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[NA, TC][Casual PvX] Bunny Foofoo Belly Button Lint [FUZZ] LF Social bugs!


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**BIG SUPER NOTE _(read this before applying)_:** We are still recruiting! But please note that we aren't as... talkative, if that's what you can call it, like we used to be. But we are looking to add those to the ranks that are willing to be sociable and be apart of a much needed change for our community!


**Welcome to the semi-official-but-not-really-the-"official"-official recruitment post for the FUZZ guild!** In efforts to shorten-down our recruitment posts, the bootiful posts (like this one) will be decreased in length to cover the big points, but we will continue to utilize our google doc like we have in the past, where there is much more info. there!


**Alright, Lan, we get it; you're trying to not waste my time. TELL US ALREADY ON HOW TO JOIN THIS TRAINWRECK!** Well, before I do that, allow me to put out a few points of what this guild is compromised of, what we may/may not do, etc..


* **Anything not mentioned on this post will be in our webpage; GO READ IT!** You'll be glad you did. https://tinyurl.com/joinfuzz

* We have a **_semi-official guild anthem_** _which had to be removed due to format issues and such._

* **Our guild motto:** Do what you want when you want. We abide by this philosophy rather well, as we do not want to hold members accountable to joining some in-game or guild event that you have absolutely no interest in. However, it never hurts to try it at least once. ;)

* We began our reform on **April 1st, 2018** (go figure), and have been recruiting actively sense!

* We are recruiting **casual-to-semi-casual PvX players**, but more heavily does our guild dwell in the PvE and WvW aspects (some PvPers, but not a bunch).

* **For anything WvW-related, we are dispersed out across the servers!** Although we originated our official recruitment on the North American server Tarnished Coast, we are in the moment of waiting for Anet to make up their minds about alliances... we'll do more when that hits.... if it ever hits... you get the idea.

* _That about sums it up_ (at least to what I had on our other post).


So, again, while this is not everything, I redirect your attention to the first bullet for our compilation doc!


Now, how do I get an invite to this trainwreck? Ezpz. Contact one of the following people to receive an invite! Maybe not, either...

* Lanthun#7251 - (EST; Guild Overseer)

* Hobbitude#1580 - (PST; Council Member/Officer)

* Industria#2181 - (PST; Council Member/Officer)


_Feel free to respond here, or message me directly. I try to check Reddit at-least once a day, but some days I truly forget. The best way to get in contact with any of us is, usually, in-game, but Discord ID's have been given out for reasons if we cannot be on._

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We are having such a blast here at FUZZ, a fun group of people. We were able to inspire a couple members to come aboard the T4 train as a part of a hopeful static-ish (big ish) group for doing T4s; doing them with guildies is always more fun than pugs, right?


I, myself, am working on a new summer project; Ad Infinitum! It took me awhile to really adjust to wanting to get it, but I said the same about Nevermore, and here I have it. :P Summer is around the corner; join us for an adventure! No representation required, be talkative to us!

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Some of us were pretty stoked (self included) about today in hopes of a future in underwater combat!!! ...Others were not so keen to the idea. However you see fit in your game play, we welcome all different views one may have about Tyria within our community! We intro'd our lottery system to our members, have our official first raid practice/training-ish run this upcoming weekend, and so much more planned as we begin our summer!

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We start our guild events-ish this week! While we are still following our 'enjoy what you want when you want' motto, we have some members who want to share what they enjoy doing on nights of the week every week. From a weekly mapping event, to a material farm, WvW on reset night, and a weekly raid practice that is just beginning, there is so much we're trying to do around here, and all we need left is: you! Consider becoming a part of the FUZZ family; we'd love to have you.

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> @"Kuromino.8619" said:

> Hello. I'm currently looking for a more active guild. A little lonely at the moment. Not really interested in raiding or fractals, but I'm down for helping with anything else.


> **The name of this guild just grabbed my attention. =p**


Probably one of the biggest hooks for our guild is the name itself; truth be told, it was a guild name of a childhood guild I used to be in when I played _Free Realms_! The name was never taken seriously, hence to why I decided to reuse it from there to here.


I'll toss ya an invite; welcome to FUZZ!

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> @"Lanthun.7251" said:

> > @"Kuromino.8619" said:

> > Hello. I'm currently looking for a more active guild. A little lonely at the moment. Not really interested in raiding or fractals, but I'm down for helping with anything else.

> >

> > **The name of this guild just grabbed my attention. =p**


> Probably one of the biggest hooks for our guild is the name itself; truth be told, it was a guild name of a childhood guild I used to be in when I played _Free Realms_! The name was never taken seriously, hence to why I decided to reuse it from there to here.


> I'll toss ya an invite; welcome to FUZZ!


Thanks! I'll accept once I get home from work.

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> @"triptrae.6589" said:

> Oh this sounds like a place I'd fit. Shoot me an invite, please.


> I'll see if I can spot you cats when I am online later.


Oh shoot, if I would of just checked this 10 minutes earlier! FEAR NOT! I shall toss an invite tomorrow _but I am human and I forget, so............. i'll do my best. :(_


EDIT: got the invite sent; welcome _semi_-officially!

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We have a lot going on within our little community! Our guild hall has been getting through levels quite substantially with our casual presence (almost 10 levels in a little under two months, and still progressing!), guild events on the event board almost everyday of the week now all beginning between 8-10PM EST, and so much more in store for our guild members like our on-going lottery to those who join our discord, and the emblem contests! We are continuing in striving for a casual environment, and a hopeful social one too even though things get quiet around this joint! Our member base goes beyond our listed times from our tinyurl above, as we a couple who are aussies, and some that are late timers from the pacific coast, and even Alaska! We want those who want a family to play with on the occasion, not just another number on a roster (those that join our discord usually stay a lot longer than our in-game only friends)!


Consider becoming a FUZZy today, where we are joked about by commanders on TC for having a ridiculous guild name, and make a future with us! :D

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Time to throw us up on the page a little bit!


I am currently looking on some infusions on the market place. Do you have a favorite infusion, or a wish-listed one you want? I am always eager to getting these kind of conversations going to when I can (being the fashionista I am). We had our first raid, officially, happen with a combo of guild members and pugs, and it successfully got a couple guild members their first raid boss kill on Vale Guardian; quite a success, but we always prefer taking guild members over pugging if we have too!


I am, also, looking for those interested in playing around in the fractals; I do my T4s everyday, and would love to work with members to either progress towards T4s, or just run with those who are already there and want a not-so-serious atmosphere provided with it. :D


Additionally, am looking for Tarnished Coasters for WvW!!! We try to group on Fridays for reset, and usually stick with whomever is tagged up on our map, or we will go havoc around taking some camps, and a tower here and there. Or leisurely goofing off during the weeks (except this one, Mag and FA is.... *cries*).


Interested? Too bad. _Contact me, fool!_

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A lot more incoming new players to our fantastic world, so I believe it is time to grab us some more potential friends who want to try to make a future with us! Feel free to always message me if any questions rise about us; I'd be happy to chat with you. :D

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I don't know about you guys, but WvW has been super fun this weekend! I am 50/50 on the down-state, as I do like it and dislike it at the same time. But most importantly, the double experience is wonderful; almost in the 500s from this event alone! A lot to catch up too for other players!


Come join us! We have a week-packed event schedule in our guild with members hosting them! We are looking for more social butterflies to join the ranks to keep our guild chat rolling, and possibly our voice chats, too! _We could also use more help in effort for finishing this dang hall, but that's not so much!_

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We have picked up a lot of great people to join our family; best part, we all get a little more rowdy as the night creeps in (who doesn't, though?). We are continuing to create a family who share our motto of _enjoying what you want when you want_, and want to have fun in this game. Being social in chats are a bonus (could use more voice chat users if they are out there!)! Consider joining the FUZZies today; you'll be glad you did. :D

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