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[Suggestion] Crab Toss: 1/4 sec invulnerable after taking the crab

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Today because of the daily there are of course much more people playing crab toss.


I couldn't even get a hold for the crab for a combined of 10 secs in a round. One reason:

Whenever the crab was laying around and I got it up, during which I couldn't do anything, IMMEDIATELY someone who had time to walk close to me stole it. I couldn't even evade fast enough. And this happened multiple times. End of it was, that I was just standing around the last half of the time because there was just no reason for me to even try to get the crab if I'm not even keeping it half a second after I took it up from the ground.

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Get gud, l2p issue. This activity can be mastered as any other activity in game. Instead of taking crab, throw rock at your oponent to stun him so you can easily pick up your crab and run away. While running away hold skill 4 instead of hitting it once, to ensure that you can run as far as possible.

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