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Questions about Logan


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Hello, friends~! My schedule allowed me to participate for once. Woot! =)


First and foremost, **will Logan be back in the picture anytime soon?** I know you can't tell me exact details and I wouldn't want you to but you keep banishing him to plot purgatory for long periods of time and it bums me out! I just want to know if it'll be a long wait. (Yes, Yes I know, Zojja fans. I know nothing of plot purgatory induced despair. Here's hoping we both get some relief!)


So, I've been wondering... considering her hand in founding Ebonhawke and the different ways the charr and humans perceived her, **how come Gwen "The Goremonger" Thackeray only really seems to be mentioned in books, achievements, and hero points? You'd think she'd be a bigger deal.** I'm specifically interested because Logan is related to her. Of course, he's a hero in his own right but I'm genuinely surprised nothing has really been made of his relation to her.


Speaking of people related to Logan, **will we ever get any mention of Dylan Thackeray in game?** He was obviously never meant to be a major character but I'm intrigued by the dichotomy between him and Logan in Edge of Destiny. They butt heads and generally seem disdainful of each other. Yet Logan does try to save him and after he's gone Logan takes up his sword. I've always wondered if that played any part in Logan's melancholy. Not to mention, the implications about Logan's position within his own family. Dylan definitely seemed to look down on Logan because he was a mercenary and later a gladiator but I also got the impression from a conversation between them that Dylan may have not been cool with the charr. His reaction to Rytlock being on Logan's team had me wondering if Logan was the only one in the Thackeray clan who could put aside their family's history.



There's a lot of other things I'd like to ask about particularly where Jennah, the "my body feels different" thing, and him no longer being a Seraph are concerned but if my theory holds true that they're part of something long term you probably wouldn't be able to answer them anyway so I'll leave it at that for now.



One final comment though... I have been pining for the longest time for Logan, Rytlock, and Canach to be in at least one scene together for the exact reason everyone loves Rytlock and Canach in POF, the sass slinging would be FANTASTIC. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED Path of Fire but it was such a tease to have 2/3 of my husbando harem doing exactly what I'd hoped they'd do. Oh well... :p

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My guess, if he have to deal with Kralk in this season we're going to have to convince Logan to contain and not kill Kralk; that right there would probably get you your heart to heart with Rytlock since I honestly think he's the only one that would convince Logan if he's dead set to take out Kralk. I can't see how they could appropriately fit in Canach unless they have some encounter in that episode that includes the three of them.

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> My guess, if he have to deal with Kralk in this season we're going to have to convince Logan to contain and not kill Kralk; that right there would probably get you your heart to heart with Rytlock since I honestly think he's the only one that would convince Logan if he's dead set to take out Kralk. I can't see how they could appropriately fit in Canach unless they have some encounter in that episode that includes the three of them.


Very true. Almorra also has reason to want to go after Kralk which is why I was genuinely surprised we saw no sign of the Pact during POF. Seems like Joko's on the menu at the moment though so we'll just have to see what happens. Canach seems to be hanging with Rytlock a lot lately so MAYBE but I do acknowledge that's probably wishful thinking I'll have to give up on.

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> @"ShinXeN.1672" said:

> they probably have logan in one of the upcoming episodes this season, its been way too long since hes been active in the story, same for zojja, since we havent seen her since what? heart of thorns release?


Much as I WISH that was true characters being MIA for prolonged periods of time doesn't seems to factor into episode content. (hence my wisecrack about plot purgatory) If it did they definitely owe Zojja at this point. Haha!



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