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Will we ever see Mai Trin again?

Dougal Keane.6528

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Hey :)


i am on of those few people who rly like mai trin. and i ask myself ..what happend to her? she disapeared into the mist's when the edge of the mists maps got intoduced and then we never again heared something of her and her man. Is she lost in the mists or did she died in the mists? or we she comeback maybe as an ally? i rly want to know what happend to her x:

I would appreciate an answer very much <3 :)


greatz. D.K.

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While we are at it, it would also be quite interesting to get a bit more on the Aetherblades' origin. As far as I recall it was never clearly said were Scarlet got hold of them (feel free to enlighten me if I missed or forgot it).

One thing Gw2 does very well, is leaving lose ends I feel. Especially to minor plots.

But I hope some more of them will get tied up in the future, like what we saw with the Caladbolg current event.

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> @"Icewolfnector.1487" said:

> While we are at it, it would also be quite interesting to get a bit more on the Aetherblades' origin. As far as I recall it was never clearly said were Scarlet got hold of them (feel free to enlighten me if I missed or forgot it).

> One thing Gw2 does very well, is leaving lose ends I feel. Especially to minor plots.

> But I hope some more of them will get tied up in the future, like what we saw with the Caladbolg current event.


I get the feeling I'd find her and the Aetherblades interesting, but alas, I missed 3/4 of LWS1 and there's still not a way for me to go play it :( If they introduce more to do with the Aetherblades, they really need to make sure that new players and old players that missed the story have a way to go back and play, or at least experience in more depth, LWS1. Context is needed. The recap cutscene in LA is appreciated, but barely scratches the surface.


I'm not sure it even _mentions_ the Aetherblades, now that I think of it.

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