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There is a lake under Domain of Vabbi

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I was exploring Domain of Vabbi, thinking I'd come across a HP or MP and ended up falling from inside a cave to below the zone into a giant lake... Turns out the water is no good down here, because the second I dipped my head underwater that was it for me.


![](http://i1231.photobucket.com/albums/ee502/Timothy_Henderson/gw047.jpg "")


![](http://i1231.photobucket.com/albums/ee502/Timothy_Henderson/gw046.jpg "")


![](http://i1231.photobucket.com/albums/ee502/Timothy_Henderson/gw049.jpg "")


![](http://i1231.photobucket.com/albums/ee502/Timothy_Henderson/gw048.jpg "")





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> @"vampirelazarus.9403" said:

> Yep, you fell through the map!


> Tons of game worlds are built above a "lake" or "ocean" for some programming or dev reason I don't know.


> If you end up falling through other maps, you'll see it there as well!


The ground is basically just a height map which is like a square handkerchief only differing in height throughout the map. Where it ends, you typically get no ground anymore, and only see another part of maps: The infinite plane water surface. For simplicity reasons the water in every map starts only at a specific height, so it's like pushing the handkerchief into a bucket of water.

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> @"vampirelazarus.9403" said:

> Tons of game worlds are built above a "lake" or "ocean" for some programming or dev reason I don't know.


My guess is. Because the waterlevel in every part of the map should be the same. If you add water in a later part it would be more difficult.



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As indicated in prior posts, it's a "reference plane". Heights and depths are measured from it.

It is easier (and less resource intensive) to give it a constant template for graphics.

Note that it is separate and distinct from what is commonly called the "walk-mesh" which actually defines where you stand relative to that reference plane. Glitches in the walk-mesh lead to falling through the world...

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As other people have said this can happen in a lot of maps, either by falling through due to a bug or by climbing up and over something you're not normally supposed to get over. Or in rare cases (like Arah story mode before they fixed it) because the map is intentionally designed with no ground in large areas and they assume players aren't curious/stupid enough to jump off the edge just to see what happens.


Interestingly not all maps in GW2 have water under them. The Mad King's Labyrinth is one I remember which is just a square of ground floating in space. Around the outside there's a high wall, then a thin section of perfectly flat ground before the real edge. Underneath is just the same sky texture as above.

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