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Renegade Post POF launch Discussion Thread


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So what I think after actually playing renegade after release is that, the traits are nice and the utilities have good potential and are fun in groups, I won't speak on the short ow because I haven't used it enough but I did see a suggestion somewhere else that they add flanking effects to the sb abilities which seemed interesting and would probably make the weapon better overall.

My main problems come from solo play and the F skills. The only F skill I've used seriously in my entire play time is heroic command because the energy cost is low enough that it doesn't screw up my rotation. I absolutely hate citadel bombardment because I can just use unyeilding anguish which is way better. Citadel bombardment costs too much for what it does (35 energy for some burning). Even if I took the grandmaster for it I doubt it'd be worthwhile. Orders from above I think is cool because it gives us a lot of utility in groups and competition for Mesmer alacrity. The problem is again the energy cost (25) is large enough that I can't fit it into my rotation without losing dps. I also don't want to be playing a class that all I do is pulse out boons and alacrity, I'd basically just be playing herald. So please anet either remove the energy costs entirely for the utilities or change all of them to 15 so you actually have a choice of which one you want to use at what time.

Concerning solo play I think you should change the cripple effect of icerazor to chill so condition rev gets some actual use out of it. This is another problem that plagues the spec, can you just make the utilities of kalla in ccable. It's annoying if I spend a whole 25 energy on a utility then something just ccs it and I lose half the time on it. Also I feel like the cats draw aggro but I'm not sure.


In case it wasn't obvious this is completely from a pve perspective I haven't tried PvP at all.



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My feelings are that SB is eh, but at least it's a ranged option. The traitline is okay, and the summons are awful in the expansion maps because it seems every other mob spams CC abilities so my summons end up not actually doing anything most of the time. Core maps mobs are dumb as bricks, have little skill variety, and are slow as hell, so it works there (but you could run around naked with no traitlines equipped and faceroll there). And they're useless in WvW, but that was expected.

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Another thing I noticed about SB3 that kills me: I was playing in one of the new maps and there was a mob, in range, on the other side of a canyon. I fired sb3 and all the arrows went toward the mob then suddenly dropped instantly to the canyon floor and hit the wall uselessly on the far side.

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