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Things that Should be changed For Next Season


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Players who want to help grow the community and help support it won’t just sit around and do noting. Guild pvp events that brings in a lot of solid good players like Ugo, Mist , Monthly etc are what keeps players going. If we had more guilds or higher tier players that kept it going with events like this the game wouldn’t be so “dead”.


The pvp realm gonna get a lot better after this balance patch drops , I’m certain off it and with a few things already in place we’ll have enough stuff going for players to keep the busy. We just need the devs to help out with some of the internal issues.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > Next season should introduce team/guild leagues with a leader board that shows team/guild position instead of individuals

> >

> > With what player population??


> Honestly why change anything, the population is steadily shrinking.


> If only we could point to an event that effectively killed off PVP guilds....if there was just some point in GW2 history that Anet could undo or reconstitute...but nah, nothing comes to mind.


> You're right, as you were.


The poor balance patches is what kills pvp and how they take six months to make minuscule changes, but might instantly throw broken stuff into pvp without testing (hot, pof, mesmer rework).



I like the suggestion you offered though, but I'm just trying to be real. The pvp population is dying. New modes won't save it, because it is not really the problem. Its the lack of balance and care that is killing it. When Jsharp and Grouch were around the population felt stable. Those guys generally cared about spvp. Even then patches were slow but at least the community knew that there wouldn't be sweeping changes that were out of hand. Now...we are just handed what ever the the pve balance team offers and its horrible.





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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"Aza.2105" said:

> > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > > Next season should introduce team/guild leagues with a leader board that shows team/guild position instead of individuals

> > >

> > > With what player population??

> >

> > Honestly why change anything, the population is steadily shrinking.

> >

> > If only we could point to an event that effectively killed off PVP guilds....if there was just some point in GW2 history that Anet could undo or reconstitute...but nah, nothing comes to mind.

> >

> > You're right, as you were.


> The poor balance patches is what kills pvp and how they take six months to make minuscule changes, but might instantly throw broken stuff into pvp without testing (hot, pof, mesmer rework).



> I like the suggestion you offered though, but I'm just trying to be real. The pvp population is dying. New modes won't save it, because it is not really the problem. Its the lack of balance and care that is killing it. When Jsharp and Grouch were around the population felt stable. Those guys generally cared about spvp. Even then patches were slow but at least the community knew that there wouldn't be sweeping changes that were out of hand. Now...we are just handed what ever the the pve balance team offers and its horrible.



bad balance is only half the reason tbh. most people can stomach bad balance if they can play with their friends & still have some level of fun.


many pvp guilds, alongside my own quit the game (or just pvp, buts mostly the game) as a reaction to teams being removed. we had another thread with multiple people saying they had guilds leave too. the number of players that quit was over 300 in that thread alone. removing team queue was the death of pvp guilds.


i had a regular trio, & a bunch of subs that i would play with regularly. but after teams, then duo were removed we lost motivation to play gw2. why have three people on discord all solo queue separately? why not just play a game with teamplay lol.


same reason i wont recommend this game, why would i tell someone to pick up a multiplayer pvp game we wont be able to play together? no point man.


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> @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

> On 4. Realize not every win or loss is equal. If you beat higher rated opponents you get more rating and vice versa.


higher "rating" for me is like 8-9 points, on an average i win close to 6-7 points, lose 14-16 on daily. it's complete unbalance issue that kinda hurts rank spammers in the long run over all especially if you don't have 20+ wins over your loses.


I mean i can understand it's to make it competitive and harder to obtain but thats really not the case with this game mode atm to much stuff takes into account for such a major hit.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> Just going to list a few things that should be addressed and looked on by anet.


> 1. Having the top 250 play 1 game every 2-3 days after meeting the total game requirement for the season kills the match making/population


> What I believe should be done in order to keep people from camping their rating/spot on the leader board is that anyone above Plat should be required to play 2-3 games per day before they get decayed or drop in rating from not playing long enough(for the "casual" players this would suck but then again rank shouldn't be so casual in the first place).


I feel like decay is in an ok spot right now. I don't want to force someone to have to play every single day.



> 2. Add New titles, Rewards, Or even add a new legendary that would requier a few season to complete.


> Adding some of this new achievements , or reward would generate more players to jump over and focus in playing rank(more people playing the better it is for everyone).


We add new rewards as we get them. We have more rewards in the pipeline, though I can't tell you when they will be delivered. As far as new achievements, I'm not opposed. What kind of achievements would you like to see?


> 3. Report system NEEDS to be adjusted/fixed so it can actually be useful to report x player for x amount of reasons.


> the current report system seems to be a "joke" toward a lot of negative players/trolls that just don't fear it at all. This needs to be looked into and buffed in terms of how it should be feared so we can get less toxic games/players. Can't have a proper report system if no one really respects it enough to fear it right?


I can't comment too much on CS stuff like reporting players.


> 4. Rating system NEEDS to be relooked into If the spvp Population is low


> If noting being done to attract more players into spvp, then the Rating system needs to be addressed big time. If one player has 30 wins over loses in rank but is rated at 1600 rating because he or she played over 150 games total and Player 2 has 25 wins over loses but under 150 games total played and yet is rated in the 1700s because he or she is playing the "minimal" games required then something doesn't add up at all. The current system in place at the moment seem to punishes players for playing to much which doesn't make sense at all and is a factor as to why match making/population really low when queuing up(when above plat rating).


The formulas for skill rating are based on quality of win/loss. If you defeat a team that has a higher mmr average than yours, you will gain more points. Yes, someone playing more games takes more risks to lose, but they also have more opportunity to gain points. Generally, messing with the glicko rating system has been shown to make it worse. We don't want to do something to make skill ratings suddenly start climbing to infinity, which is what I think most people's suggestions would do.


> 5. Soft reset after every season needs to be swapped into "hard" reset after every season or the very least after xx amount of seasons


> these soft resets haven't done a single thing besides keep the same 50-100 players in the same exact spot over and over. With a system that punishes players for spamming to much rank games how does this benefit silver/gold players if they are pretty much rest into the same setting they were before the season ended with a rating system that does more harm to your overall rating level even if you go 50/50?


We've debated going to a hard reset internally from time to time. The only big pro to a hard reset is making everyone start from the same place, as you note. But the drawback is that the start of seasons would become even far more chaotic than they are now. Match quality is certainly much lower at the start of a season, and the soft reset is one of the reasons. A hard reset would make this even worse. Also, the idea that the top players only stay high because of the soft reset is wrong, I believe. Most of them have proven that they have the ability to get back there. With the reset, the highest someone usually starts is Plat 1.



> Just a few things i believe should be added/changed in order to help make things a lot smoother for players, however none of these are "facts" it's just an opinion of a player whos been around 5 season with the same rating level of plat 1 - plat 3 over and over. The game is enjoyable because the battle system is different and amazing but it gets really boring when matches end up 100-500 winning only 6 rating, but if i lose a match where it's 189-500 i lose out on 17-19 rating which is a reason why so many "smart" players play 1 - 3 game every few days after reaching over 100 games played total in the season. This kills the population and the fun from most players and should be deeply looked into @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" if you can please give us some details on any of the things listed ill highly appreciate it.



> P.S I didn't mention balancing because it's pretty obv we all know it's needed more frequently.


Thanks for your feedback and thoughts, even if I don't agree with all your points. Reading constructive posts gets us to think about these systems and evaluate changes to make, even if the changes we do aren't the suggested ones!

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Thanks for your feedback and thoughts, even if I don't agree with all your points. Reading constructive posts gets us to think about these systems and evaluate changes to make, even if the changes we do aren't the suggested ones!


Hi Ben,


Would you guys consider letting everyone duo que again?


Basically every single top player on NA gets on discord every night to hang out, this is one of the conversations that came up. After a lengthy debate, pretty much everyone agreed that removing duo ques hurt the game more than it helped it.



**These were some of the points we brought up:**


1. The current leaderboard isn't indicative of who is actually the best players. Why?

- Currently, the only way to carry a ranked match is to play a high damage roamer/bruiser. As such, the best builds to carry on currently are mesmer and deadeye. This is why these classes make up the majority of the top 10.

2. The leaderboards and titles mean nothing at this point. There should just be a shiny reward for obtaining legendary rank, and the leaderboard should be done away with. Why?

- The leaderboard just encourages toxicity and again, isn't indicative of who is actually the best. As for titles, there is a stigma tied to them. The people who have the best titles are constantly referred to as "wintraders" even though they have gotten them completely legitimately.

3. Ranked matches aren't fun on their own. That's the reason most of us just log on for ATs or tournaments.

- If the leaderboards mean nothing and we're not having fun, Anet should just add duos back in. At least in this case, we can play together and have fun rather than not play at all.

4. If every top player cared enough to climb, the same people would be at the top of the leaderboards regardless of whether or not duo was in the game.

5. Adding duo back in does not affect any other division except for platinum. If you look at the current leaderboards, there are only about 140 people who would be able to duo que again based on their ratings.

- Keep in mind that there are probably many people who don't have enough games played to actually appear on the leaderboards. If there were actually 4 times as many people that couldn't duo, adding it back in might get the majority of them to actually play the minimum amount of games required. This would help solve the population issue and improve matchmaking as there would now be a much larger amount of 1600+ platinum players playing.



These all came straight from the mouths of well-known top players in the community. I didn't have my mic set up at the time so I just listened for the majority of the discussion.


Hopefully you read this and consider our opinions.




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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > Thanks for your feedback and thoughts, even if I don't agree with all your points. Reading constructive posts gets us to think about these systems and evaluate changes to make, even if the changes we do aren't the suggested ones!


> Hi Ben,


> Would you guys consider letting everyone duo que again?


> Basically every single top player on NA gets on discord every night to hang out, this is one of the conversations that came up. After a lengthy debate, pretty much everyone agreed that removing duo ques hurt the game more than it helped it.

> _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


> **These were some of the points we brought up:**


> 1. The current leaderboard isn't indicative of who is actually the best players. Why?

> - The only way to currently carry a ranked match is to play a high damage roamer/bruiser. As such, the best builds to carry on currently are mesmer and deadeye. These classes make up the majority of the top 10.

> 2. The leaderboards and titles mean nothing at this point. There should just be a shiny reward for obtaining legendary rank, and the leaderboard should be done away with. Why?

> - The leaderboard just encourages toxicity and again, isn't indicative of who is actually the best. As for titles, there is a stigma tied to them. The people who have the best titles are constantly referred to as "wintraders" even though they have gotten them completely legitimately.

> 3. Ranked matches aren't fun on their own. That's the reason most of us just log on for ATs or tournaments.

> - If the leaderboards mean nothing and we're not having fun, Anet should just add duos back in. At least in this case, we can play together and have fun rather than not play at all.

> _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


> These all came straight from the mouths of well-known top players in the community. I didn't have my mic set up at the time so I just listened for the majority of the discussion.


> Hopefully you read this and consider our opinions.


> Thanks,

> Shadow


We've been talking about it internally. Honestly, I'm still on the fence. Duo queue certainly makes the game more fun for higher-skilled players, since it gives greater control of the match, and reduces risk. However, it's been proven statistically that it hurts matchmaking. Two Plat-2 players together very frequently results in a lopsided match.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > Thanks for your feedback and thoughts, even if I don't agree with all your points. Reading constructive posts gets us to think about these systems and evaluate changes to make, even if the changes we do aren't the suggested ones!

> >

> > Hi Ben,

> >

> > Would you guys consider letting everyone duo que again?

> >

> > Basically every single top player on NA gets on discord every night to hang out, this is one of the conversations that came up. After a lengthy debate, pretty much everyone agreed that removing duo ques hurt the game more than it helped it.

> > _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

> >

> > **These were some of the points we brought up:**

> >

> > 1. The current leaderboard isn't indicative of who is actually the best players. Why?

> > - The only way to currently carry a ranked match is to play a high damage roamer/bruiser. As such, the best builds to carry on currently are mesmer and deadeye. These classes make up the majority of the top 10.

> > 2. The leaderboards and titles mean nothing at this point. There should just be a shiny reward for obtaining legendary rank, and the leaderboard should be done away with. Why?

> > - The leaderboard just encourages toxicity and again, isn't indicative of who is actually the best. As for titles, there is a stigma tied to them. The people who have the best titles are constantly referred to as "wintraders" even though they have gotten them completely legitimately.

> > 3. Ranked matches aren't fun on their own. That's the reason most of us just log on for ATs or tournaments.

> > - If the leaderboards mean nothing and we're not having fun, Anet should just add duos back in. At least in this case, we can play together and have fun rather than not play at all.

> > _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

> >

> > These all came straight from the mouths of well-known top players in the community. I didn't have my mic set up at the time so I just listened for the majority of the discussion.

> >

> > Hopefully you read this and consider our opinions.

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Shadow


> We've been talking about it internally. Honestly, I'm still on the fence. Duo queue certainly makes the game more fun for higher-skilled players, since it gives greater control of the match, and reduces risk. However, it's been proven statistically that it hurts matchmaking. Two Plat-2 players together very frequently results in a lopsided match.


Thank you for the response!


I actually edited in 2 more bullet points to my original post as well.


Yes, you're right about duo que making the game more fun for higher-skilled players.



**With that being said, I have a question:**


1. Many of the top players don't play because they don't find the game fun unless they are playing with their friends. If you guys added duo back in, I'd bet most of them would start to que ranked regularly. So, would the heavy influx of players actually help improve matchmaking by solving some of the population issues?

- It would also improve the quality of matches at the highest divisions because there is now a greater pool of players to choose from. This means that the skill/rating gaps wouldn't be as significant as they are now where top tier platinum players are matched against people in gold.


I may be mistaken on this. But I believe that this was also one of the points we discussed last night on discord.

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Just get rid of ranking all together. Unranked is by far more popular just due to the fact the toxicity is much much lower overall. My unranked matches are better games, less toxic, and much better quality overall. Just add PvP rewards to unranked and get rid of ranked all together. Face it, the way ranking is done in ranked is just bad and doesn't show an accurate skill level at all. I've watch high level pro players go on a streak of losing and almost falling out of plat all together.


When you have players running around plat/gold that can't even grasp the basics of a map, or even a simple rotation, there is a major problem with how skill is determined.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > Thanks for your feedback and thoughts, even if I don't agree with all your points. Reading constructive posts gets us to think about these systems and evaluate changes to make, even if the changes we do aren't the suggested ones!

> > >

> > > Hi Ben,

> > >

> > > Would you guys consider letting everyone duo que again?

> > >

> > > Basically every single top player on NA gets on discord every night to hang out, this is one of the conversations that came up. After a lengthy debate, pretty much everyone agreed that removing duo ques hurt the game more than it helped it.

> > > _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

> > >

> > > **These were some of the points we brought up:**

> > >

> > > 1. The current leaderboard isn't indicative of who is actually the best players. Why?

> > > - The only way to currently carry a ranked match is to play a high damage roamer/bruiser. As such, the best builds to carry on currently are mesmer and deadeye. These classes make up the majority of the top 10.

> > > 2. The leaderboards and titles mean nothing at this point. There should just be a shiny reward for obtaining legendary rank, and the leaderboard should be done away with. Why?

> > > - The leaderboard just encourages toxicity and again, isn't indicative of who is actually the best. As for titles, there is a stigma tied to them. The people who have the best titles are constantly referred to as "wintraders" even though they have gotten them completely legitimately.

> > > 3. Ranked matches aren't fun on their own. That's the reason most of us just log on for ATs or tournaments.

> > > - If the leaderboards mean nothing and we're not having fun, Anet should just add duos back in. At least in this case, we can play together and have fun rather than not play at all.

> > > _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

> > >

> > > These all came straight from the mouths of well-known top players in the community. I didn't have my mic set up at the time so I just listened for the majority of the discussion.

> > >

> > > Hopefully you read this and consider our opinions.

> > >

> > > Thanks,

> > > Shadow

> >

> > We've been talking about it internally. Honestly, I'm still on the fence. Duo queue certainly makes the game more fun for higher-skilled players, since it gives greater control of the match, and reduces risk. However, it's been proven statistically that it hurts matchmaking. Two Plat-2 players together very frequently results in a lopsided match.


> Thank you for the response!


> I actually edited in 2 more bullet points to my original post as well.


> Yes, you're right about duo que making the game more fun for higher-skilled players.

> _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


> **With that being said, I have a question:**


> 1. Many of the top players don't play because they don't find the game fun unless they are playing with their friends. If you guys added duo back in, I'd bet most of them would start to que ranked regularly. So, would the heavy influx of players actually help improve matchmaking by solving some of the population issues?

> - It would also improve the quality of matches at the highest divisions because there is now a greater pool of players to choose from. This means that the skill/rating gaps wouldn't be as significant as they are now where top tier platinum players are matched against people in gold.


> I may be mistaken on this. But I believe that this was also one of the points we discussed last night on discord.


There would have to be enough that return that we could pit 2 duo queues against each other at all times. I'm not confident that would happen, so making the change we would have to be willing to sacrifice some match quality in return.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Rufo.3716" said:

> Just get rid of ranking all together. Unranked is by far more popular just due to the fact the toxicity is much much lower overall. My unranked matches are better games, less toxic, and much better quality overall. Just add PvP rewards to unranked and get rid of ranked all together. Face it, the way ranking is done in ranked is just bad and doesn't show an accurate skill level at all. I've watch high level pro players go on a streak of losing and almost falling out of plat all together.


> When you have players running around plat/gold that can't even grasp the basics of a map, or even a simple rotation, there is a major problem with how skill is determined.


Numbers do not agree with your statement. While seasons are running, ranked has roughly double the number of matches as unranked.

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honestly... i like the idea of "leagues" based on skill level... but...


what's the point of seperating leagues by skill if everyone is all still in the same pool? i think the leader boards should reflect each individual league instead of only the "top" league. it reminds me of college sports. you'll see a different leader board for SEC, Big 10, and Big12 for example. and teams can't change from one league to another in the same season. (yeah i know the analogy falls apart because of college football contracts with the different leagues, but i think you understand my thought process.)


i'll be honest, i haven't PvP'd in 3-4 seasons, maybe more. (definitely since before PoF launched). i got tired of almost always playing in "blowout" matches. partly because of ragequiters causing 4v5s or worse. (and most of the time, the ragequitters just trolled around the spawn locations... ie, would spawn... and then move around just enough to not auto d/c.


also... the "league" system still looks like a progression system, instead of a sports division. i thought the pip system was supposed to be the progression? i know it's rewards, but it's confusing as to which system is supposed to be "progression."


to quote Forest Gump: "i'm tired... think i'll go home now..."

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Rufo.3716" said:

> > Just get rid of ranking all together. Unranked is by far more popular just due to the fact the toxicity is much much lower overall. My unranked matches are better games, less toxic, and much better quality overall. Just add PvP rewards to unranked and get rid of ranked all together. Face it, the way ranking is done in ranked is just bad and doesn't show an accurate skill level at all. I've watch high level pro players go on a streak of losing and almost falling out of plat all together.

> >

> > When you have players running around plat/gold that can't even grasp the basics of a map, or even a simple rotation, there is a major problem with how skill is determined.


> Numbers do not agree with your statement. While seasons are running, ranked has roughly double the number of matches as unranked.


So how come Unranked Qpops happen in 1-2 mins, while Ranked goes up to 6-7 mins?


And when they do, it feels like playing Unranked. Teams are so unbalanced that one team has 3 legendary players and 2 plat 2, while other team has one plat 3 and 4 plat 1 players? Happened, dont have pic so believe or not.


I enjoy playing in Unranked more than in Ranked. Ppl arent so toxic, they play for fun or try something new. And no one gets offended by losing to lower tier team. (Or if they do, no one cares).



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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Mutaatti.2789" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @"Rufo.3716" said:

> > > Just get rid of ranking all together. Unranked is by far more popular just due to the fact the toxicity is much much lower overall. My unranked matches are better games, less toxic, and much better quality overall. Just add PvP rewards to unranked and get rid of ranked all together. Face it, the way ranking is done in ranked is just bad and doesn't show an accurate skill level at all. I've watch high level pro players go on a streak of losing and almost falling out of plat all together.

> > >

> > > When you have players running around plat/gold that can't even grasp the basics of a map, or even a simple rotation, there is a major problem with how skill is determined.

> >

> > Numbers do not agree with your statement. While seasons are running, ranked has roughly double the number of matches as unranked.


> So how come Unranked Qpops happen in 1-2 mins, while Ranked goes up to 6-7 mins?


The match makers are configured differently. The range of people that can get into your match expands much faster in unranked play.

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What about giving extra points (1-2 tops) per top tier? Like if I got most kills in a match that would give me 1-2 pts (though in plat prob should be 1 pt per only). If I get kills, dmg, revives i'd get 3-6 pts. From what I have seen a lot of the people that get these tend to be stronger players. I guess what I am trying to say is that even if you are on the team lost, if you achieved several of these top tiers then you would lose less ranked points and it would also allow you to progress in ranked. It may also help out with toxic players who tend to quit the game. At least they can then go for top tiers and thus still play the match rather than "afking" at base or such. This would also get the better players in the ranked tiers they may actually belong in.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > > Thanks for your feedback and thoughts, even if I don't agree with all your points. Reading constructive posts gets us to think about these systems and evaluate changes to make, even if the changes we do aren't the suggested ones!

> > > >

> > > > Hi Ben,

> > > >

> > > > Would you guys consider letting everyone duo que again?

> > > >

> > > > Basically every single top player on NA gets on discord every night to hang out, this is one of the conversations that came up. After a lengthy debate, pretty much everyone agreed that removing duo ques hurt the game more than it helped it.

> > > > _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

> > > >

> > > > **These were some of the points we brought up:**

> > > >

> > > > 1. The current leaderboard isn't indicative of who is actually the best players. Why?

> > > > - The only way to currently carry a ranked match is to play a high damage roamer/bruiser. As such, the best builds to carry on currently are mesmer and deadeye. These classes make up the majority of the top 10.

> > > > 2. The leaderboards and titles mean nothing at this point. There should just be a shiny reward for obtaining legendary rank, and the leaderboard should be done away with. Why?

> > > > - The leaderboard just encourages toxicity and again, isn't indicative of who is actually the best. As for titles, there is a stigma tied to them. The people who have the best titles are constantly referred to as "wintraders" even though they have gotten them completely legitimately.

> > > > 3. Ranked matches aren't fun on their own. That's the reason most of us just log on for ATs or tournaments.

> > > > - If the leaderboards mean nothing and we're not having fun, Anet should just add duos back in. At least in this case, we can play together and have fun rather than not play at all.

> > > > _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

> > > >

> > > > These all came straight from the mouths of well-known top players in the community. I didn't have my mic set up at the time so I just listened for the majority of the discussion.

> > > >

> > > > Hopefully you read this and consider our opinions.

> > > >

> > > > Thanks,

> > > > Shadow

> > >

> > > We've been talking about it internally. Honestly, I'm still on the fence. Duo queue certainly makes the game more fun for higher-skilled players, since it gives greater control of the match, and reduces risk. However, it's been proven statistically that it hurts matchmaking. Two Plat-2 players together very frequently results in a lopsided match.

> >

> > Thank you for the response!

> >

> > I actually edited in 2 more bullet points to my original post as well.

> >

> > Yes, you're right about duo que making the game more fun for higher-skilled players.

> > _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

> >

> > **With that being said, I have a question:**

> >

> > 1. Many of the top players don't play because they don't find the game fun unless they are playing with their friends. If you guys added duo back in, I'd bet most of them would start to que ranked regularly. So, would the heavy influx of players actually help improve matchmaking by solving some of the population issues?

> > - It would also improve the quality of matches at the highest divisions because there is now a greater pool of players to choose from. This means that the skill/rating gaps wouldn't be as significant as they are now where top tier platinum players are matched against people in gold.

> >

> > I may be mistaken on this. But I believe that this was also one of the points we discussed last night on discord.


> There would have to be enough that return that we could pit 2 duo queues against each other at all times. I'm not confident that would happen, so making the change we would have to be willing to sacrifice some match quality in return.


Would that be a trade-off you'd be willing to make as a test for the next season?


The enjoyment, fun, and population increase for higher tier players vs. slightly lower match quality for the people rated 1600+

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Queuing now is a pretty big roll of the dice, I want to say almost more than any other PvP era in 5 years, in terms of skill level and builds of your teammates/opponents. This is just pure anecdotal evidence, but I think everyone has more or less of a similar experience once they reach plat. I'm sure it's a combination of many factors, some out of Anet's control, some fixable. For example, very hard to fix issue: adding more specs with expansions means the variance in builds is just going to keep getting higher and the chances of getting a solid teamcomp lower (although the variance narrows the higher rank you are). Fixable issues: try to keep improving matchmaking, more incentives to play, etc.


It's also really easy to reach plat, but the difference in skill level from plat 1 to 2 is night and day, and it only takes 3-4 losses to go way back down to plat 1 because of how many points you lose. If I can reach top 100 and queue at an off time, it'll only take a few losses to not even be in the top 250. What's even the point of these divisions? As a serious PvP player of 5 years I take no pride in my rank in this current system, even legend doesn't seem to mean much. I only play for the reward tracks at this point.

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Being back duoq rankedq already really has no substantial rewards or incentive so letting 1600+ players play together is in itself will bring back players to ranked.

Also you can just make duoqs have longer qtimes as well.

Also if you want to rank up on the ladder anything that isn't a high dps roamer isn't good.Bring back duoq will enable necros and firebrands/all other roles more playtime as you'd have someone you could count on.

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Do a official anet pool with 1600+ players if they want duoQ, I'm certainly it will be a no. Matches are pretty balanced now, the LB proves it, duoQ is just a excuse to secure your rating easier and lower the match quality for other players, but class balance should be looked at, balance patches takes way too long.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Rufo.3716" said:

> > Just get rid of ranking all together. Unranked is by far more popular just due to the fact the toxicity is much much lower overall. My unranked matches are better games, less toxic, and much better quality overall. Just add PvP rewards to unranked and get rid of ranked all together. Face it, the way ranking is done in ranked is just bad and doesn't show an accurate skill level at all. I've watch high level pro players go on a streak of losing and almost falling out of plat all together.

> >

> > When you have players running around plat/gold that can't even grasp the basics of a map, or even a simple rotation, there is a major problem with how skill is determined.


> Numbers do not agree with your statement. While seasons are running, ranked has roughly double the number of matches as unranked.


That's because it's a loot farm... Stop giving out rewards just for showing up and you'll see how that goes.

Removing teams killed pvp, that's why unranked offers better matches.

Until you realize how unsustainable the current mindset is, PvP will just keep going worse.

No teams, reward farming, and lack of consistent balance are the true scourge of pvp.


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> @"Panda.3620" said:

> Do a official anet pool with 1600+ players if they want duoQ, I'm certainly it will be a no. Matches are pretty balanced now, the LB proves it, duoQ is just a excuse to secure your rating easier and lower the match quality for other players, but class balance should be looked at, balance patches takes way too long.


what are you talking about balance? are you anywhere in the 1600-1800 rating? Games are NOT balance anywhere at that level.

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