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Don't you get it: People just want to fight !

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People get so carried away (sometimes) having an epic mid-cap team battle that they don't care that the other team has the other 2 caps. The amount of times I've been on a team that is winning by over a hundred pts and loses because 3 people are spend 5min trying to kill one immortal firebrand, spell breaker, ele, thief. Also the number of 1v1s etc away from any cap becuase the fight is just too good to bother with the game. I've done that.


Time to admit that the truth about PvP, PEOPLE JUST WANT TO FIGHT! and prove their skill in Mortal Kombat.


Time to create a new PvP mode with new maps. Get rid of these horrendous over hanging structures and trees that obsure your view. Make all caps larger so that the team with the most AoE doesn't necessarily win by default. Remove all silly objectives and PvE jumping puzzle maps. There is only one objective, which team wracks up the most kills in that time period. Add some random item, skill, etc. buffs that can be fought over and let the slaughter begin.

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But chasing people or being worthless in mid not doing anything is why people lose. Soooooooooooooo many people just fight and chase and they throw the game completely. You can still have epic fights if you are decapping home or far. It's not all about the mid point.

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It's why I like maps like the arena and the port. Space is big, no trees or structures everywhere to hide, jump and so...

And you right. A lot of people want to fight.

Strat is good but in a premade team.


They should keep conquest for team ranked and create a bigger more fight mode for soloQ.


But well, many people asked for it for so many years and nothing has changed. It's just incomprehensible and sad.

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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> It's why I like maps like the arena and the port. Space is big, no trees or structures everywhere to hide, jump and so...

> And you right. A lot of people want to fight.

> Strat is good but in a premade team.


> They should keep conquest for team ranked and create a bigger more fight mode for soloQ.


> But well, many people asked for it for so many years and nothing has changed. It's just incomprehensible and sad.


I have been saying it for a long time as well. Give us "Battlegrounds" with bigger teams and different maps/gamemodes and keep conquest as the "Arena" for 5-man premades.


But to the OP's point. Of course that's what people want from PvP (and I don't say this with attitude or snark). It's why in WoW you always had people "fighting on the roads" instead of at nodes. It's also why in GW2 you'll see a teammate gets absolutely WRECKED 1v1 against an opponent, then rez, and run straight back to that 1v1 against the same opponent.


There is a great thrill that you get from engaging in PvP (which is why many people don't understand the appeal of World PvP in games... man I love it... my heart gets racing the second I see another player... it's like a drug... RIP archeage). There isn't that much thrill to running away and avoid fights and rotating smartly so you hit 500 first.


I think most people would like to have awesome fights against equal opponents, even if it means the other team getting to 500 first.

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> @"Bear.9568" said:

> Battle Royale pls, tired of team play. Remember, it's not worth winning if you can't win big.


Why do people like those type of games? It's literally the same map over and over and over again and its a typical boring FPS with boring point and shoot elements to the game. Yawnfest

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I love being chased on my ele and/or druid you can almost see them just raging and just completely ignoring EVERYTHING else on the map. And by the time I'm out of dodges, escapes or just got caught because I'm a noob, it's too late and they loose. The best possible scenario is when my team actually WINS the 3/2x4 (which is WOW by default) AND comes to save my behind, that is just the perfect scenario. LOVE IT

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Bunker builds in deathmatch without a node to fight would be kite cheese. Any less than 3v3 and every match would be countdown timer reaching 0. There would need to be a strict set of rules banning certain sigils, runes, skills and depending on meta, probably professions too.


Nice idea for messing around, but not serious, please.

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We need bigger maps, not smaller ones. The 5v5 conquest works great with premades. They just need to properly incentivize making premades and ranked 5v5... and then make a bunch of bigger 10v10 and 15v15 maps for casual "battleground" pvpers.

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> @"Whitworth.7259" said:

> Bunker builds in deathmatch without a node to fight would be kite cheese. Any less than 3v3 and every match would be countdown timer reaching 0. There would need to be a strict set of rules banning certain sigils, runes, skills and depending on meta, probably professions too.


> Nice idea for messing around, but not serious, please.


Seriously? Couldn't you....you know...._focus on someone else_? Is conquest not also kite cheese? You also can get kited near or off a capture point, so what's the difference? At least with deathmatch you're not limited by the rules of conquest, you can just kill the other sobs!

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> @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> > @"Whitworth.7259" said:

> > Bunker builds in deathmatch without a node to fight would be kite cheese. Any less than 3v3 and every match would be countdown timer reaching 0. There would need to be a strict set of rules banning certain sigils, runes, skills and depending on meta, probably professions too.

> >

> > Nice idea for messing around, but not serious, please.


> Seriously? Couldn't you....you know...._focus on someone else_? Is conquest not also kite cheese? You also can get kited near or off a capture point, so what's the difference? At least with deathmatch you're not limited by the rules of conquest, you can just kill the other sobs!


What do you mean focus others? If it's 1v1 or 2v2 and everyone is playing bunker kite spam then it's going to be pointless. If you kite off point in conquest all day you're going to lose because you're not going to contest the node. In a deathmatch senario without a node people kiting and reseting constantly is going to be lame af with the classes and skills we have now.


People whine about conquest being boring because after all this time it's still all we have. But in reality it's a very simple design that forces a multitude of different play styles.

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The problem is that actually existed? There was a Deathmatch PvP map for a long time in Unranked, but was removed (Courtyard) idk if you can select it on private Arenas though.

Problem is Arena Net listened to the wrong feedback. The so called pros that only cared for Conquest because it was what they were used to.

Stronghold is an awesome idea and you can actually carry a bad team there since it's got more ways to turn the game around than just have the most people standing on specific spots for the most time. But because "people" didn't play it as much as conquest (which was what they were more used to) they totally neglected it, and it's dead.

This happened for pretty much the same reason they killed ranked teams and sPvP is crap overall nowadays. They took a game mode that was booming pre-HoT, added seasons with farmable PvE rewards, got an influx of people just concerned with farming those rewards, listened to feedback from those people instead of the ones actually interested in the competitive aspect, and broke the game.

4 years later PvP is less than a shadow of its former self, even with season, tournaments, you name it, PvP is constantly worse, and it's due to nothing else but poor management.

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> @"Whitworth.7259" said:

> > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> > > @"Whitworth.7259" said:

> > > Bunker builds in deathmatch without a node to fight would be kite cheese. Any less than 3v3 and every match would be countdown timer reaching 0. There would need to be a strict set of rules banning certain sigils, runes, skills and depending on meta, probably professions too.

> > >

> > > Nice idea for messing around, but not serious, please.

> >

> > Seriously? Couldn't you....you know...._focus on someone else_? Is conquest not also kite cheese? You also can get kited near or off a capture point, so what's the difference? At least with deathmatch you're not limited by the rules of conquest, you can just kill the other sobs!


> What do you mean focus others? If it's 1v1 or 2v2 and everyone is playing bunker kite spam then it's going to be pointless. If you kite off point in conquest all day you're going to lose because you're not going to contest the node. In a deathmatch senario without a node people kiting and reseting constantly is going to be lame af with the classes and skills we have now.


> People whine about conquest being boring because after all this time it's still all we have. But in reality it's a very simple design that forces a multitude of different play styles.


Thats only IF you're not holding points and in the lead. Otherwise, kite away! If you get kited in TDM, that's on YOU.

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Conquest = for premade teams because need organisation = minority of pvp community

Deathmatch = for soloQ because rules are simple = Majority of pvp community


I'm not against conquest

But I still don't understand why not make a more "casual" mode for the majority of players who just want to fight


They could do a ranked tournament for team with conquest

And soloQ ranked simple deathmatch mode for others

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> We need bigger maps, not smaller ones. The 5v5 conquest works great with premades. They just need to properly incentivize making premades and ranked 5v5... and then make a bunch of bigger 10v10 and 15v15 maps for casual "battleground" pvpers.


And with this work on the visual to reduce effects for big fights.

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This topic shows the problem. Most players want to fight, but do not know when not to fight and play nodes.

How many times do you get teamed with 5 squishies no support against scourges mesmers and firebrand, and have people insist fighting mid over and over ?


Deathmatch with the actual meta would be completly pointless with all due respect, and matchs could probably be won simply watching team setups...

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