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Our promise to Agent Kito (PoF spoilers)


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> @"DizzyMilo.7423" said:

> At the beginning of "Enemy of My Enemy", the Commander makes a promise to Kito that they'll tell him about the events that happened in the previous chapter (The Departing) in exchange for getting Joko's army to fight Balthazar.


> Will this be brought up in LWS4?


Did the order od shadows really helped us, though? It looked like we were only doing this whole sabotaging mess to lure Iberu out. What did Kito do? Am I missing something?


If we are talking about Kito now, then I'd also talk about this 'killing Balthazar and the Elder Dragons with him'. Does it mean we shouldn't trust Kito? He shows we can count on him, but those small suprises made by him make me not trusting him.


We should be already aware of the thieves... xD Never trust thieves, even the name of their profession should make you think so. :D

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