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Who do you target in WvW zerg fights?


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As a returning Mesmer player who doesn't know how any of the new elites work, its kind of hard figuring out what others are doing in the chaos of WvW and was hoping to get some tips/answers here.

1) In zerg vs zerg fights, what class/elite should I prioritize as a power Mirage burst player?

2) What are the weaknesses of the meta classes (FB/Scourge/Spell Breaker) and how would you counter them as a power Mirage player?


My build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAR8fnsnB1ohlpBuqBMMjlTDzvBOBzglZgnTCgMAsACKA-jVCEQBJS9H7s/wDuIAMR53w0IAgjAwWUCCwHAQb01AA-w


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> @"Leodon.1564" said:

> 1) In zerg vs zerg fights, what class/elite should I prioritize as a power Mirage burst player


Out of position scourges I guess, or weavers and out of position revs if they have any.


> 2) What are the weaknesses of the meta classes (FB/Scourge/Spell Breaker) and how would you counter them as a power Mirage player?


As a power mirage player, the best strategy for countering a comped zergball would be to log off, get on a scourge, and log back in.


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Revs and eles are priority targets because they usually drop the fastest (well revs after they used their heal). Eles *could* be healbots but they are rare now and usually so deep in the zerg you cant really target them first anyway. After that necros, if you can cripple them you are halfway there because they often cant make it back to the group. But since 90% run trailblazer they can be very tanky. Then you got the spellbreakers, which are focused only when they rush you - if you can get them to 50% quick while the condi scourges do their part, they will prolly drop (same thing with holos autopop elixir, but its not like you see them in zergs). Lastly firebrands, because they aint going down so easy but at this point they wont have much damage either and basicly no range. Since there are virtually no other classes, anything else is targets of opportunity


TL;DR - kill the dps, sustain the bunkers.


Focus party engagements vs your focus party (ie thieves/mesmers/rangers vs the same) are excedingly rare nowadays but of course if you can deal with them thats the very first priority. A good focus party will wreck a zerg by forcing it to manouver, but most commanders are too narrowminded to use it as they will simply butt heads until something gives, totally ignoring whats at the flanks and in the rear.


Keep in mind that the weakness of classes isnt always what you exploit, its the weakness of *players*. Someone will always get impatient and someone will always overestimate their build and underestimate yours (condi vomiting scourge vs bruiser mirage with condi cleanse for example, or pewpew ranger vs reflects).


But you know one of the best things you can do in the chaos of a zerg fight? Secure that stomp. Mirage is one of the best. You can teleport in with blink, pop distortion and stomp, then teleport out with jaunt. Its like, lets say you are fighting 5 people at once a little outside their main zerg. You get one downed. What do you do? A pewpew ranger cant do anything except continue pewpew. Which wont help, they will res. A thief cant stand still without exploding. Zerg classes can only try to put pressure on the downed but if you are alone and they arent focused by anyone else, you wont have the damage. Melee generally wont reach them fast enough for a stomp. The mesmer can fix that.


Basicly, you are like the zergs cleaning lady cause they just leave their shit laying around.

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