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Cheating Accusations


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> @"Chaith.8256"

> Top players being banned and/or identified through screenshots & recordings for various forms of cheating is the direct cause of what you are experiencing. If you as a legit top player, want to stop experiencing this prejudice, it would be more effective to encourage the cheating demographic of players to stop said activities, rather than attempting to convince the rest of the community that it isn't a problem or isn't happening at all.


> All debacle aside, I agree with your post. But the kind of heat you're providing in this thread should be aimed at the cause of the problem, not the symptoms.



Hardly the main focus of my point though

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I seen it look up on you tube people cheating flying go though wall can't be CC porting at will anywhere on map and the most used speed cheat even in battle they keep the speed that they have out of battle so when I point at some one for cheating I know what I am looking for and I am not gonna name the hack program I know it also

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> > Has anyone ever encountered downed enemies not dying at the end of a stomp? I don't know if it's just me or it could be because they're lagging. This one time I downed a Deadeye thief and for some reason he didn't die when I stomped him. I tried multiple times and it didn't kill him. Is this some kind of a cheat?


> This is bug . For example he died to condis on some spot but used infiltrator arrow or something like this right before dying ,so on your screen he could be god know where and u can try to stomp .So get ranged weapon,stand still and spam autos, will hit his real body.

> Also Caith seems to not understand. Fanboys of this 'streamers' etcetc everywhere and throwing/dc'ing for them all around. Example of end of last season. To make sure he is gonna be R1 and not french ,they threw for him and dc w/o him asking .

> Wasting time creating QQ threads ..meh


QQ thread?


Maybe it hit too close to home?

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While the request is honorable (Don't be toxic), the only thing that is going to stop such accusations is time to forget that some idiots in the higher tiers of the game, during monthly automated tournament are doing idiotic and stupid things that give top tier players a bad reputation. Whether that's deleting rewards, playing on other accounts or other practices that are frowned upon.


So while ofcourse, asking that being conservative with accusations is nice and all, looking in the mirror and also at people who do such reputation ruining actions is also important. Lead by example and all.


Plus it comes across as or can come across as "You're all bad, you don't know what youre talking about, so please don't accuse anyone of what you don't know." Rather than acknowledging some very disturbing behaviour is giving better players a bad rep to begin with.






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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> Plus it comes across as or can come across as "You're all bad, you don't know what youre talking about, so please don't accuse anyone of what you don't know."


Aside from embellishing "you're all bad", what is wrong and offensive with coming across as this? This is my intended point. :lol: . If one's own utter lack of common sense is offending them... actually that's pretty expected in 2018.


If you indeed do not understand Mesmer it's better to not hysterically rage over the popular multi-clone hack going around.


I'm not complaining about the infinitesimal sliver of real hackers and all the match manipulators because they're pretty mainstream, and ironically a big reason for all the false-positive hysteria.

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > Plus it comes across as or can come across as "You're all bad, you don't know what youre talking about, so please don't accuse anyone of what you don't know."


> I'm not complaining about the infinitesimal sliver of real hackers and all the match manipulators because they're pretty mainstream, and ironically a big reason for all the false-positive hysteria.


That is my point. It may be a small amount of people, but they have a big influence. While complaining about people using false accusations mostly just ignores if not distracts from the actual problem.


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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > I'm not complaining about the infinitesimal sliver of real hackers and all the match manipulators because they're pretty mainstream, and ironically a big reason for all the false-positive hysteria.


> That is my point. It may be a small amount of people, but they have a big influence. While complaining about people using false accusations mostly just ignores if not distracts from the actual problem.



Disagreeing, nobody rn is distracted from the issue of hackers. There's plenty talk of it on avg in every game or two.

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Although im playing Wvw,i had a break for some months and recently came back.Been playing a few days now again and ive already had 3 pm's about me hacking and i honestly dont know why they say so.The thing is i cant even respond back to these people because they block me before pming.They also say theyre gonna let their guilds report me for hacking.So i cant ask them why they think so and i cant tell them im not hacking either.I know i have nothing to be afraid of because i play since 2012 and see no reason to do so.Some people know their class better than others,and alot of people cant seem to deal with this and throw accusations left and right.Tbh its the best compliment they can give you,and if you know you play legit theres nothin to worry about. Shrug it off and laugh because Anet wont ban you just because some people report you for hacking while you clearly did not and there being no evidence that you did so.


[https://imgur.com/a/ZaW6zeG](https://imgur.com/a/ZaW6zeG "https://imgur.com/a/ZaW6zeG")

[https://imgur.com/a/kBxmx7h](https://imgur.com/a/kBxmx7h "https://imgur.com/a/kBxmx7h")



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> @"Chum Chum.7234" said:

> > @"Undo.5091" said:

> > @"Chum Chum.7234"

> >

> > - The engineer scenario can’t happen to that degree. I’m not sure what to say. I think you’re exaggerating the numbers here.

> > - The instantly healing player was likely an elementalist using an obvious exploit that was patched fairly quickly. It had nothing to do with hacking.

> > - There was a bug in the past that allowed players to spawn at other locations, but if you see this today, it’s likely a hack (since character location is client-side) if at the start of a match. Also keep shadow trap in mind after a match has begun.

> > - Necromancers gain life force from anything that “dies”. This includes AI (gyros). It is common practice for scrappers to provide life force to necromancers at the start of a match.


> Well, I'm not exaggerating the engineer scenario, but Vagraint offered some explanation. It appearantly can be done in bursts, but this 'Pro' had it on sustain.


> I've witnessed the healing on Thieves and Guardians. I can't recall having seen it on Ele. I've seen a lot of players teleport straight to home or away at the start of a match. They didn't actually spawn there.


> If you all don't witness this nonesense, than good for you, but please stop thinking the rest of us are crazy.


But here's the thing: You vcan't take that one scenario and assume every good player must be hacking because you saw it once. Hacks in this game are not subtle, I have yet to witness a 0 cd hack or a take 0 damage hack but I have seen something like a teleport hack or speed hack. Most of the stuff you talked about are fairly easy to replicate

Thief is easy to have high healing on if you take all the sustain options for the class but it's generally resulting in an ineffective build because you sacrifice your offensive pressure. Obviously we know guardian has loads of ways to heal and negate damage. If it was a firebrand it was likely due to aegis healing them when it blocked an attack. Base guard and DH would be explained by meditation heals and block uptime.


I don't doubt that you've seen some of the stuff you claim because people in this game do a lot of dumb stuff but I do think it's not as bad as you're interpreting it to be.

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> @"Stephen.1207" said:

> ooh yea its true look the vids up on youtube


There are also vids of people being struck by lightning. Do you cower in fear of being hit by lightning every time you go outside?


The likelihood of you actually encountering a hacker is very tiny. The whole hacker/wintraders thing has long since been elevated from a valid concern, to a witch hunt, to McCarthy levels of paranoia.

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"Stephen.1207" said:

> > ooh yea its true look the vids up on youtube


> There are also vids of people being struck by lightning. Do you cower in fear of being hit by lightning every time you go outside?


> The likelihood of you actually encountering a hacker is very tiny. The whole hacker/wintraders thing has long since been elevated from a valid concern, to a witch hunt, to McCarthy levels of paranoia.


While I agree hackers (fly or move faster, ignore conditions etc) are extremely rare the number of people using macros for doing multiple things at the same time is far more likely. I heard one WvW mesmer was banned because they had macro’d every shatter to 1 key so they could hit F5 and do all 4 other shatters almost simultaneously and burst stack a ton of conditions on you, repeat with signet of illusions, repeat outside of F5, repeat with signet of illusions.


Also seeing someone cheating isn’t as uncommon as being struck by lightning, I saw and fought 2 hackers one of which was famously thrown off the bridge in DR. I fought another person that was under the map killing people in WvW, couldn’t target or see them, you would literally just take a shed load of damage and go down then die with nothing appearing in the damage logs. There was also some weird person that never had any conditions on them and never took damage but I can’t remember if they were abusing a bugged item so wouldn’t say it was hacking, this was with 10 people wailing on them for a few minutes.

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Rational people can decipher the difference between nonsense complaints of people getting pwned with legitimate cheating concerns. Match manipulation is rampant and that doesnt mean close to every match but if you play a lot you'll see it plenty. I agree a lot of people call wolf when its unwarranted but there is still a fair amount of funny stuff going on. I just report and hope A-net does something about it.

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > Another example, Stealth. When some players are supposed to get revealed, they may not be actually visible for all players at the same time, as the client sometimes needs time receive the signal to show the character, and then load the visuals. Cheaters know this, and exploit it by doing things like approaching from a distance under stealth before the client may have loaded the visuals. That is not 'skill', that is 'skulduggery'.

> >

> > Wait, what's the way you claim players are maliciously going about 'skulduggery'? "Approach people from a distance"? You're saying there's a competitive advantage to covering a large gap while in stealth? I've never once seen someone's model being invisible after revealing from stealth for any noticeable or meaningful amount of time. Some people have crappy GPU's or other technical limitations, add the existence of lag and it's very silly to be upset about 'cheating' on this level.


> A rendering delay when a character leaves stealth is a very real problem, however it's not a hack nor is it a GPU problem.


> For obvious reasons the game engine does not keep every character model continuously loaded in the memory. So when a character model enters visibility the engine has to go scrounging around on your storage drive for the appropriate data and then send that data off to be rendered. For players that a have the game installed on slower speed HDDs (such as a 5400 rpm drive on a old SATA I connector) there will be a very real delay that could easily last a second or more between the point when the character leaves stealth and the when they are rendered.


> As you say Chaith it is a purely technical problem and not a cheat, but I can't really blame players for thinking it is, since it's a very arcane problem that almost nobody that doesn't work on graphics engines for a living would know about.



Sorry, just had to pop in here for a second cause I didn't see anyone calling this guy out for this comment. When you say "game engine does not keep every character model continuously loaded in the memory" do you honestly think they would _write character position to the actual hard drive_? In case you forgot, hard drives are for storage, they're never used as working memory (unless you're using your SSD as a RAMDISK). You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Character position may not be _rendered_ at all times but that's only when there's way too many to display on screen at one time, like in WvW, and that's called culling, and they _still_ show the nameplate if not the model. There's only 10 players in a pvp match at a time, I highly doubt anet coded it to write the characters positions to the _hard drive_ to save memory, that makes no sense. How much memory do you think a character's position takes up? Now how much time does it take to read from the hard drive compared to RAM? You're making things up.

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Sit in gold 3 or low plat most seasons i play never once seen a hacker, been called a hacker seen team mates called hackers seen people call there own team mates hackers, been accused of win trading and intentionally losing yadayada, still never seen a hacker or win trader.


Yall need to suck a bit more and join the hacker and win trader free zone

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> @"Honest John.4673" said:

> > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > > Another example, Stealth. When some players are supposed to get revealed, they may not be actually visible for all players at the same time, as the client sometimes needs time receive the signal to show the character, and then load the visuals. Cheaters know this, and exploit it by doing things like approaching from a distance under stealth before the client may have loaded the visuals. That is not 'skill', that is 'skulduggery'.

> > >

> > > Wait, what's the way you claim players are maliciously going about 'skulduggery'? "Approach people from a distance"? You're saying there's a competitive advantage to covering a large gap while in stealth? I've never once seen someone's model being invisible after revealing from stealth for any noticeable or meaningful amount of time. Some people have crappy GPU's or other technical limitations, add the existence of lag and it's very silly to be upset about 'cheating' on this level.

> >

> > A rendering delay when a character leaves stealth is a very real problem, however it's not a hack nor is it a GPU problem.

> >

> > For obvious reasons the game engine does not keep every character model continuously loaded in the memory. So when a character model enters visibility the engine has to go scrounging around on your storage drive for the appropriate data and then send that data off to be rendered. For players that a have the game installed on slower speed HDDs (such as a 5400 rpm drive on a old SATA I connector) there will be a very real delay that could easily last a second or more between the point when the character leaves stealth and the when they are rendered.

> >

> > As you say Chaith it is a purely technical problem and not a cheat, but I can't really blame players for thinking it is, since it's a very arcane problem that almost nobody that doesn't work on graphics engines for a living would know about.

> >


> Sorry, just had to pop in here for a second cause I didn't see anyone calling this guy out for this comment. When you say "game engine does not keep every character model continuously loaded in the memory" do you honestly think they would _write character position to the actual hard drive_? In case you forgot, hard drives are for storage, they're never used as working memory (unless you're using your SSD as a RAMDISK). You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Character position may not be _rendered_ at all times but that's only when there's way too many to display on screen at one time, like in WvW, and that's called culling, and they _still_ show the nameplate if not the model. There's only 10 players in a pvp match at a time, I highly doubt anet coded it to write the characters positions to the _hard drive_ to save memory, that makes no sense. How much memory do you think a character's position takes up? Now how much time does it take to read from the hard drive compared to RAM? You're making things up.


You do not understand what I said. This has nothing to do with character position. This has to do with the data for the character's 3D model. i.e. the mesh and associated textures.


GW2 is a game with hundreds of different gear models and characters models, and it's a game where you can get hundreds of characters in the same space. Because of this the game cannot just keep data for every single gear and character model loaded in memory all the time. So instead the game will only load model data when it actually needs to render that character. Which means if you are using a potato HDD there will be a very real delay between a character leaving stealth and said character being rendered.


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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"Honest John.4673" said:

> > > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > > > Another example, Stealth. When some players are supposed to get revealed, they may not be actually visible for all players at the same time, as the client sometimes needs time receive the signal to show the character, and then load the visuals. Cheaters know this, and exploit it by doing things like approaching from a distance under stealth before the client may have loaded the visuals. That is not 'skill', that is 'skulduggery'.

> > > >

> > > > Wait, what's the way you claim players are maliciously going about 'skulduggery'? "Approach people from a distance"? You're saying there's a competitive advantage to covering a large gap while in stealth? I've never once seen someone's model being invisible after revealing from stealth for any noticeable or meaningful amount of time. Some people have crappy GPU's or other technical limitations, add the existence of lag and it's very silly to be upset about 'cheating' on this level.

> > >

> > > A rendering delay when a character leaves stealth is a very real problem, however it's not a hack nor is it a GPU problem.

> > >

> > > For obvious reasons the game engine does not keep every character model continuously loaded in the memory. So when a character model enters visibility the engine has to go scrounging around on your storage drive for the appropriate data and then send that data off to be rendered. For players that a have the game installed on slower speed HDDs (such as a 5400 rpm drive on a old SATA I connector) there will be a very real delay that could easily last a second or more between the point when the character leaves stealth and the when they are rendered.

> > >

> > > As you say Chaith it is a purely technical problem and not a cheat, but I can't really blame players for thinking it is, since it's a very arcane problem that almost nobody that doesn't work on graphics engines for a living would know about.

> > >

> >

> > Sorry, just had to pop in here for a second cause I didn't see anyone calling this guy out for this comment. When you say "game engine does not keep every character model continuously loaded in the memory" do you honestly think they would _write character position to the actual hard drive_? In case you forgot, hard drives are for storage, they're never used as working memory (unless you're using your SSD as a RAMDISK). You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Character position may not be _rendered_ at all times but that's only when there's way too many to display on screen at one time, like in WvW, and that's called culling, and they _still_ show the nameplate if not the model. There's only 10 players in a pvp match at a time, I highly doubt anet coded it to write the characters positions to the _hard drive_ to save memory, that makes no sense. How much memory do you think a character's position takes up? Now how much time does it take to read from the hard drive compared to RAM? You're making things up.


> You do not understand what I said. This has nothing to do with character position. This has to do with the data for the character's 3D model. i.e. the mesh and associated textures.


> GW2 is a game with hundreds of different gear models and characters models, and it's a game where you can get hundreds of characters in the same space. Because of this the game cannot just keep data for every single gear and character model loaded in memory all the time. So instead the game will only load model data when it actually needs to render that character. Which means if you are using a potato HDD there will be a very real delay between a character leaving stealth and said character being rendered.



It's a good thing they always load the base model first anyway then huh? And even if they don't, at least the nameplate like I said.

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