done achievements. People were worried about HoT maps dying when PoF launched.....at this point I think the concern should have been reversed. What will keep PoF maps alive after the newness wears off when there more reasons to be on HoT maps?

Exploration isn't something that keeps someone on a map. After you've explored it once, you're done. After taking part in events on HoT maps that kept me coming back for more, PoF maps really feel lacking.

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> @Suinz.5968 said:

> Many disliked HoT because EVERY MAP was tied around a meta. People had to schedule their life around the game to actually be able to participate in them. Unfortunately, anet thought that because of this, they shouldn't include ANY meta events. I enjoy meta events, just don't make each map have them. And don't make maps designed only for the meta like DS.


Well thats easy to fix. Get rid of timers. Make the events dynamic. When players complete enough sub events, progress to a bigger event. When players fail or dont participate, the enemy progresses. Much like we were promised with dynamic events. Now instead you get timers.

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> @urzen.7096 said:

> > @Suinz.5968 said:

> > Many disliked HoT because EVERY MAP was tied around a meta. People had to schedule their life around the game to actually be able to participate in them. Unfortunately, anet thought that because of this, they shouldn't include ANY meta events. I enjoy meta events, just don't make each map have them. And don't make maps designed only for the meta like DS.


> Well thats easy to fix. Get rid of timers. Make the events dynamic. When players complete enough sub events, progress to a bigger event. When players fail or dont participate, the enemy progresses. Much like we were promised with dynamic events. Now instead you get timers.


You're right. That's why Silverwastes styled meta was the best way they could go, but they blew it I guess.

The maps are large enough that it could be just happening on a half of it for instance.

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> @Pixlboy.5296 said:

> > @urzen.7096 said:

> > > @Suinz.5968 said:

> > > Many disliked HoT because EVERY MAP was tied around a meta. People had to schedule their life around the game to actually be able to participate in them. Unfortunately, anet thought that because of this, they shouldn't include ANY meta events. I enjoy meta events, just don't make each map have them. And don't make maps designed only for the meta like DS.

> >

> > Well thats easy to fix. Get rid of timers. Make the events dynamic. When players complete enough sub events, progress to a bigger event. When players fail or dont participate, the enemy progresses. Much like we were promised with dynamic events. Now instead you get timers.


> You're right. That's why Silverwastes styled meta was the best way they could go, but they blew it I guess.

> The maps are large enough that it could be just happening on a half of it for instance.


And it's not like in PoF we came to similar, desert-like environment... oh wait....

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The Path of Fire maps are more suited for explorers who enjoy finding the secret, hidden gems, the floating palaces in the sky, and that amazing leap off a waterfall. They emphasize the joy of movement with your mounts, having to switch from one to another, before leaping into a pack of Choya. The points of interests around the maps lead you to interesting places, but they are ironically the least interesting, as the real joy of exploration is always around the corner.


And that is why I love all five maps.


These aren't maps where people get shooed off because some meta event is ongoing that they didn't want to participate. Neither are they made for meta trains (well, unless you include the Bounty Trains that are starting to form).


And that is _fine_.


HoT map metas still exist! Silverwastes still exists! There are still _tons_ of things to do in GW2!

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> @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> The Path of Fire maps are more suited for explorers who enjoy finding the secret, hidden gems, the floating palaces in the sky, and that amazing leap off a waterfall. They emphasize the joy of movement with your mounts, having to switch from one to another, before leaping into a pack of Choya. The points of interests around the maps lead you to interesting places, but they are ironically the least interesting, as the real joy of exploration is always around the corner.


> And that is why I love all five maps.


> These aren't maps where people get shooed off because some meta event is ongoing that they didn't want to participate. Neither are they made for meta trains (well, unless you include the Bounty Trains that are starting to form).


> And that is _fine_.


> HoT map metas still exist! Silverwastes still exists! There are still _tons_ of things to do in GW2!


great, make people play the same content for another 5 years huh? How reasonable.

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> @Pixlboy.5296 said:

> > @urzen.7096 said:

> > > @Suinz.5968 said:

> > > Many disliked HoT because EVERY MAP was tied around a meta. People had to schedule their life around the game to actually be able to participate in them. Unfortunately, anet thought that because of this, they shouldn't include ANY meta events. I enjoy meta events, just don't make each map have them. And don't make maps designed only for the meta like DS.

> >

> > Well thats easy to fix. Get rid of timers. Make the events dynamic. When players complete enough sub events, progress to a bigger event. When players fail or dont participate, the enemy progresses. Much like we were promised with dynamic events. Now instead you get timers.


> You're right. That's why Silverwastes styled meta was the best way they could go, but they blew it I guess.

> The maps are large enough that it could be just happening on a half of it for instance.


I disagree. Meta events like those are feast-or-famine. If the map is full and players are actively participating in all the events, it feels great; if the map is empty, far too many things become inaccessible. This is unsustainable as future content patches and expansions will undoubtedly dilute the player base further, to the point those maps become completely empty.


Silverwastes, as you used as an example, was great and felt epic. But pre-PoF, if you went in there when there are no RIBA trains going, you couldn't get much done. This become intimidating for newer players, worse if they used the level 80 boost and decided to wander out alone. Silverwastes was thematically oppressive with a constant sense of urgency. You stop to catch your breath one minute, and you're in a middle of a massive assault the next. It didn't really allow for slower-paced players to explore the map; which was fine because it was a war zone, but it still excluded an entire group of players.

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The expansion is awesome. I love the story, the maps are stunning, the music fantastic, mounts are fun, and im having blast learning the new elite's. My worry is what is going to keep me coming back to these maps. What am i going to be doing 6 months from now, a year, two years from now... For the last year on top of the Living world season, PvP seasons, and WvW... I've spent lots of time on the HoT maps doing the meta events. Most of the time there are two or three full maps. I don't see this happening with the PoF maps. I don't think every map needs to be a meta map but it would have been nice to have two or three map meta events where coordination of groups is required to complete the event. I still do Dry top. silver waste, verdent brink, auric basin, tangled depths, and dragon stand... i only go back to core tyria maps to do current events or living world and i fear it will be the same with PoF.... I love the expansion but i hope Anet has a plan to address the lack of Map meta.

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> @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> HoT map metas still exist! Silverwastes still exists! There are still _tons_ of things to do in GW2!


Is there a problem with people wanting the _new _ content to have these things too? In the bi-yearly expansion we pay for?


Do you _really _not see an issue with "go do the old content instead of the new expansion content"?


It's 5 new giant maps! After 11 maps of non metas! How much pure exploration do you need? If there was even a few world bosses thrown around I guarantee there would be way less complaints, but theres none of those either!


There is absolutely nothing wrong with catering to both types of players.

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People are more vocal when they want to complain, so I pop in here to see what others think about the expansion. There are more complaints than positives, because those of us who love the expansion are happily playing the game, and not coming here. I just meander around, doing events and hearts, getting mastery points, talking to NPCs, and trying to get to places that don't have a definitive reason to go to, just for the sake of climbing. Yes, it's similar to vanilla Tyria, not big meta events or world bosses, but I certainly haven't been bored. HoT was painful for me, I avoided it as much as I could. I personally am relieved that PoF is not HoT V2.0, which is what most people complaining seem to expect and want. I do agree it could use *something* more though, a couple world boss type events would be great. I enjoy the exploration and immersion, but I agree it feels a little empty for open world content.

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I am the guy in my group of friends who tries to encourage the rest to have fun with the expansion we all were excited for. There's a problem with that, they were excited, but that excitement is quickly diminishing the further we progress, so I am sitting between them all, trying to find silver-linings to their disappointments.


Aside from the initial impact the mounts had, I hear their frustrations grow daily, and as a result so do mine as I realize I am just struggling to entertain myself when in theory the game should be helping me with this.


It's not all bad, but I am disappointed we couldn't even have one proper event, instead of everything we've seen before.

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Just adding another "meh." I'm only halfway through the second map, but I've already lost track of the story and any interest I had in it due to having to run around grinding XP for that bunny that was gating that very progress. Fetch quests and annoying as hell mobs with massive aggro range every few centimeters knocking you back, up, and down every few seconds all for crap drops and crap rewards that clutter the bags and require a crapton of clicking. No way I'm going back to the 1st map ever at least.


Aesthetically though, yeah, it's all absolutely stunning. Also the player character actors are amazing as always.

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I don't miss metas at all, the only reason to return to HoT for me is to ~~kill myself~~ grind amalgament gemstones and HoT map currencies for Legendary Collections 'n stuff. And I'm gonna delay that as much as possible...

PoF is amazing, there is so much to do and explore and some fun challenges, most champions can be killed solo or with a small group of friends! Which is amazing, I love content that I can play with my friends, content that doesn't require me to bother with a bunch of randoms that are constantly trying to tell me that I'm doing everything wrong and should quit the game and that I'm playing the wrong build or whatever.

I'm curious to find out if there is any special loot on any of those champions, maybe there's even a new aura somewhere, those aura's where the only thing that kept me motivated to do TD and AB (still haven't gotten them FeelsBadMan).

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> @TwilightSoul.9048 said:

> I don't miss metas at all, the only reason to return to HoT for me is to ~~kill myself~~ grind amalgament gemstones and HoT map currencies for Legendary Collections 'n stuff. And I'm gonna delay that as much as possible...

> PoF is amazing, there is so much to do and explore and some fun challenges, most champions can be killed solo or with a small group of friends! Which is amazing, I love content that I can play with my friends, content that doesn't require me to bother with a bunch of randoms that are constantly trying to tell me that I'm doing everything wrong and should quit the game and that I'm playing the wrong build or whatever.

> I'm curious to find out if there is any special loot on any of those champions, maybe there's even a new aura somewhere, those aura's where the only thing that kept me motivated to do TD and AB (still haven't gotten them FeelsBadMan).


"I dont miss them, so no one should miss them. I am glad they are gone since i never liked them, and people who liked them or want something which replicated them even if they do not interfere with the things i like about the new maps, they should be happy that they do not have because I dont like them"

Pretty much how this read to me.

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> @nehezbegar.1065 said:

> There are tons of small metas, like it was in core game. The event chains that goes one to another with the smallfinalle. Its way better than map wide meta events, where everyone shouts on each other etc.


That is exactly what I disliked about HoT.

Usually, I log in for a "night shift". But I found the mega events suck up all the players to certain places like a rubber duck when you pull the stopper in the bathtub and it sucks in all the foam, water and said duck. Then, everyone logged of or idles on the central waypoint in Verdant Brink. And I solitary get back each pact camp on my own (that's why I am interested in Deadeye), the zergs don't talk at all, too busy to rush to the copters and then, as said, idle or log off. That was and is stupid. I wish smaller events would get people into smaller squads and more spread out than fighting some dragon in a floating square platform mid-air. But apparently smaller events are not "epic". Ugh.




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I wouldn't have minded meta-event strings, especially if they coaxed players across the rather vast expanses of the maps with stuff to do. As it is, it feels like there isn't much to run into in the new maps, which makes them feel barren.


The only two reasons I resented the HoT map metas was:

•They blocked off large chunks of explorable space.

•Made taxiing nearly required to play some content (Dragon Stand, Gerent).


I wanted meta-events to continue, because it made the zones interesting to be in. I was just hoping for something closer to Silverwastes or some of the camp/pillar/outpost events from HoT without all of the thorn walls and forced timers.

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Right now everything in PoF is so new, that I can't say there is nothing to do. There are plenty of events and places to explore.


In the future, after everything is explored, I can see that many people would find the lack of group content wanting.


I think in lieu of meta events, world bosses like the Vinewraith would have been the way to go. It is a little meta-ish but is also world boss-ish. It wouldn't have hurt to have that type of content on each map to keep people involved.


I still will find myself in PoF maps more than any other even after the new has worn off. Vabbi was my favorite place in the original game.

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