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Will the Hero-Tron return this season?


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No spoilers just a simple yes or no or even a maybe. The job-o-tron/hobo-tron was a nice character during S1 of the living world. He had a small dialogue update with PoF talking with Ogden about the golem's independent thought but was not present in the actual prologue. Will the beloved golem return as a recurring/supporting character? I miss him.


It'd be interesting to see him interact with Blish and Taimi since Hero-tron s proof that not all golems are bound by simple programming and can have free will and "humane" interactions even as machines. [Or his unwilling spying for Evon will pay off with new refugees popping up in LA? Evon should know of Ellen's refusal to have the Council involved in the new crisis](



Also I know Yuri went to record lines and while it might be Faren, I hope it also includes Hero-tron :bleep_bloop: :wink:

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