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Aquatic ruins revamp?

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So with the news that big changes are coming to underwater combat, could it be possible that Aquatic ruins fractal might get a revamp? I think aquatic ruins, molten furnace, solid ocean, and uncategorized are the only unchanged fractals (dont think chaos, nightmare, observatory, and joko count since they are new) so why not revamp the underwater fractal with underwater content?

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The Aquatic Fractal has had minor direct and indirect changes over time. When it was first introduced, the tiny jellyfishes were a more significant threat than they are today, prompting players to use the lightning cages to manage their numbers. This meant kiting the Giant Jellyfish around the lightning cages, also, as it not only killed the smaller thrash adds, it also dealt significant damage to the boss. However, this often proved extremely frustrating when the enemies fixated at random things, including ranger pets, minions, and turrets, or would switch targets on a whim, thereby prolonging the fight artificially due to bad AI.


Beyond that, the encounter, as it is today, is very uninspired. Other than the adds, the fight simply lacks any real threat. The boss has a spin attack that applies multiple instances of Daze and activates the lightning cages, a tail slap that knocks players back, and a consume mechanic that is only ever a real danger to players without AR.


Considering a low-cost fix, i.e. one that does not involve new art assets, encounter design, voiceovers, etc., I could see them implementing the fixation mechanic to the final boss fight. The character with the highest health pool, for example, could be fixated by the Giant Jellyfish, which will chase them and gobble them up. This will allow ANet to increase the deadliness and toughness of the adds, thereby reasserting the old mechanics, while still giving the players a more structured manner to handle the encounter.

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If ANet does change it, we can be sure that there will be lots of complaints from people who will argue, "but it was a nice break from the more complicated ones" or "why does ANet have to ruin everything?" or "what's wrong with a few simple fractals?" And there will be complaints that it won't be challenging enough.


I'm hoping that they give it something closer to the Swampland/Cliffside treatment, instead of the Molten Boss evolution. I like the new boss fight in Molten Boss, but getting there is just dull. In contrast, Swampland left the spirit of the fractal intact, while simplifying the getting there a bit (although sure, probably one swarm phase would have been fine). Similarly Cliffside boss right and getting there are really smooth for groups that can execute on the mechanics (although, sure, one less set of seals, one less boss phase would be fine, too).


I like the idea from @"Ojimaru.8970" of giving the Jellyfish a smarter AI, making it more deadly, without necessarily changing other things. Big Jelly targets highest health pool, while baby jellies target lowest remaining-health player.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

>instead of the Molten Boss evolution. I like the new boss fight in Molten Boss, but getting there is just dull.


I like that Anet *returned* the instance to a similar version to what was experienced in LS1, the only things missing is the side events of rescuing the prisoners, planting explosives on the outflow vents after the Duo Boss fight, and the Rich Mithril Vein which yielded an Azurite Orb. Those events would extend the fractal even more so were left out I guess.


Aquatic is long overdue an overhaul even just redoing AI of the Krait and jellyfish would be nice, and doing something about the map breaking krait that like the ceiling too much!

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