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Are Rev's DPS low


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This is the data most people reference. It is ok on big hit boxes due to all the projectiles from citadel bombardment all hitting, however for normal sized hit boxes it is the second lowest dps only beating out necro (but necro has the skill epidemic which is not useable for benchmarks however it makes necro the highest possible dps class in certain scenarios). With that being said, I don't know why they didn't do an invocation benchmark for small hitbox as it would probably be about 2-3k higher than devastation though you lose assassin's presence which is really the only reason to ever take dps rev over something with higher damage (other than for fun). The other thing to note is that it is a slow build up condi build, which means it starts out at a lower dps than stuff like holosmith and weaver and then only catches up to them after a few minutes so for shorter fights it will be significantly lower dps than most power builds. With all that being said most pug groups will accept it, but you will occasionally run into try-hards who will kick condi renegades. Also if you want to run power rev (sword) then most raid groups will also kick you unless they are either super casual, or super confident that they will clear regardless of what you do, power rev has just been really low sustained dps with basically no burst for a very long time, however it is kinda closeish to condi now and actually better for short fights (I am not sure how long till break even point hits). It isn't a simple yes or no to answer your question but I hope this helped.

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Don´t look too much on the benchmarks. Many times I am top dps in raid pugs, it all depends on ur rotation and how u can play ur class at the bosses. Also: when you play with Devastation traitline, you provide one of the strongest dps buffs of the game (assassins presence), only good for power classes tho.

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > I do all content, including all content pugged, with condi revenant consistently and never have an issue.


> It's just now I am really worried. I thought it was a fun class. But I don't want last kid picked for every event.


I do some raid bosses with power herald without any kind of problem. Its dps is low but is enough. Yet pugs won't take a power revenant, because meta and blabla.


However you should be fine with a condi renegade, it's very very decent.

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