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An Eye on the Deadeye

Gaile Gray.6029

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Next deadeye feedback after rework:

* **All major adept customizable traits** - Malicious Intent, Collateral Damage and One in the Chamber- are **garbage in pvp**. No value at all.



1. Make **Malicious Intent** give **2 malice** for marking and 2 malice for uising healing skill

2. Make **One in the Chamber**, in addition to current effect,**reduce cantrips cooldowns by 20%**.

(Collateral Damage is fine for pve)

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Both those Malicious Intent and One in the Chamber suggestions would also be very welcomed in instanced PvE with the former being a good change for Deadeye DPS and the latter giving a bit of a buff to off-meta Might share builds which are still useful in T4 Fractals depending on group composition and in open world.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Elxdark.9702" said:

> > guys guys it's close, this tuesday prepare to be disappointed by bug fixes and buffs to irrevelant stuff!


> WOAH WOAH WOAH you say what? Another update is coming? For classes? How the hell i dont know about it? Nobody tells my anything here >:(

Even if there is a new balance patch there's no reason to get excited over it, you should know by now how these things usually go: something nobody asked for gets nerfed, something nobody asked for gets buffed and the stuff people criticised for years now continues to get ignored.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > > @"Elxdark.9702" said:

> > > guys guys it's close, this tuesday prepare to be disappointed by bug fixes and buffs to irrevelant stuff!

> >

> > WOAH WOAH WOAH you say what? Another update is coming? For classes? How the hell i dont know about it? Nobody tells my anything here >:(

> Even if there is a new balance patch there's no reason to get excited over it, you should know by now how these things usually go: something nobody asked for gets nerfed, something nobody asked for gets buffed and the stuff people criticised for years now continues to get ignored.


I know how it works that is why i am ANGERY because it is possible my perfectly working thief will be Fed up by some nerf they will drop i hate updates i dont care how other classes are doing i can kick their ass IF MY BUILD IS OKAY but if they will again nerf something for me i wil have issues fighting >:(

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > > > @"Elxdark.9702" said:

> > > > guys guys it's close, this tuesday prepare to be disappointed by bug fixes and buffs to irrevelant stuff!

> > >

> > > WOAH WOAH WOAH you say what? Another update is coming? For classes? How the hell i dont know about it? Nobody tells my anything here >:(

> > Even if there is a new balance patch there's no reason to get excited over it, you should know by now how these things usually go: something nobody asked for gets nerfed, something nobody asked for gets buffed and the stuff people criticised for years now continues to get ignored.


> I know how it works that is why i am ANGERY because it is possible my perfectly working thief will be Fed up by some nerf they will drop i hate updates i dont care how other classes are doing i can kick their kitten IF MY BUILD IS OKAY but if they will again nerf something for me i wil have issues fighting >:(


you will manage to adapt, i am sure of it :3

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > > > > @"Elxdark.9702" said:

> > > > > guys guys it's close, this tuesday prepare to be disappointed by bug fixes and buffs to irrevelant stuff!

> > > >

> > > > WOAH WOAH WOAH you say what? Another update is coming? For classes? How the hell i dont know about it? Nobody tells my anything here >:(

> > > Even if there is a new balance patch there's no reason to get excited over it, you should know by now how these things usually go: something nobody asked for gets nerfed, something nobody asked for gets buffed and the stuff people criticised for years now continues to get ignored.

> >

> > I know how it works that is why i am ANGERY because it is possible my perfectly working thief will be Fed up by some nerf they will drop i hate updates i dont care how other classes are doing i can kick their kitten IF MY BUILD IS OKAY but if they will again nerf something for me i wil have issues fighting >:(


> you will manage to adapt, i am sure of it :3


yea but i dont wanna x'( uaaaaaa nah just kidding well anyway we havent seen it yet so we still can keep that small hope they would actually do us (thieves) some good there is like solid 2,85/10 chance we can get buffed. I mean that is not a loss xD

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > > > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > > > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > > > > > @"Elxdark.9702" said:

> > > > > > guys guys it's close, this tuesday prepare to be disappointed by bug fixes and buffs to irrevelant stuff!

> > > > >

> > > > > WOAH WOAH WOAH you say what? Another update is coming? For classes? How the hell i dont know about it? Nobody tells my anything here >:(

> > > > Even if there is a new balance patch there's no reason to get excited over it, you should know by now how these things usually go: something nobody asked for gets nerfed, something nobody asked for gets buffed and the stuff people criticised for years now continues to get ignored.

> > >

> > > I know how it works that is why i am ANGERY because it is possible my perfectly working thief will be Fed up by some nerf they will drop i hate updates i dont care how other classes are doing i can kick their kitten IF MY BUILD IS OKAY but if they will again nerf something for me i wil have issues fighting >:(

> >

> > you will manage to adapt, i am sure of it :3


> yea but i dont wanna x'( uaaaaaa nah just kidding well anyway we havent seen it yet so we still can keep that small hope they would actually do us (thieves) some good there is like solid 2,85/10 chance we can get buffed. I mean that is not a loss xD


yeah really curious what they are going to do with us. the overall opinions on deadeye for spvp and WvW are black and white, some say deadeye is weak others that hes way too strong. i havent seen many telling me deadeye is in a good spot for pvp modes atm. i somehow see ingame people that had the pleasure to fight me, telling me that DE the way i play it is OP and way stronger then before the rework, in forums there are not many complains about it anymore since the rework and if i would try to make a case for deadeye being too strong i would get many people telling me how bad i am for thinking deadeye would be strong in any way. my theory for this is there are simply not many good deadeyes, so there are also not many people that had the pleasure to fight a good deadeye. so when they usually crush every deadeye they see within a second, they wont belive that a deadeye could possibly be strong, yet they often dont even know how the new deadeye works.

i said already in an other post, i am not good in reacting to an unforseen event, i usually predict most of what my opponents do to be able to react in time. so id say i am pretty good at reading most opponents, just the way they walk, how they approach their opponent and for the first fight even the fashion and guild name choices matter to know more about the opposing player. you can tell that most players when seeing a deadeye they dont know, will approach him sure of viktory. yet it often takes just one single fight for my opponents to run away after it for the rest of the week. if they wouldnt see a deadeye black and white, then they would improve over the week trying to adapt. but if they fail they simply give up and either run or seek greater numbers. there are very few people who try to fight me again, usually the ones that think themselves really good and cant belive they just died to a deadeye, some will even come like 10+ times, then usually i move away as i dont want them to rage too much. but people adapting i dont have that often..maybe once in a week an s/d thief will try a d/p build just to die faster as he wont get safed by IR on first burst or someone switch in a reveal skill if i hide in a keep 1-2 times a week, but thats about it. thats not really much effort in trying to kill me. if people dont even try to adapt then i wont find possible weaknesses of the build and i cant improve it, wich is sad.

for example i have fought several types of fresh air eles, they usually have the burst to kill me, but if i want to i can onehit them aswell opening with a backstab. now they usually run air, water, arcane , or air, arcane ,weaver. yet i havent seen one adapt for me and try something like air, earth and weaver or air , earth, arcane. with that they can take away my option to open with a onehit backstab by being immune to crits on earth and then burst me as soon as i am visible. i have seen people run that trait but they were condi so they dealt 0 damage and still died after a while. but i guess on power that could be an actual threat - havent seen it yet tho.

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If they would bring Rifle back to my specialization that would be awesome and well-deserved.

I am still very salty that Core Thief player got to leech on traits and gameplay designed for "us" and ruined the main weapon, the main aspect, on the way, basically nullifying the entire idea (long-range combat) they had in mind and in situ for **8 months.** A total niche that was fun for enough people. They could've taken the time to fix Mesmer or bring Revenant back. Or fix the stuff that killed their eSports. Nahhh, it's something that works as intended.

Also, the whole advertising material, the promotion pictures, videos, introductions, all are right now a bad joke when people play Deadeye primarily with a mobile and/or Dagger/Dagger build and such nonsense.


I've/we've been promised and offerd something different than what we have now. Like buying chocolate icecream but upon opening, you see yellow, vanilla-ish slugdge in the box where hazelnuts are printed on...



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> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> Also, the whole advertising material, the promotion pictures, videos, introductions, all are right now a bad joke when people play Deadeye primarily with a mobile and/or Dagger/Dagger build and such nonsense.

To be fair, at least P/P was obviously part of the thoughtprocess when designing this spec. Just look at the icons:


![]( https://i.imgur.com/yt95YfV.jpg "")


They clearly show a bandit dual wielding pistols and Be Quick or Be Killed is pretty much perfect for run n gun gameplay. Maleficent Seven is a reference to an old western movie from 1960. I don't think it's fair critisism to say that DE "was never meant to run P/P" when like half the skilltree is either featuring pistols or is a referece to old western.


That being said the marketing has done a poor job representing this elite spec accurately and rifle is in dire need of various buffs.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:



I would like to try and duel you if it was possible. :) So i can see how do you play that DE since if i play it i only grab traded p\p and unload the crap out of everyone in my sight. Once i tried to play DE as trapper but mhe it was.... very meh with the lack of that one pretty dodge DD gives i had hard time staying alive. Since then i gave up on that idea but i just wanted to say it that it is possible (it was ranked)



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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:



> I would like to try and duel you if it was possible. :) So i can see how do you play that DE since if i play it i only grab traded p\p and unload the crap out of everyone in my sight. Once i tried to play DE as trapper but mhe it was.... very meh with the lack of that one pretty dodge DD gives i had hard time staying alive. Since then i gave up on that idea but i just wanted to say it that it is possible (it was ranked)



i dont duel much, maybe like 1-2 times after a balance patch if it did affect my build to test something. i actually wanted to record how i play it currently and have some material but not edited yet, i will however delete it today as anet already [said](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/47155/coming-tomorrow-7-10-18-balance-patch/p1 "said") there will be changes today based on the feedback in the balance patch. so this will certainly affect the build and maybe ill need a week for optimization, then i can record a little. or i may be able to duel you if you are playing on EU servers, but i wont duel in spvp as i am not used to that envoirement only in WvW / EotM.


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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> >

Ok sounds good ;^)

also dont delete it yet. You might use it as comparison material after the patch so you can see if the changes were actually viable keep it you can show us as a proof if you see something is worse/better than it used to be. And i am on Eu servers yes currently on Piken Square.

If you are interested pm me ;) i would come to have a friendly duel ;)

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Deadeye is now performing extremely well in PvE as Dagger/Dagger. It has a good niche of very high single target DPS that comes at the cost of being reliant on the rest of your team (Exposed Weakness and Premeditation) and positional awareness with a rotation that appears to be simple but can be maximised with proper Malice building in certain phases and management of cooldowns. That niche, though powerful, also comes at the expense of utility and cleave.


Rifle can offer even more damage but with a more limiting and challenging rotation.


So, yeah, good patch and awesome changes @"Robert Gee.9246" and any of the other developers that have been working on this!

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> @"Miatela.5047" said:

> Deadeye is now performing extremely well in PvE as Dagger/Dagger. It has a good niche of very high single target DPS that comes at the cost of being reliant on the rest of your team (Exposed Weakness and Premeditation) and positional awareness with a rotation that appears to be simple but can be maximised with proper Malice building in certain phases and management of cooldowns. That niche, though powerful, also comes at the expense of utility and cleave.


> Rifle can offer even more damage but with a more limiting and challenging rotation.


> So, yeah, good patch and awesome changes @"Robert Gee.9246" and any of the other developers that have been working on this!


Aye. I think a number of folks need to actually play and attempt to work with the changes before calling it.


Strictly with regards to rifle, I've found the fluidity of the Deadeye greatly enhanced.

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> @"Scud.5067" said:

> Aye. I think a number of folks need to actually play and attempt to work with the changes before calling it.


> Strictly with regards to rifle, I've found the fluidity of the Deadeye greatly enhanced.


Yes, Rifle has been buffed considerably for PvE which makes some of the responses following my previous post confusing given the responses I've gotten for defending Dagger/Dagger.


Rifle Deadeye in PvE now has a reasonably demanding rotation that will be hard to pull off in practice but should be hitting close to 38K to 39K DPS when that happens.


In PvE, the changes are good - probably too good. I'd suggest that if there are any quick fixes and changes going out, Deadeye probably doesn't need the extra help from the 5% increased Dagger damage in Dagger Training and Daredevil needs reigned in a bit due to a very high amount of DPS which is easy to access, comes with cleave and stacks Vulnerability very easily. The Weakening Charge buff probably wasn't needed with how beneficial the new Expose Weakness is for PvE play.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sword could use some loving its too slow in competitive to ever land a hit on anything that knows how to move. So its pretty much just a pve weapon right now unless your target never moves at all. Edit: Even tried it with every quickness application possible still too slow to land hits on players imo.

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