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How do I properly do the spellbreaker rotation?


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Berserker was easy. Tempest was easy. Weaver and Chrono were a bit tricky but doable. Where do I even start with this?



How do I start with full adrenaline? How do I proc Full Counter? I am getting below 20k DPS with full ascended gear, same stats as on Snow Crows. Only difference is I have no stat infusions.

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Proccing Full Counter takes practice on a per-boss level.


Some bosses are super-easy (pretty much anything Samarog will trigger it except his lockdown stabby-stabby move - super effective as it will also protect you from the otherwise unblockable shockwaves) while some require just walking into the attack (i.e Xera). Some are a bit more.... iffy. Yeah, as I said, practice and learn what you can safely get away with in terms of FC.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Mace mainhand? Colour me intrigued. I thought it’s auto-attack was far too weak sauce to be able to compete in Raids..!


With discipline and axe offhand, you only use 2 auto attacks per mace rotation. The F1 is pretty strong damage wise as well for spellbreaker, as it doesn't scale off of adrenaline level, similar to GS

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> @"onemillionLIs.3184" said:

> > @"Godfather.9058" said:

> > How do I start with full adrenaline?


> This is what I would like to know... It feels like I have to do a GS2 after my bulls charge to be able to kick off the burst skills on those SC rotations. Where are they getting that bonus adrenaline surge from?



You start with the To The Limit! Heal. It fills your adrenaline. If you press it just as you enter combat you won't lose adrenaline from being OOC and then you can start the rotation :D. People just don't do it in DPS benchmarks with full counter because you need to use pulsing AOE to proc full counter. Healing signet can outheal the pulsing field so you can keep scholar bonus.


In real fights you want to use To The Limit heal if the fight begins with a burst (i.e. VG, Gor, etc)...but you can take a different heal if the fight doesn't start with a burst (i.e. Xera)

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>! > @"ButterPeanut.9746" said:

>! > If you are having some trouble, it may be worth trying the M/A+A/D setup too. Personally I think it's always better. Here's a link to Moorbazan's refined rotation

>! >

>! >


What is this!? How have I not known about this before? This looks so damn CLEAN!! and a lot simplier than GS A/A, at first glance at least

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Notice that Moorbazan has activated breakbar to that testing golem. While the "rest" do their dps-benchmarks usually without it. Remember after that bar is broken the foe: the golem in this case, receives increased damage. I believe it was somewhere at 150%? Not sure on that one.


Also i dont get why people even consider spellbreaker. I mean sure it rips off boons. But do you really need that? Thief, mesmer and necro can do that just as well. Not to mention the Full Counter skill on sb is quite RNG. If you cant time it right, the spec becomes... meh. Now that druid has taken over the might upkeep role, i personally would just focus on pure dps with banners on warrior. Either in core or Berserker spec (power/condi)

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> @"GWMO.4785" said:

> Notice that Moorbazan has activated breakbar to that testing golem. While the "rest" do their dps-benchmarks usually without it. Remember after that bar is broken the foe: the golem in this case, receives increased damage. I believe it was somewhere at 150%? Not sure on that one.


> Also i dont get why people even consider spellbreaker. I mean sure it rips off boons. But do you really need that? Thief, mesmer and necro can do that just as well. Not to mention the Full Counter skill on sb is quite RNG. If you cant time it right, the spec becomes... meh. Now that druid has taken over the might upkeep role, i personally would just focus on pure dps with banners on warrior. Either in core or Berserker spec (power/condi)


Almost all of this is wrong. The golem does not get the damage bonus when the breakbar is broken. Sometimes people use breakbars on the golem so they don't move when using knockback skills (i.e. kick).


Spellbreaker DPS isn't meta on really much of anything, but that's really the fault of necro/epidemic. The video above linked is a 37k small hitbox DPS without using any full counter, which is on par with the top single target small hitbox DPS classes. The issue is that most of the small hitbox bosses can also be destroyed by Epidemic....which invalidates all small hitbox DPS builds. Large hitbox still run by eles.


This build isn't a replacement for the banner warrior...it fills a DPS role.


Winds of Disenchantment can also be used as boon prevention, as opposed to boon removal. Not a huge difference, but can be helpful in some fights.

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> @"GWMO.4785" said:

> Notice that Moorbazan has activated breakbar to that testing golem. While the "rest" do their dps-benchmarks usually without it. Remember after that bar is broken the foe: the golem in this case, receives increased damage. I believe it was somewhere at 150%? Not sure on that one.


> Also i dont get why people even consider spellbreaker. I mean sure it rips off boons. But do you really need that? Thief, mesmer and necro can do that just as well. Not to mention the Full Counter skill on sb is quite RNG. If you cant time it right, the spec becomes... meh. Now that druid has taken over the might upkeep role, i personally would just focus on pure dps with banners on warrior. Either in core or Berserker spec (power/condi)


Maybe u shoule give it a try , use spb in pve, especially in end-game content. The key to consistently deal high amount of damage is using FC -- the skill u said "quite RNG" . Try not dodge any incoming attack , instead use FC to counter attack it. The time u perform a dodge roll is a dps loss, but if u successfully counter back, it will be dps increase plus u'll gain one stack of berserker power, more stacks of Attacker's Insight, etc.


Spb can be either banner war or just pure power dps, Winds of Disenchantment can be used for specific situation like in sloth fight when group members are down. This golden bubble can block slug's attack while u reviving down players.


In short , spb is not just a boon remove bot , its an "advanced version of core power warrior" in pve , and excellent fighter in competition mode .

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> @"ButterPeanut.9746" said:

You sir, did not read what i wrote. Also when the breakbar is broken the target DOES get 50% additional damage. Have a look at [Wiki / Defiance Bar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defiance_bar "Wiki / Defiance Bar")


> @"Rodrick.1942" said:

> Maybe u shoule give it a try , use spb in pve, especially in end-game content. The key to consistently deal high amount of damage is using FC -- the skill u said "quite RNG" . Try not dodge any incoming attack , instead use FC to counter attack it. The time u perform a dodge roll is a dps loss, but if u successfully counter back, it will be dps increase plus u'll gain one stack of berserker power, more stacks of Attacker's Insight, etc.


> Spb can be either banner war or just pure power dps, Winds of Disenchantment can be used for specific situation like in sloth fight when group members are down. This golden bubble can block slug's attack while u reviving down players.


> In short , spb is not just a boon remove bot , its an "advanced version of core power warrior" in pve , and excellent fighter in competition mode .

I did actually. Hence my comment earlier. Like i understand using Full Counter deals high damage. But as far as i know, its a decrease when you interrupt your rotation to use the skill. In such case you would successfully apply it and eliminate the RNG factor. But again that would be an dps decrease? I think/believe that triggering FC at the right time within your rotation is RNG. Perhaps that is the way i should have said it. Idk, i have played SB in pve end game. And i did find myself often kinda wasting FC cause the mob/foe/boss did not hit me during that time. Cause someone else is/was targetted by it, or the foe has a small idling moment.. idk. maybe i am doing something wrong?

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> @"GWMO.4785" said:

> > @"ButterPeanut.9746" said:

> You sir, did not read what i wrote. Also when the breakbar is broken the target DOES get 50% additional damage. Have a look at [Wiki / Defiance Bar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defiance_bar "Wiki / Defiance Bar")


> > @"Rodrick.1942" said:

> > Maybe u shoule give it a try , use spb in pve, especially in end-game content. The key to consistently deal high amount of damage is using FC -- the skill u said "quite RNG" . Try not dodge any incoming attack , instead use FC to counter attack it. The time u perform a dodge roll is a dps loss, but if u successfully counter back, it will be dps increase plus u'll gain one stack of berserker power, more stacks of Attacker's Insight, etc.

> >

> > Spb can be either banner war or just pure power dps, Winds of Disenchantment can be used for specific situation like in sloth fight when group members are down. This golden bubble can block slug's attack while u reviving down players.

> >

> > In short , spb is not just a boon remove bot , its an "advanced version of core power warrior" in pve , and excellent fighter in competition mode .

> I did actually. Hence my comment earlier. Like i understand using Full Counter deals high damage. But as far as i know, its a decrease when you interrupt your rotation to use the skill. In such case you would successfully apply it and eliminate the RNG factor. But again that would be an dps decrease? I think/believe that triggering FC at the right time within your rotation is RNG. Perhaps that is the way i should have said it. Idk, i have played SB in pve end game. And i did find myself often kinda wasting FC cause the mob/foe/boss did not hit me during that time. Cause someone else is/was targetted by it, or the foe has a small idling moment.. idk. maybe i am doing something wrong?


You sir did not correctly watch any benchmarking video or test it yourself. The golem does NOT receive the "Exposed" debuff after its breakbar is broken. Some/most raid bosses do, but the golem certainly does not.


I'm not sure how the rest of my comments gave you the indication that I didn't read yours. You commented on how SB isn't needed because its boon rip can be done by other classes. I commented that even excluding the boon rip, spellbrekaer DPS is at the very top end on small hitboxes...but it is only not really used because almost all small hitbox bosses are also heavily abused by epidemic.

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Oh > @"GWMO.4785" said:

> > @"ButterPeanut.9746" said:

> You sir, did not read what i wrote. Also when the breakbar is broken the target DOES get 50% additional damage. Have a look at [Wiki / Defiance Bar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defiance_bar "Wiki / Defiance Bar")


> > @"Rodrick.1942" said:

> > Maybe u shoule give it a try , use spb in pve, especially in end-game content. The key to consistently deal high amount of damage is using FC -- the skill u said "quite RNG" . Try not dodge any incoming attack , instead use FC to counter attack it. The time u perform a dodge roll is a dps loss, but if u successfully counter back, it will be dps increase plus u'll gain one stack of berserker power, more stacks of Attacker's Insight, etc.

> >

> > Spb can be either banner war or just pure power dps, Winds of Disenchantment can be used for specific situation like in sloth fight when group members are down. This golden bubble can block slug's attack while u reviving down players.

> >

> > In short , spb is not just a boon remove bot , its an "advanced version of core power warrior" in pve , and excellent fighter in competition mode .

> I did actually. Hence my comment earlier. Like i understand using Full Counter deals high damage. But as far as i know, its a decrease when you interrupt your rotation to use the skill. In such case you would successfully apply it and eliminate the RNG factor. But again that would be an dps decrease? I think/believe that triggering FC at the right time within your rotation is RNG. Perhaps that is the way i should have said it. Idk, i have played SB in pve end game. And i did find myself often kinda wasting FC cause the mob/foe/boss did not hit me during that time. Cause someone else is/was targetted by it, or the foe has a small idling moment.. idk. maybe i am doing something wrong?


"foe has a small idling moment" , yeah , I also find out this issue too. Actually after pof release , all mobs seems know how to react to FC. If you use it before ur target have any action , they'll stand still longer than u expected, then continue their attack rotation.


Ive test this to joke's minion(the one who has high-speed melee autoattack). sometimes they stop attack and stand still if I use FC "right before" they perform next action.


And about the rotation interrupt issue , sometimes we have to dodge the wide-range aoe attack during the rotation. I usually use FC instead if I know this attack can be absorbed, otherwise just dodge. you know you get damage boost buff after successful FC also u can quickly to continue the rotation, That's why I said a successful FC can increase or mantain your dps.


I have a good example. I figure out FC can counter attack Cairn's Spatial Manipulation(which you have to stand in the green circle to protect urself) . In this case i dont need to stand in the green , I can continue my rotation without being interrupted:-) (Although I still get amount of stacks of unseen burden even u counter attack it)


To sum up , FC doesn't have RNG problem, the only problem is u gotta find out which skill can be counter attack , when to use it. If failed, this will be a dps decrease , I agree.

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In the end I'm really just surprissed that this build is much easier than A/A GS SPB and can get higher dps, how is it not considered in most websites that do have suggestions of SPB dps builds (aka Snow Crows, Metabattle, etc etc)


Heck is just a couple of tries with still slow skills casting to try get everything in order and still messing up I was getting 30k easy, last night was already getting 32k

If I get this to 35k its already higher than most benchmarks of other dps classes (according to SC benchmarks)


Couldn't this fill for DH (for example) just fine if not better?

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> @"mPascoal.4258" said:

> In the end I'm really just surprissed that this build is much easier than A/A GS SPB and can get higher dps, how is it not considered in most websites that do have suggestions of SPB dps builds (aka Snow Crows, Metabattle, etc etc)


> Heck is just a couple of tries with still slow skills casting to try get everything in order and still messing up I was getting 30k easy, last night was already getting 32k

> If I get this to 35k its already higher than most benchmarks of other dps classes (according to SC benchmarks)


> Couldn't this fill for DH (for example) just fine if not better?


The main reason was there were very few people experimenting with an OH dagger build after the patch. (Myself and Moorbazan). It took us a week or so to realize that mace MH was better than dagger MH for a raid DPS setup, and by that point everyone had already made their benchmarks and guides for the GS setup.


Also, there are some bosses where getting double damage on the dagger #4 is tough. But that is equaled out by GS #3 and the ~2k DPS increase in the non-full counter rotations for each respective build.


I think the main reason you don't see many people running spellbreaker DPS on small hitboxes is due to epidemic. Also many small hitbox bosses are also very good for condition based builds (i.e. sabetha, SH, VG to an extent).


Yes spellbreaker DPS is pretty similar to DH in what it brings (i.e. power DPS, decent CC, some extra utility)

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> @"ButterPeanut.9746" said:

> > @"mPascoal.4258" said:

> > In the end I'm really just surprissed that this build is much easier than A/A GS SPB and can get higher dps, how is it not considered in most websites that do have suggestions of SPB dps builds (aka Snow Crows, Metabattle, etc etc)

> >

> > Heck is just a couple of tries with still slow skills casting to try get everything in order and still messing up I was getting 30k easy, last night was already getting 32k

> > If I get this to 35k its already higher than most benchmarks of other dps classes (according to SC benchmarks)

> >

> > Couldn't this fill for DH (for example) just fine if not better?


> The main reason was there were very few people experimenting with an OH dagger build after the patch. (Myself and Moorbazan). It took us a week or so to realize that mace MH was better than dagger MH for a raid DPS setup, and by that point everyone had already made their benchmarks and guides for the GS setup.


> Also, there are some bosses where getting double damage on the dagger #4 is tough. But that is equaled out by GS #3 and the ~2k DPS increase in the non-full counter rotations for each respective build.


> I think the main reason you don't see many people running spellbreaker DPS on small hitboxes is due to epidemic. Also many small hitbox bosses are also very good for condition based builds (i.e. sabetha, SH, VG to an extent).


> Yes spellbreaker DPS is pretty similar to DH in what it brings (i.e. power DPS, decent CC, some extra utility)


Except Spellbreaker is about 5k DPS higher than DH.

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> @"Mikeskies.1536" said:

> > @"ButterPeanut.9746" said:

> > > @"mPascoal.4258" said:

> > > In the end I'm really just surprissed that this build is much easier than A/A GS SPB and can get higher dps, how is it not considered in most websites that do have suggestions of SPB dps builds (aka Snow Crows, Metabattle, etc etc)

> > >

> > > Heck is just a couple of tries with still slow skills casting to try get everything in order and still messing up I was getting 30k easy, last night was already getting 32k

> > > If I get this to 35k its already higher than most benchmarks of other dps classes (according to SC benchmarks)

> > >

> > > Couldn't this fill for DH (for example) just fine if not better?

> >

> > The main reason was there were very few people experimenting with an OH dagger build after the patch. (Myself and Moorbazan). It took us a week or so to realize that mace MH was better than dagger MH for a raid DPS setup, and by that point everyone had already made their benchmarks and guides for the GS setup.

> >

> > Also, there are some bosses where getting double damage on the dagger #4 is tough. But that is equaled out by GS #3 and the ~2k DPS increase in the non-full counter rotations for each respective build.

> >

> > I think the main reason you don't see many people running spellbreaker DPS on small hitboxes is due to epidemic. Also many small hitbox bosses are also very good for condition based builds (i.e. sabetha, SH, VG to an extent).

> >

> > Yes spellbreaker DPS is pretty similar to DH in what it brings (i.e. power DPS, decent CC, some extra utility)


> Except Spellbreaker is about 5k DPS higher than DH.


Correct. I just categorized them as "power DPS that's not ele on large hitbox, brings some CC, and their own respective utility that has some moderate use".

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, bumping as I couldn't find an answer anywhere else, but how does a Banner Spellbreaker weapon combo and rotation look like (for fractals)? I am thinking that it would still need to bring Kick as the third utility due to Attacker's Insight (correct me if I am wrong), but its cooldown is a bit too high to match up Axe 5 and GS 2 (if we use it) on its own. Since the boon removal is the reason why people bring this build I am guessing Dagger/axe stays, but do we get to bring situational Mace/mace or Mace/x for CC (and camp Dagger/axe otherwise) does the dps suffer too much without GS?

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> @"Pregnantman.8259" said:

> Hello, bumping as I couldn't find an answer anywhere else, but how does a Banner Spellbreaker weapon combo and rotation look like (for fractals)? I am thinking that it would still need to bring Kick as the third utility due to Attacker's Insight (correct me if I am wrong), but its cooldown is a bit too high to match up Axe 5 and GS 2 (if we use it) on its own. Since the boon removal is the reason why people bring this build I am guessing Dagger/axe stays, but do we get to bring situational Mace/mace or Mace/x for CC (and camp Dagger/axe otherwise) does the dps suffer too much without GS?


I was playing Axe/Axe + GS and recently swapped to Axe/Axe + Mace/Shield and honestly the dps difference is barely noticeable, while the cc and boonstrip is great, i pug T4's on a daily basis and it actually felt much better as most parties tend to lack cc/boonstrip, also get some extra survivability replacing Forceful Greatsword for Great Fortitude.

Basically i try to stack berserker's power and attacker's insight, and do all axe skills while Peak Performance is active, swap to M/S when breakbar is almost fully charged or when boonstrip is needed, can easily pull 30k+ with druid/chrono just camping axes.

Running Kick/Bull's Charge/1 banner most of the time, though if party is good i might drop bull's charge for 2 banners.

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