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Dont use Brave stride + last stand


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If you start the fight:


You get stability from Brave stride

If you receive a CC skill (while not getting cc'ed ofc because you have stability) then last stand (lesser balanced stance) get activated also



This last stand bug.

(Triggering while you habe stability already)


Is getting fucking ridiculous...


Going into rampage? Yeeeh i have seen last stand getting activated many times in rampage mode because its just got off cooldown..


Using balanced stance or dolyak signet during a fight? Oooooops last stand just gets off cooldown and boom here its on90sec cooldown again..


Using smart teamplay? Meh lost last stand again


Its time they fix it.


Its getting annoying as hell.. even more now that its 90sec cooldown



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Yup it's pretty much trash most of the time I'm CC'ed while trying to get to my enemy before I've even gotten to get a single hit in so it doesn't even get to trigger there when you'd most likely need it. If they switched it and made it so it's someone's beginning strike on you it'd be a much better trait. But at the end of the day it and last stand together are trash.

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