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Hybrid Damage Rene Discussion:


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So, I've been playing a hybrid damage/support renegade recently. And I have to say it's been a lot of fun. I'd wanted to talk about the build a bit and get some theory crafting for potential improvements or suggestions to try. So far this build has been successful in group PVE content and moderately successful in WvW roaming/Havoc squading.


**Build:** https://bit.ly/2I5JqNm



*Traits are fairly self-synergistic. Khala's fervor stacks quickly, and amps damage almost constantly, greatly increasing build potential.

*Rene skills offer support buffs to team to bolster dedicated support. Prot, interrupts, might, etc.

*Good **blend** of damage, and modest survivability, making it somewhat difficult to deal with if unexpected in wvw.

*Mix of range options allowing for up close damage or ranged damage to allow for mechanics or different engagement styles.

*Nice utility and with near permanent fury uptime, crit chance always above 80% ; crits also do near 2x damage.



*Still squishy

*Damage type immunity guts half of potential damage.

*Outclassed by full damage or full support classes.

*Skillshots... Everywhere.


Now, it should be noted that for my build I elected to build some carrion to avoid being full glass and not cap out on crit chance (and waste the stat). This also bolsters condition damage a bit, so the split isn't quite 50/50 for damage types. Full viper or full zerk would do more damage, but the versatility would be lost I feel. Additionally, devestation can be used to amp power damage, but my thoughts were to focus on a more passive damage style while supporting team when appropriate. This can easily be adjusted to instead be more actively power based.


So that's the build - I'd love to hear thoughts and additional theory crafting with it. Why would you go with what you go and what could it offer to the build? Thanks!



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I slant towards the use of builds that are duel capable because A) I'm not currently in a guild and B ) even being member of one there's times in which you will found yourself fighting alone in WvW and C) in ranked PvP you can only have a partner at most. So: fighting alone your build lacks mobility to either chase or disengage targets, can't do meaningful damage at tange to pressure another glass cannons and lacks defensive skills.


By "this build has been successful in group PVE content and moderately successful in WvW roaming/Havoc squading " I understand that is your way to say "I've been carried heavy", because in small groups, with the cleansing and healing in hands of other support classes you can do things. Still, I think that Mallyx Herald or core Mallyx Shiro with mace + axe + staff and carrion/traiblazer stats are better choices for small skirmishes, despite I woun't use them due caught alone you're pretty much dead, whereas with power builds I always have chances, sometimes even outnumbered.


I would like condi Rev to work, but it doesn't; burn Guard has hard counters but still works much better, and condi Warrior has all the tankiness, versatility and ranged poressure that condi Rev lacks.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> I slant towards the use of builds that are duel capable because A) I'm not currently in a guild and B ) even being member of one there's times in which you will found yourself fighting alone in WvW and C) in ranked PvP you can only have a partner at most. So: fighting alone your build lacks mobility to either chase or disengage targets, can't do meaningful damage at tange to pressure another glass cannons and lacks defensive skills.


> By "this build has been successful in group PVE content and moderately successful in WvW roaming/Havoc squading " I understand that is your way to say "I've been carried heavy"


Good info. I admit that when it comes to WvW, I typically don't run this. When I do, it's with friends and our goal is to just be annoying with moderate kill pressure; otherwise I would totally not recommend it. Typically we do like 5-man roaming to tag keeps, take towers (sometimes), flip camps and serve as distractions for an enemy zerg. Nothing /good/ but fun. For kill pressure, war is certainly a better choice.


For raids and fractals, this is usually enough for 2-4th in damage; again typically used with friends and guild groups more oriented toward having a good time versus any speed clears, which is good for our casual group. (I mean heck, we've run some dumber stuff with success in raids before).


I would certainly not run this in PvP. Full power glint-shiro's the way to go for me there. However, if I were to run a hybrid power condi, I think I'd likely run Carrion with defensive runes and focus on CC. Concussive roar, switch shiro/dev out for mallyx/corruption for CC breaks and evades + unblockable. Focus more on holding and poking from range, or as a control +1 for power classes. I've **NOT** tried this though, so I can't say how GOOD it would be, but I think it'd certainly be fun.


With regards to the suggestions, I quite like those suggestions. Carrion stats especially, though the trailblazer's is a good choice too... But far too expensive for me justifying on a hybrid rev. I'll have to give those others a shot, though I'd prefer grieving if i were going to commit fully to the hybrid.


But cool! Thanks for the input!

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