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what skill against stealth?


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you have a few that work on players going stealth for ex you have rappid shot witch falows a players when they go in stealth or you can do the valie longbow 5 skill if they use the aos ( area of stealth) skill witch can lock them down. if also want you can do longbow skill 3 and go stealth as well but that is all situational and what you are fighting and how you are set up.

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> @"weaponwh.9810" said:

> > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > > @"weaponwh.9810" said:

> > > what skill ranger can use against thief stealth etc?

> >

> > **https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Sic_%27Em!%22**


> would sic_em allow pet to attack already stealth player? or just prevent them for 6s


It reveals them so they are not stealthed anymore and as long as they are revealed they cannot stealth.

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So any projectile fired or skill used before the enemy goes into stealth will still track them. The only exception I think is the smokescalle rev move that gets cancelled after it lands its hit.


I take it your thief? To counter this just break line of sight stealth or throw a daze and you'll negate any prestealth tracking.


Bad thieves will often make the mistake of creating a strait line distance when trying to escape pressure with a stealth. 1 this opens you up to an auto lb shot hitting you harder 2 the ranger gets space to maneuver. The really good ones will **circle** around a ranger and force em to go to melee and then they'll stealth to set up a burst

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Strategies for stealth


AOE skills ground target for defense and ranged. So LB 5 Heal Snare traps


Sic Em -

Chanelled spells


Melee cleave They are stealthed not immaterial. AKA just keep swinging.


on thousand 1 on thousand two dodge/block--- 3 seconds before they strike.


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There's a few unconventional methods also. If you believe a stealthy player/npc is near you, you can use Entangle. The roots automatically show up on the enemy location. And you can fire on that location immediately.


Another way is Barrage and using a Superior Sigil of Fire: 50% Chance on Critical: Trigger a Flame Blast for area of effect damage (240 radius). If you have a general area, or you can center yourself as the target, use Barrage with the Sigil of fire. Like it says, you have a 50% on Critical to cause a flame blast. The flame blast always bursts from the spot a stealthy target stands at that precise moment when it explodes. This gives you a general idea of exact location. It won't give you an idea of movement, but just general direction. to your forward, left, right, or even rear...that's if you use yourself as center.


My best "skill" when dealing with cloaked enemies or spawn types, has always been my headphones. Thief shadow stealth sound effects are very pronounced. And having headphones vs. stereo surround speakers I think does a better job of giving you a heads up of where they are stealthing when near you. That and the sound effect hits your ears faster than the thief actually popping up on your screen, giving you less than a couple of seconds to react, like hitting your invulnerability. After your invuln is up, you have a little longer to plan your counter attack. After a while you automatically react in a certain fashion when being attacked by stealthed players.


Still, tanky Mesmer's and Thieves are problematic, and the Vaulting thief's perma evade makes it nearly impossible to deal with. And the continual 5 hit basilisk venom by single pistol thieves with condi's, will usually down you within a few seconds.


Move move move. Don't sit and/or stand still, and keep your camera view pulled to the extreme out. If you can survive long enough, you'll learn that, depending on what weapons the Thief or Mesmer is using, will also dictate the "rotation" of what the enemy uses. After a while, you'll be counting in your head 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, and dodge/juke left/ run forward and make a random turn left or right....just don't stand still where they'll come up and get a backstab on you from behind.




Barrage with Superior Sigil of Fire.


Listening for skill effects.




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