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Looking for build advice


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I recently started to play more after years of inactivity because mirage is so much fun, and I am looking for build advice. I used to play with knight/berserker stats with torch/sword/staff shattering years ago, and I am still quite fixated on sword and torch (I can pretty much play it with action camera without looking on interface ). Also, I used dueling/illusions on my old build. I used to play a lot of WvW roaming/spvp back then.


Reason I played knight/berserker and not condi was also that condi used to be kind of useless for pve and I always wanted to have 1 build for everything.


I am looking for build advice. Is confusion ok even for pve now? Is there any build for mirage that can use dueling/illusions/mirage? I found one on metabattle but it is condi based - are conditions okay even in pve now? I would love to use sword. For swap I dont care so much about GS/staff.


I can get any ascendent armor/trinket/weapon.


Thanks for any response.

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> Is confusion ok even for pve now?


Not really. Since NPCs attack slowly, confusion barely damages them, so you're better off using power builds.


> are conditions okay even in pve now?


Only the damaging ones, like burning, bleeding, etc.


> I would love to use sword. For swap I dont care so much about GS/staff.


The staff is useful for defensive purposes. In PvE, you don't need to have defensive weapons. Just use sword and greatsword.


Hopefully, this helped you.

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