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[Elite Suggestion] Field General

Regon Phoenix.8215

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Theme: Something between medieval general of an army and sea captain (pirate captain). Someone who command and inspire his soldiers, and bravely fight alongside of them. I class focused on control and shouting out commands, instead of purely focusing on fighting himself/herself. A bit like current version of banner warrior build, but with more actual engagement in combat rather than just being buff-bot.


Main builds:

1) Support build -> pvp/raiding

2) Power (or condition) pet build -> raiding/fractals

3) Tank build -> raiding/fractals






> **Adept Minor Trait** (Commander General)

> Unlock **Pistol for your off-hand** and allow you to use **Field Commands**.

> Allow you to use conscripts. Conscripts are pet-like humanoid allies you can command to fight for you. Unlike ranger, you can switch Conscripts only while you are out of combat.

> Increase your maximum adrenaline by 10 and all your burns skills can use up to 40 adrenaline to perform higher level burst attacks.


> _Adept Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 1** (High Ground)

> Increase concentration of nearby allies by 100 (radius: 600). Boons granted by your Pistol now will last 20% longer.

> **Major Trait 2** (Develop Your Infantry)

> Increase condition damage or power of your current Conscript by 200 depending which is currently higher.

> **Major Trait 3** (Tactical Advantage)

> Take 2% less damage per nearby ally (include players and your Conscript, but does not include other pets). Radius: 600.




> **Master Minor Trait** (Forward!)

> When you enter combat, then grant 2 sec of quickness and 5 sec of swiftness to nearby allies (includes you). Radius: 600.


> _Master Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 4** (Cover Me)

> Whenever you grant fury or quickness to nearby allies (does not include you, but include your conscripts), then gain regeneration for 5 sec. Increase your healing power by 10% of your concentration.

> **Major Trait 5** (Experts)

> Your Field Commands are twice as effective on your Conscripts.

> **Major Trait 6** (Beloved General)

> Take 20% more healing from allies and your Conscript.




> **Grandmaster Minor Trait** (Inspiring Might)

> Using level 4 burst will grant 5 sec of fury and 5 stacks of might for 10 sec to nearby allies (does not include you, but includes your Conscript). Radius: 600.


> _Grandmaster Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 7** (Blessed General)

> Whenever you gain a boon, then grant that boon to nearby allies (doesn't not include you, but include your conscripts) for 50% of its duration. Radius: 600.

> **Major Trait 8** (Mentor and its Pupil)

> Increase your Conscript's power and condition damage by 20% of your power and condition damage. Your Conscript will heal 2% of its maximum health every second while in combat.

> **Major Trait 9** (Last Man Standing)

> Increase your toughness by 200 while you have protection or regeneration. Gain 5 sec of protection when you drop at or bellow 50% of your maximum health (cooldown: 20 sec).






> **F1** (Burst)

> Same as usual.




> **F2** (Special Attack)

> Conscript's special ability.




> **F3** (Attack My Target)

> Cause your Conscript to attack your target




> **F4** (Stop Fighting)

> Cause your Conscript stop attacking and run back to you.







Physical Fighter Conscript (power focused)

Power: 1800


> **Normal Attack** (Novice Slash)

> Slash your its target dealing physical damage. Cause bleeding when attacking enemy from its side or back.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Range: 130

> * Damage: 250 (scales with Conscript's power)

> * Bleed: 1 stack for 4 sec (scales with Conscript's condition damage)




> **Special Attack** (Novice Bull Charge)

> Rush to your target and stun it while dealing damage to all nearby enemies on the way.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 20 sec

> * Range: 600

> * Stun: 1 sec

> * Damage: 800 (scales with Conscript's power)

> * Leap combo finisher






Ranger Conscript (power focused)

Power: 1600


> **Normal Attack** (Novice Shot)

> Shoot an arrow at your target dealing damage to it.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Range: 1200

> * Damage: 200 (scales with Conscript's power)




> **Special Attack** (Aimless Barrage)

> Release a barrage of arrows at your target dealing damage and crippling every enemy hit.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Channel time: 2 sec

> * Cooldown: 30 sec

> * Arrows shot: 10

> * Number of enemies hit per arrow: 1

> * Damage per arrow: 150 (scales with Conscript's power)

> * Cripple per arrow: 1/2 sec






Mender Conscript (power focused)

Power: 1200

Healing power: 800


> **Normal Attack** (Faithful Slam)

> Strike its target with a mace dealing damage to its target and healing nearby allies.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Range: 130

> * Damage: 100 (scales with Conscript's power)

> * Healing: 60 (scales with Conscript's Healing power)

> * Healing radius: 300




> **Special Attack** (Monk's Grace)

> Heal nearby allies and grant them regeneration.

> * Casting time: 1 sec

> * Cooldown: 20 sec

> * Radius: 600

> * Healing: 1500 (scales with Conscript's healing power)

> * Regeneration: 5 sec (scales with Conscript's healing power)






Alchemist Conscript (condition damage focused)

Power: 600

Condition damage: 1400


> **Normal Attack** (Throw Something)

> Throw poisonous vial at its target dealing damage and inflict poison.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Range: 600

> * Damage: 50 (scales with Conscript's power)

> * Poison: 1 stack for 3 sec (scales with Conscript's condition damage)




> **Special Attack** (Nasty Surprise)

> Release noxious fumes toward your target in a cone poisoning all enemies hit.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 20 sec

> * Range: 600

> * Maximum number of targets hit: up to 5

> * Damage: 100 (scales with Conscript's power)

> * Poison: 3 stack for 8 sec (scales with Conscript's condition damage)






> **Pistol 4** (Inspiring Flare)

> Shoot up a flare into the shy revealing hidden enemies nearby and grant fury to nearby allies.

> * Casting time: 1/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 12 sec

> * Radius: 600

> * Reveal: 4 sec

> * Fury: 5 sec




> **Pistol 5** (Mark for Assault)

> Your at your target inflicting damage, vulnerability and mark it. Allies (does not include you, but include your Conscript) attacking marked target will consume the mark and will gain quickness and might.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 20 sec

> * Range: 900

> * Damage: 650 (scales with power)

> * Vulnerability: 10 stacks for 6 sec

> * Mark duration: 4 sec

> * Quickness: 3 sec

> * Might: 5 stacks for 10 sec






> **Healing Field Command** (Keep on Fighting)

> Heal yourself and issue a field command affecting all nearby allies (does not include you, but includes your Conscript). Nearly allies can only be affected by up to 3 field commands, but you can only issue 1 field command at any given time. Issuing a new field command will cancel your previous field command. This field command cause affected allies to heal based on damage they do.

> * Casting time: 1 sec

> * Cooldown: 30 sec

> * Healing: 5000 (scales with healing power)

> * Radius of field command: 600

> * Field command: affected allies heal themselves for 3% of damage they deal




> **Utility Field Command 1** (No One Escapes)

> Inflict fear on nearby enemies and issue a field command affecting all nearby allies (does not include you, but includes your Conscript). Nearly allies can only be affected by up to 3 field commands, but you can only issue 1 field command at any given time. Issuing a new field command will cancel your previous field command. This field command cause affected allies to take less condition damage.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 40 sec

> * Radius of fear: 600

> * Fear: 1 sec

> * Radius of field command: 600

> * Field command: affected allies will take 7% less damage from conditions




> **Utility Field Command 2** (Surround Them)

> Stunbreak yourself and issue a field command affecting all nearby allies (does not include you, but includes your Conscript). Nearly allies can only be affected by up to 3 field commands, but you can only issue 1 field command at any given time. Issuing a new field command will cancel your previous field command. This field command cause affected allies to gain bonus power.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 20 sec

> * Radius of field command: 600

> * Field command: affected allies gain 80 bonus power




> **Utility Field Command 3** (Show What You are Made of)

> Block few incoming attacks and issue a field command affecting all nearby allies (does not include you, but includes your Conscript). Nearly allies can only be affected by up to 3 field commands, but you can only issue 1 field command at any given time. Issuing a new field command will cancel your previous field command. This field command cause affected allies to gain bonus toughness.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 30 sec

> * Block duration: 5 sec

> * Number of attacks blocked: 3

> * Radius of field command: 600

> * Field command: affected allies gain 100 bonus toughness




> **Utility Field Command 4** (Crush Them)

> Grant might to nearby allies (including you) and issue a field command affecting all nearby allies (does not include you, but includes your Conscript). Nearly allies can only be affected by up to 3 field commands, but you can only issue 1 field command at any given time. Issuing a new field command will cancel your previous field command. This field command cause affected allies to deal bonus damage per stack of might on them.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 40 sec

> * Radius of might: 600

> * Might: 5 stacks for 15 sec

> * Radius of field command: 600

> * Field command: affected allies will deal 1/2% more damage for every stack of might on them




> **Elite Field Command** (Follow My Lead)

> Knock away nearby enemies, damage them and issue a field command affecting all nearby allies (does not include you or allied pets, but includes your Conscript). Nearly allies can only be affected by up to 3 field commands, but you can only issue 1 field command at any given time. Issuing a new field command will cancel your previous field command. This field command cause affected allies to grant you adrenaline whenever they attack. Reduce cooldown of your burst ability while ussuing this command.

> * Casting time: 1 sec

> * Cooldown: 120 sec

> * Radius of damage: 600

> * Damage: 800 (scales with power)

> * Knockback distance: 400

> * Radius of field command: 600

> * Field command: an ally will grant you 1 adrenaline whenever it attacks an enemy; can't trigger more than once every 2 sec on every unique ally

> * Burst skill cooldown reduction: 50%

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> @"SomeGinger.5697" said:

> Have you considered looking at the current warrior traits and weapons to develop synergies. Id hope that this kind of spec has alot of synergy with the tactics trait line


Yes, i did.

And yeah, there is lots of synergy with tactics traitline. For example:

1) Quick Breathing -works great for supporting allies

2) Empowered - works exceptionally great, because this Elite have lots of ways to add boons on itself

3) Empower Allies - works wonder, because it would also apply on your Conscript

4) Phalanx Strength - would also be a great support tool as this elite can already share boons, thus would greatly increase might duration and application rate on nearby allies


And this elite would work greatly with most other traitlines, depending what you build.

For example: This elite+tactics+discipline = would be one of the best raid support build

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I've benn thinking about warrior elite spec that uses pets (humanoidal soldiers) that you'd order with a staff (as a banner or something). I'm glad there are ppl out there thinking the same way as me - WE NEED PET BUILD FOR WARRIOR :) and possibly rework to Guardian pets? :D Anyway, I appriciate your ideas, keep it up and let's hope some day we'll get it

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Not bad at all. The overall construction is fine.


I had an idea myself of a warrior elite spec using a pet-like companion, with the mechanic being a companion's burst (using abilities from other classes). However, i quickly came to think: would'nt it be unbalanced? Rangers have pet and it's taken into account for them. But we warriors are not rangers. And though i think we should be able to have some company just like every other classes (clones, minions, spiritual weapons, elemental, gyro, turrets, thief guild, pet, ect...) i fear it would result in warrior being unbalanced.


Also i'm not a big fan of skills that ONLY affects allies. Just my personnal point of view, cause i like exploring alone. But if you look at others support spec (druid, herald, renegade, guardian,...) they all share there benefits with their allies. Same for banners and shouts. So I think fields commands should apply to the warrior as well.


Concerning the weapon: Pistol off-hand makes sense. But it's a bit of a shame to gain a weapon that will not give a new burst skill (which is the base mechanic of the class). By the way, do not feel you have to put ship captain in your description to justify the use of a pistol. Officers from the 16th to the 18th century use them to a greater extend than pirates and it makes sense for a fighter. (though picking a shield is definitely smarter in the context of a battle).

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> @"Grave.9258" said:

> I've benn thinking about warrior elite spec that uses pets (humanoidal soldiers) that you'd order with a staff (as a banner or something). I'm glad there are ppl out there thinking the same way as me - WE NEED PET BUILD FOR WARRIOR :) and possibly rework to Guardian pets? :D Anyway, I appriciate your ideas, keep it up and let's hope some day we'll get it


Well, concerning guardian its "pets" were reworked not that long time ago.

But yeah, warrior commanding his personal troop (even it it is just one soldier) would fit thematically and would be quote interesting to play as. Because:

1) Necromancer can be a pet user, but minionmancer is the worst kind of build in the game, even power renegade is batter

2) Ranger can use pets, but all viable builds are for range weapons

So, we need melee pet user, and warrior could fit that role.

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> @"Lametoile.7394" said:

> Also i'm not a big fan of skills that ONLY affects allies. Just my personnal point of view, cause i like exploring alone.


Correction: skills who affect allies AND your pet, thus they still help you out even if you are going solo.


> @"Lametoile.7394" said:

> Concerning the weapon: Pistol off-hand makes sense. But it's a bit of a shame to gain a weapon that will not give a new burst skill (which is the base mechanic of the class).


Yeah, but torch didn't give a burst either, even though torch burst could have been something awesome like tornado of flames or a cascading wave of explosions.

Slightly off-topic: this elite does strengthen your existing burst with 1 additional level of adrenaline, so at least you have that. No new bursts, but old one become stronger.


> @"Lametoile.7394" said:

> By the way, do not feel you have to put ship captain in your description to justify the use of a pistol. Officers from the 16th to the 18th century use them to a greater extend than pirates and it makes sense for a fighter. (though picking a shield is definitely smarter in the context of a battle).


Consider that just a flavor text.


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