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Why PvP ranked mode allows players afk inside a game?

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> @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

> There is always a good reason to go AFK in a PvP match in this game.

> Like…

> * …profession stacking.

> * …bad team mates, who seem to have been carried into silver/gold ect.

> * …flaming team mates you don’t want to work with anymore.

> * …no way choose a premade team for ranked.

> * …bad overall balance.

> * …no option to restart a match up, if you have blocked players for example in your team.

> * …no option to give up.


My dude, as any semi-experienced player will know, these factors have been in sPvP for quite some time. Some of them are non-issues (like profession stacking), some certainly need to be looked at (why are blocked players still appearing on my team?).

The point is, if you've played a good number of matches, you should already know what to expect. When you hit that "Compete in Ranked" button, you do so with the knowledge that the upcoming game could have any and all of the above happen. This does not mean that "you have a good reason to AFK" - that's just illogical.

You are probably one of the players that sees a team wipe and being 40 points down at the start and proceeds go idle because you consider it a lost cause. Don't get me wrong, it's frustrating, but _giving up_ is not what ranked is about. This mentality that you should be stomping the opposing team immediately and have a 120-0 point lead and nothing less is ridiculous and breeds the toxicity we see.


Giving up should never be an option in ranked. If you want to give up - force log yourself out.



edit: -

> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> Just give pibs to unranked so people will go there instead of ruin ranked games.


> Yes you will get less people who queue and times will increase, but if people are only playing for the carrot and not because they enjoy the competition then maybe the numbers dropping is what needs to happen.


Pipfarmers fall into lower tiers (bronze, silver, low/mid gold?) where they don't really affect people trying to climb. Although I completely dislike the idea that PvP is farmed, it really doesn't matter as it has little to no impact on anything above silver.

If you think pipfarming is an issue, the better solution would be to remove pips on loss entirely. This may sound harsh but to me its logical.

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